Oh Father

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I quickly ran around my room packing as many articles of clothes as I could fit into my duffle bag. Today was my 18th birthday and the only wish I had was to be able to meet my father for the first time but my mother refused to take me, so I've decided I'm doing it myself. I have an address and a first name hopefully that will be enough for me. I finished and zipped up my bag and walked out of my room down to my car. After throwing my duffle into the trunk of my car I looked back at the house I've grown up in and wondered what my life would have been like with my father in the picture. I quickly got into the driver seat and drove away before something caused me to change my mind. New Orleans here I come.
              I was now walking around the French Quarter of New Orleans with the address in my hand since I couldn't even drive my car down the road. I was possibly lost by now and I kept running into people so it made follow the directions that much harder. So I decided to stop inside a grill/bar and ask for proper directions. I walked over to the blonde working behind the bar. "Excuse me?" She turned and looked at me, "Yes, what can I get you if your 21 and up." I smiled lightly, "Sorry can't drink yet but I was wondering if you could tell me where this place is." I handed her the paper and waited. She looked over it for a few moments before handing it back to me. "Take a few more blocks down from here then make a right and you really can't miss the big M on the outside. But be careful going over there." I nodded my head and could see the worry in her eye about the address.
              "Thank you... " "Cami," she smiled at me. "Thank you Cami, I'm Emily by the way." We said good bye and I walked out back on to the street. I followed her direction and realized she was exaggerating about the M thing. I bit my lip and walks in to the building. I messed with my necklace and walks to an open space. "Hello?" I looked around till a man surprised me He had dirty blond and an unnerving smirk on his face. "How can I help you love?" British, wonderful. "Um I was looking for Elijah." He looked almost surprised to see me.  "What could you have to do with my brother?" So he's my uncle, that's scary in more ways than one. "Um I think he might have known my mother about 18 years ago and left a gift with her." He looked slightly confused till we both heard a silky sounding voice, "Niklaus what have you gone and done now?" I looked over to see a man with dark brown hair and brown eyes. "This love lady is looking for you bother." I rubbed my now sweaty palms on my hand and walked over to him. "Hi I'm Emily," I held my hand out for him to shake. He kissed the top of my hand but I quickly pulled it away and wiped it off. "Um yea, I think you know an Eliza Thomas." The look in his eyes and on his face told me all I needed, that he remembered my mother. "How do you know Eliza?"
              "Eliza Thomas was nothing but a whore that pulled my brother... " "Don't you dare talk about my mother that way!" I bit my lip as they both looked at me as if I shouldn't be standing there or alive for that matter. "How old are you Emily?" I looked at Elijah, my dad the man I had wanted to be for the last 18 years and I was more nerves then when I lost my virginity last summer. "Um I'm 18 just turned the other day actually." I rubbed my arm as they shared a look about whether to believe me or not. "Why are you here?" I glared lightly at Niklaus, "I was hoping to find my father but I see that it doesn't matter so I'll just leave." I went to leave as Elijah grabbed my arm to stop me, "Emily tell me, who's your father?" I looked at him and finally noticed his brown eyes are the same as mine. "You are." He let go of my arm and looked me over. "That crazy because there's no possible way for my brother to have children." I rolled my eyes and messed with my necklace a little, "You don't think you I know that. Somehow I was born and now I understand why my mother wouldn't let me become a doctor and why I don't mind when I get cut up or why I get a weird feeling in my stomach when one of my friends bleed." I looked at the men in front of me and smiled nervously, "Sorry I ramble when I'm nervous or scared or I'm scared that my powers will cause a dead bird to fall from the sky, again." They looked between each before Klaus patted Elijah's back, "I'll leave her to you brother." Then he walked out leaving me and my father alone.
I kept my head down and messed with my necklace some more. "Well it seems we have much to talk about." I looked up at Elijah to see a small smile on his lips. I smiled wide and nodded my head. Maybe meeting my father wasn't as bad as it was turning out to be.

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