Unearthing Of A Banshee (Part 1)

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You never thought that it would come down to this, Freya's spell to extract the power from the Ancestors through essentially killing Davina your best friend was successful, because you knew that her power wasn't what it was when she was under Dahlia's tutelage. Regardless, you learned one crucial lesson from watching the Mikaelsons all of these years as they faced off against numerous powerful enemies that threatens them. Anyone who is not an Mikaelson is ultimately doomed to be left out in the cold even if you sacrifice a bit of your integrity by fighting so hard to protect them.

One thing is for sure, you swore to yourself that you would never let another innocent person be executed for the Mikaelsons' mistakes ever again, and that includes their enemies as well.

Seeing the Mikaelsons about to execute Lucien and with his death, the end of the prophecy that foretold their destruction, a spark of power begins to emerge within you at the thought of losing another person to the Mikaelsons' careless behavior throughout the century, as it begins to crawl up from your stomach and up your throat.

You intended to distract them long enough for Lucien to make his escape, as you are just an ordinary human, or so you thought when you opened your voice. A deadly wail emerges from your throat in the form of vibrating waves, as they blast Niklaus, Hayley, and Elijah away from Lucien much to his surprise. The reverberation of the sound waves causes Freya to fall to the ground, as the waves distorted her magic.

"Lucien, come on!" You shout worriedly, as Lucien looks at you with surprise and gratitude, when he nods and appears before you. You look into his mesmerizing eyes, as you nod for him to take you away and disappears in a blur, while the Mikaelsons are still recovering from the unexpected disruption to their plans.

"Who knew that you would turn out to be my heroine today milady? One thing is for sure, the Mikaelsons are going to be gunning for the both of us today after your little display of power back there. They aren't going to take the fact that a Banshee used her powers to disrupt their little plan to kill me." Lucien remarks, as he tries to hide the relief and happiness inside his chest that someone came to save him, that ultimately does care about him to an extent like anyone else never did.

"Banshee?" You said to yourself questioningly, as you tried to see if you were in fact a Banshee who possesses deadly powers, but remembers the Irish Mythology that surrounds them that describes them as women who have died who were harbringers of death.

After a few minutes of running, Lucien and Y/N arrives at the penthouse, as the vampire begins to run around and fortifies the place with various dark objects that would keep the Mikaelsons at bay, until he figures out another strategy that will even out things out on the battlefield. Y/N narrows her eyes, as she looks intently at the view outside of the penthouse, trying to figure out if she possesses any other powers beside the deadly wail that she let out that easily threw aside four supernatural creatures like they were nothing, but raggedy dolls.

"Y/N, come here dear, I want to thank you by showing you some of the literature over the years that I've collected about Banshees." Lucien says softly, as he looks into the eyes of the most gorgeous woman with light brown skin, ruby red eyes, and short curly hair the color of snow. The woman dresses in a black flattering bodysuit that is laced-up around her cleavage paired with a white midi skirt that splits at her thigh, and wears a pair of black high-heel boots upon closer analysis.

"Banshees are extremely dangerous, most of the supernatural world hates your lot because you can't die at all through any means of killing, and given time and training, you could essentially learn to kill the Originals with your screams should you so wanted to of course." Lucien hurriedly says, as he sees that towards the last part of your statement, you didn't want to do anything to hurt the Mikaelsons at all. You try to absorb the shocking information that you're essentially one of the most powerful women in the supernatural community, as you realize that the Mikaelsons aren't going to stop coming after Lucien because of the fact that he is a threat to their lives.

A part of you won't admit it, but you're secretly excited and wet at the thought of going toe-to-toe with the most ancient family of vampires and seeing if you could use your Voice for other purposes beside fighting.

Lucien smiles, as he detects the smell of your arousal in the air at the thought of fighting the Mikaelsons and salivates at the thought of doing dirty things to the recently awakened Banshee in front of him for the rest of eternity.

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