Chapter 18 - Promises

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Hey guys I just wanted to give you something to fill you in with. But I also wanted to let you know that all of you my readers have made things in my life a little bit brighter each day. I am so thrilled to have you here with me and sharing Eva and Luke's story with me, as it comes to life. You have no idea what an inspiration that is. I have a lot going on in my personal life right now and you all have made it soo much better with the positive feed back Im getting...So please don't stop. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think! Be my critic's! PLEASE!! lol I love you guys!! XOXO
 I am still working on the next chapter. But I hope this will make you guys feel a little better about the happenings going on here. :) Warning : You may need tissues again for the beginning of this chapter but it does get better by the end of it. :) Hope you like it. Let me know what you think. :) On ward and forth you go!

Chapter 18- promises

Luke's POV

A tear streaked note fell to the floor as I opened the folded page. I reached down and picked it up and set it on the bed next to me before I looked back at what was still in my hand.
What was held there on that single sheet of paper mesmerized me. 
A sketch of two wolves in the dark of night under the glow of a hovering moon. I recognized both the wolves instantly. Eva's own and mine laid perfectly still together. The sketch was so real if I wasn't holding it I might have thought about reaching out to touch these two creatures. A perfect rendering of our two wolves together in the night. It was beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful. There was no other words for it.

Scrawled at the bottom a note. 'To the one who owns my heart. Love always, Eva' It looked like something I've often dreamt but how can she draw something that was in my head. How could she so perfectly capture this scene? I took in the beauty of the drawing and I couldn't help but wonder if we both saw the same things at times, if we often dreamt the same things and that's why this is so accurate from what I remember. Its often said that Mates sometimes will share dreams and never know it. When they are apart or haven't found each other their wolves will search for their other half. That's what makes us soul mates. We share the same soul separated into two beings then cast into the world to find the other half of themselves. Sometimes it never happens and both halves wander into eternity forever without closure or wholeness. They will always feel empty and alone.

I read it and reread it over and over again before I remembered the note. I gently laid the sketch in my bed and picked up the folded piece of paper. I didn't really know if I wanted to read what it said but morbid curiosity was eating me alive.

I slowly unfolded the note and began reading it.

Dear Luke,

If you are reading this then you know I'm gone. I wrote this so you would know a few things.
First of all I want to remind you that just because I'm gone does not mean that your pack.. our pack doesn't need you! You are an amazing person and a phenomenal  leader, they need you! They will always need you. I've watched you grow into an amazing Alpha, one to which I would have been proud to stand with in the face of any danger. I would have stood by you no matter the reason or cause as all that I could, whether it be as your friend, your fellow pack member, your reason, your mate, or your Luna. How ever you would have had me I would have been there. I will still be there, watching, protecting, guiding...loving. You may never see me again but you do have my heart Luke. I have to forgive you for what pain you caused me. This was not your doing but my own. If I had been stronger, braver, wiser, if I had just been more than I am now then I wouldn't have ran and you wouldn't be holding this letter.

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