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                ♡DROWNING ON DRY LAND♡

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                DROWNING ON DRY LAND

Jessica Fields never had an easy life. The girl had only felt love for a short time in her life. Her parents had died in a car crash when she was six, leaving her older sister, Sydney, to raise the young girl. A year later, her sister packed up their things and moved to florida.

    Life in Florida was fine for a while, sure Jessica missed seeing Chelsea and she missed her friends but Sydney told her that she was still young, that she could still make more friends.

    Jessica tried her hardest but she was an outcast, a weirdo for wearing the same clothes over and over again. Bullied for never having parents come to their open houses or on field trips.

    One day, Sydney didn't come home, in fact, Sydney didn't come home for three days. Then Sydney did it again and again until it became a monthly occurrence of the woman leaving groceries for her sister then leaving.

   Jessica was ten by the time she realized that her sister wasn't okay and by then, she had already learned the bus schedule to take for school and how to cook food for herself.

  Since Jessica was still young, she didn't realize how serious the situation with her sister was until the woman came home one day with a black eye. It was that day that Sydney, for the second time in Jessica's life, packed everything up and made her leave the life she had adapted to.

    Seven months after their move to Arkansas, Sydney gave birth to Paisley and Daisy. For a while, life went back to how it was when the two girls had first moved to Florida. But after the twins turned a year old, Sydney disappeared for three days again thus starting the cycle over again.

   Jessica raised the girls herself, often not going to school so that she could make sure the girls were okay. She didn't mind it though, she loved her nieces with all her heart.

  When Jessica was thirteen, she learned why Sydney had always left. The girl had known what drugs were from an old movie she used to watch. So when Jessica found the two white pills and small bag of white powder in Sydney's pants one day, the girl knew that her sister was to far gone.

   That same day that Jessica had found the drugs was the same day that Sydney once again decided to move, only this time it was back to Los Angeles. With the move to Los Angeles, Sydney had reconnected with an old boyfriend.

   The man seemed to worsen Sydney's addiction, as the three day disappearances soon turned into weekly disappearances before finally it came to a point to where the girls were lucky if rent was even paid on time.

   Jessica didn't mind though, she would rather the adults left them alone. She didn't like that she would have to lock herself and the twins in the bathroom to avoid Alan hitting them.

   The day those cops came to the apartment, she knew they had finally been saved. The girl had been clutching the paperwork like her life depended on it, because it did.

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