Chapter 35- It's out of our hands.

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Its not my best work but I will be working on more in a bit. I hope this is enough to hold you over for a short time. Im soooo sorry it took so long. Ok Enough from me I have made you wait long enough ... On with the show.

Chapter 35- It's out of our hands.

    Megan's POV

I listened to the chatter around me as my mind raced though the events of the nights. The words were still playing on repeat through my head. 'Still think you can handle it?' Those words were enough to make me squirm in my seat. If I had never heard a challenge before in my life I would still be having trouble right now. There were silent promises wrapped up around that simple sentence, promises I wanted nothing more than to discover. The only problem was I didn't just want the silent promises I wanted the ones spoken aloud as well. I really want to take the challenge but What happens if something changes? What happens if I lose my friendships with them, what if it complicates things so much that .... Wow now I sound like Eva!
'Yes you do.'  My wolf chimed in.
'alright smarty pants, what would you have me do?' I asked her knowing exactly what her slutty answer will be.
'What the hell happened too YOLO?' She questioned.
'Nothing happened to it. If this was anyone else we wouldn't be having this discussion.' I snapped back.
'Oh yes we would. It would just be you yelling at me to shut up and live a little.'  She shot back at me.
'ok then what would you be normally telling me right now?' I questioned her again.
'Well normally I would be telling you to knock it off, it's not our mate. But this time it's a little different.'  She told me. I thought about that for a moment while I looked around the cheerful group around me. My eyes landed on a set of bright blue eyes watching me closely. I shoved back the small shiver I felt wanting to pass though me. I heard the low purr of my wolf.
'Why is it different this time?'
I finally questioned her.
'Because whether you want to admit it or not you feel something for both of them and so do I. I'm just curious as to what that is.'  She told me as I held the piercing eyes for a few more seconds until I felt a small blush start to rise. I dropped my eyes quickly and looked out the window at the passing traffic. I could still feel Brad's gaze on me and I could see he hadn't dropped his eyes through the reflection of the window.
'So what would you have me do?' I asked her.
'What would you normally tell me right about now?' She questioned. I snickered at her with a smirk on my lips at her question.
'I'd tell you to shut up and roll with it.'
I could hear her light laughter in my head as I reached out and took a drink, trying not to look up at who I knew was still looking at me.
'What if..' I started to question her when she cut me off with a sharp growl.
'No What if's. Just follow your gut! Damn girl your an idiot sometimes. Why is it when it's something I don't want you have to have it but when I want something you have to resist until I force you to it?' 

I thought about her words again. I looked around again and smiled at her words. I knew she was right and it was only fair that I give in to her just this once. I caught Chad's carefree smirk as he toyed with his food. He glanced up at me as I watched sending me a wink then turning back to the conversation at hand. Oh dear god what the hell was I getting myself into. The one who was supposed to be able to handle these situations was looking as though he was fighting and The one who was usually the one I have to worry about seems completely oblivious to it all. It's like they switched their normal personalities tonight...
'I know we are not 17 yet and there is a possibility one of them is our mate, but can we please just see what happens?' My wolf asked me after a few minutes of silence.
'If we lose one of them cause of your slutty ways I will never speak to you again.' I snipped at her.
'I can't explain it but I don't think we have anything to worry about.' She told me.
'How can you say that?' I questioned.
She snickered. 'Because it happens very rarely but sometimes powerful twins will have the same equally powerful mate. I know I sound like a slut but I can feel a bond I can't explain with both of them. We only have a few more days so let's just roll with it while we can.' She practically begged me.

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