Chapter 2- Safe Haven

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*2016* Edit began.

If you have been with this story from its birth to now, I want you to know the concept and the plot will not change. However there are details that will be altered as well as added and taken away. Please by all means let me know what you think as we go along.

Please note: I will most likely not be able to reply to all of you in a timely fashion, if at all. This does not mean I don't care about my readers, this only means I am a busy woman and I can only carve out so much time for the things in enjoy doing VS the things that are required of me, like working to keep a roof over my head, food in my belly, and much needed sleep (which i tend to forget to do alot) and school. So if you have stuck around this long, I greatly hope you will stick around for the rebirth of this story and its sequel. 

And finally, during this edit process I will be deleting all other *author notes* in the chapters to help the reading process of the book move along more  smoothly. If you have any questions please feel free to message me here on WattPad. I will do my best to answer you. 

Thank you again for your time and your devotion to H.F.M.A. and I hope to keep you all on board for any, if not all future adventures my twisted brain will indeed be taking us on.  Muhaaa ha ha *Evil laughter* LOL 



Eva's POV

Luke looked at me as a grin stretched a across his face. I wasn't sure if I liked the look in his eyes or not but I returned a small smile of my own.
"Eva, you know one of these days you're gonna learn not to make challenges you're not sure about." Luke said making me wonder what he meant.
"I can feel the anxiety rolling off of you shrimp. Don't worry so much, it's not as bad as you think hanging out with us, however I will have to insist you stick with either Kevin or myself this week. Wouldn't want you getting into too much trouble." Luke said in a low voice sending another round of shivers through me. 

I ignored it and blamed it on the massive amounts of alcohol running through me. I don't know what it was about him that made me nervous all of a sudden. I growled and rolled my eyes.
"Is that an order or your first request? Because that sounds like a normal day to me. I can't seem to get rid of either of you unless I'm in my room." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"A little bit of both." He replied. "Starting now."

 He gripped my waist and tugged me to him then pulled his arm over my shoulder to hold me there. I didn't miss the warmth that ran through my body that has my wolf in a frenzy of pure bliss. Ignoring her I tried to step away but every time I tried to pull away his arm tightened in to a vice grip and held me in place. I let an irritated growl slip through my tight control only to catch a small chuckle from him.

"It's not that bad Eva, hanging out with us for seven days is not going to end your life." my brother said with a smile playing on his lips.
"Yea I've heard that before...then you made me run patrol with you, and damn neared killed me." I ground out through my teeth. I could have handled being personal slave and maid for them for a week and I've never been a sore loser but this was gonna suck!
"So do I have to ask permission to eat and go to the bathroom?" I asked them.
"No just don't leave without telling us. I know when you're in the house or not," Kevin said tapping his nose. "Besides it will give us a chance to catch up before your birthday." He flashed me his famous 100 Watt smile. I rolled my eyes.
"Then tell Sasquatch here to let me go before I pee on him." I smiled.
"Eva, all you had to do was tell me." Luke snickered releasing me from his grip.

I stormed off to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I had too much beer for my bladder to agree with me at the moment. When I was done I washed my hands and sat down on the side of the tub, when an idea hit me. I smiled looking at the window. I know it was childish of me but it didn't mean I couldn't be sneaky. I guessed Kevin would be standing guard by the door and most likely Luke by the window. I peeked out the bathroom window and sure enough there was Luke.
 I sighed, so predictable. I opened up my mind to Megan. 
'Hey Megs, You love me right?'
"Of course why?
She asked me'
'Can you do me a favor?' I asked her.
'What's that?' She replied. I smiled. She was just as bad as I was about ruffling the boys' fur as I was.
 'Can you try to distract the hounds so I can make a great escape?' I asked her. 
I heard her laughter in my head. 'How would you like me to do that?' She asked me. 
'I don't know nor do I care how. Be creative I know you can come up with something.'
 I thought to her.
 'Hmmm, I really hope you know I was saving this for a REALLY good time but I guess now was as good as any. It's going to be priceless, too bad you're gonna miss it. Oh well, you are so gonna owe me big for this!' she snickered.
'Whatever you want' I said with a grin as I sifted through her thoughts knowing her plan would without a doubt work splendidly.
'I'm not cheap but I got ya!' she thought.

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