Personal Training

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Caroline shoved her gym bag into her locker, securing the lock as she took a look around the room. She was in the women's locker room of the newest gym in New Orleans, Stryx Fitness. Normally Caroline didn't go to the gym, but Louisiana had a particularly cold winter this year and she was unable to get her normal weekly cardio routine in without a small bout of frostbite. Her best friend, Katherine, had recommended the new fitness center to her last week, and she was able to get a reduced trial membership discount if she signed up for a personal one-on-one training session.
Her appointment with the trainer, Lucien, was in a half hour, but she arrived earlier to stretch out and get loose so that she didn't make a total fool out of herself when the session started. She hoped that he was good at what he did because the trial membership fees were still ridiculous despite the discount.
Caroline made her way out of the locker room, tying up her hair into a ponytail as she eyed the people around her. There were a group of sweaty, muscled men over in the corner lifting weights. Every once in awhile, a man would drop the dumbbells on the ground and his friends would cheer loudly. She rolled her eyes and made her way over to the front desk to check in for her appointment.
Over at the desk, an extremely attractive male was leaning against the outside of it, his piercing gaze settled on her. He was dressed in a loose fitting pair of shorts and a well-worn gray cut off shirt. His dirty blond curls were tousled messily, and his plump lips were fixed in a smirk that showed off his irresistible dimples. Caroline blushed a little as she stood by the desk, his eyes raking over her appreciatively.
"Do you mind?" she managed, stepping away from him.
He was making her feel strangely on display, and as attractive as his leering gaze was, it was a little creepy.
"Not at all," the man answered as he continued to check her out, and her heart flipped at the low British accent.
So not fair.
"Welcome to Stryx Fitness, My name is Marcel," the dark-skinned man sitting at the desk said kindly. "What can I do for you?"
"I need to check in with my trainer," she said, turning away from the strange man who just took a step closer.
"Name?" Marcel grinned, looking up her amusedly.
"Yes, tell me your name, love," the man chimed in, propping his arms up on the desk next to her.
She glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest as she turned to pointedly ignore him. Unfortunately, that only enhanced her cleavage and his eyes traveled down to her chest before looking back at her.
"Caroline Forbes," she bit out, side-eying the infuriatingly attractive, accented stranger.
"Lucien's appointment," Marcel muttered, writing in the notebook in front of him. "Okay he-"
"Was unable to make it in," the man interrupted with a smirk. "Fortunately, I will be your replacement."
Caroline's jaw dropped and she whirled around. "Absolutely not."
"Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot," the man shrugged, giving her a dimpled smile. "Klaus Mikaelson."
He stuck his hand out to shake hers and she just growled under her breath, stalking away. She was already moody that she shelled out all that money for a damn personal trainer session and now she was stuck with Mr. Creepy Pants who would stare at her ass instead of whipping it into shape.
She turned around and glared, rolling her eyes as he jogged up to her.
"Come on, love. I won't bite," he said, innocently opening his hands up.
"It's not your mouth that I'm worried about," she bit out. "It's the hands."
Klaus just grinned at her and folded them behind his back. "I'll be on my best behaviour."
She narrowed her eyes at him before sighing. "Fine. What's first?"
"Stretching," he ordered. "Bend over."
"So you can ogle my ass? I don't think so," she snapped.
"I'm trying to help you, love," he said innocently.
"Well you can help me by turning around and stretching yourself out while I take care of myself," she said icily.
"Fine, as long as you keep your eyes to yourself," he responded cheekily.
"Not a problem," she huffed.
With a roll of his eyes, Klaus turned around and Caroline quickly turned her back to him. She went through her usual stretches quickly, keeping his profile in the corner of her eye. Turning back around, Caroline's mouth went dry as she admired the way he was bent over. His shirt clung to his back, and shorts highlighted the shape of his firm backside.
"Didn't we say no ogling?" Klaus asked, looking to the side with a smirk.
Caroline scoffed, feeling her cheeks heat up as she looked away. "I'm waiting for you to hurry up."
"First rule of workouts: Never rush stretching," he started, pulling her arm and pushing across her chest to stretch the muscle. "You don't want to hurt something."
She glared at him but was unable to mask a shiver at the touch of his hand. He stretched her arm, massaging the muscle gently before letting go. He did the same with her other arm before reaching down to her thigh.
"I think I'm all stretched out," she chirped, blushing as his hand brushed against her thigh.
"How are your hamstrings?" he asked, trailing a hand down the back of her upper thigh.
His touch sent heat spreading throughout her body, and her eyes nearly rolled in the back of her head as he massaged the muscle gently.
"Warm," she blurted out, cheeks going crimson.
He chuckled, removing his hands from her as she took a step back. Caroline swallowed heavily, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at him expectantly.
"What now?"
He looked at her dumbly for a minute, confusion evident on his face. "What?"
She crinkled her nose at him and gave him a weird look. "What exercise are we going to start with?"
"Oh," he said flippantly, then his eyes widened. "Oh!"
She raised an eyebrow at him. For an personal trainer, he didn't seem as prepared as she thought he would be. He wasn't built like a trainer, his body type more long and lean, not as muscled as she expected. But she wasn't complaining about the way his arm muscles seemed to ripple and flex as he stretched them out. Not to mention the way his shirt clung to his muscled back, it made her mouth water as she just imagined what he looked like with his shirt off.
Caroline didn't notice him speaking, her eyes trained on his plump lips as the moved, her own mouth growing drier by the minute.
She licked her bottom lip subconsciously, unabashedly flicking her eyes down his torso once more.
"Hmm?" she murmured.
"Do you mind if we move from the ogling to the working out?" he asked, sounding wholly amused.
Caroline snapped out of it, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment. His lips, that she was accidentally admiring, were twisted into a knowing smirk, his eyes dancing with amusement.
"What?" she snapped.
"If you are done staring at me, we can begin," Klaus announced, his arms folding over his chest.
She ignored the way they flexed, and turned to the exercise equipment expectantly. "Where do we begin?"
Klaus pursed his lips together. "What would you suggest is your biggest problem area for you?"
Caroline made a face, forehead creasing as she thought. "I don't know. My legs?"
Klaus looked down her torso, his eyes lingering on her legs more than what was considered polite. "I wouldn't say so."
Caroline scoffed, slapping his on the shoulder. "Rude. I didn't ask to be checked out by you."
"Neither did I, but you still did," he replied cheekily.
She huffed indignantly, throwing her shoulders back haughtily. "Are you going to train me or not?"
His smile just deepend, showing off the dimples in his cheeks. Caroline rolled her eyes and went over to the weights and pulled a 25lb one off the rack and held it to her chest.
"Can we start with squats?"
He shrugged. "Sounds good."
She gave him a weird look. "You are by far the most laidback trainer I've ever had."
He just smiled and gestured towards her. "Get into position."
She bit her lip and hugged the weight closer to her chest, spreading her legs to where they were shoulder-length apart. Carefully, albeit a bit self-consciously since she could feel Klaus' eyes boring into her back, she squatted down and back up.
"How many reps?" she asked, squatting back down.
"Three sets of ten," he answered, his voice sounding huskier than usual.
Her cheeks tinged pink, and she continued with the set. Klaus eventually walked to the front, scrutinizing her form carefully. His eyes lingered on her legs before popping back up to her face. Caroline looked away, tightening her fingers on the weight as she focused her gaze on the white wall in front of her.
"Straighten your back a little for me, love," he murmured, walking around behind her.
"Like this?" she tried.
He trailed a hand down her spine and she jolted, nearly dropping the weight. His hand was gentle against her back, pushing carefully down on her as he moved his other hand to her shoulder in order to straighten her form.
"Excuse me," he muttered quietly, catching her eye.
She bit her lip, closing her eyes briefly when his hand caressed her spine once more. His feather-like touches were sending shocks down her back and settled in her lower belly. Klaus' other hand gently stroked down her arm, leaving goosebumps in it's wake.
Caroline cleared her throat, shaking her head a little to brush off the strange feelings he was awakening in her, and concentrated more on her form. It didn't help that his heated gaze skimmed over her body, adding to the heat between the apex of her thighs.
"How is this?" she managed to get out, her voice sounding a little breathless.
"Very nice," he replied thickly.
Caroline couldn't help but smile to herself. It seemed as if she wasn't the only one who was being affected by their workout.
"Oi mate! Did you steal my training session?"
Caroline heard a thunderous voice behind them, and stopped her rep. Turning around, she noted Klaus looked a tad guilty as a dark haired man began to berate him.
"Come on, Nik! You aren't even a trainer here. I know the lady is rather lovely looking, but you know I get first dibs!"
"Um, excuse me?" Caroline interrupted, dropping the weight loudly on the floor.
The noise knocked the newcomer out of his rant, and he turned to her, a mischievous expression on his face. "Hold on, darling. We'll continue with your session in a minute."
Klaus winced briefly, shooting an apologetic look over to her. Caroline's forehead creased in confusion, folding her arms over her chest.
"Who are you?"
"Lucien," the man said, shooting her a brief smile.
"I thought you were unable to train me today," she explained confusedly. "Klaus told me that he took over for you."
Lucien snorted, elbowing Klaus. "So you're masquerading as a personal trainer? Now that is a new one, mate."
"Say another word and I'll tear out your liver," Klaus growled, glaring at him. "Love-"
"Wait," Caroline interrupted, feeling her temper began to rise. "You don't work here?"
Klaus grimaced, ducking his head. "No. But I come here so often that I should."
"So you were fake-training me?!" she exploded, throwing her hands up angrily.
"I hardly say it was fake, love," he shrugged. "Your squat form looks much better now than it did when you first started."
Caroline scoffed angrily, turning on her heel and began to storm off. She could idly hear Lucien laughing, and Klaus grumbling under his breath. She stalked into the locker room, throwing her stuff in her gym bag in a rush to get as far away from his pretentious ass.
It was a good looking ass, though.
Caroline cursed herself under her breath, muttering furiously about arrogant, jerky, annoyingly handsome British strangers masquerading as fake trainers with amazing asses and delicious looking muscles.
She nearly ran out of the women's locker room, immediately stalking towards the exit when she noticed Klaus waiting by the water fountain for her.
"Nope," she stated.
"Love, I'm sorry."
"I don't care," she bit out.
"Oh come on love, we had a little spat. I'm over it already."
"Oh, well I'm not," she shot him an icy smile.
He gently pulled her elbow, stopping her in her tracks as he tugged her over to the side. Caroline swallowed at the way his fingers seemed to massage her skin gently. His gaze fell on hers, the genuine look in his face keeping her from running away.
"How can I acquit myself?" he asked.
Caroline narrowed her eyes at him, opening her mouth to rant at him once more, but his hand ghosted down her arm and his thumb massaged her wrist gently. She glared at the offending hand, finding her anger starting to dissuade at his annoyingly nice ministrations.
"You're touching me," she managed to get out.
Klaus smirked. "It's the only way I could get you to stop storming and listen to me."
"Did I give you permission to touch me?"
"Do you want me to stop?"
Caroline blew out a sigh, shaking her head. "No."
His smile deepened, making his dimples appear. Caroline rolled her eyes, feeling herself melt a little at the sight of them.
"I really am sorry," he apologized again.
She narrowed her eyes at him. "For pretending to be my trainer or for getting caught?"
Klaus pursed his lips together, drawing her attention to his plump mouth. "For pretending to be your trainer. You were just so beautiful that I couldn't help myself."
Caroline rolled her eyes. "If you keep it up with these cheesy lines, I'm going to sprain an eyeball."
He chuckled, dropping her hand. "How can I make it up to you? Dinner?"
She let out a sardonic chuckle. "You wish."
"Come on, love. Take a chance," Klaus needled, shuffling closer.
She sighed, glaring at him.
"I dare you," he teased, his gaze meeting hers head on.
She sucked in a low breath at the look in his eyes, the piercing blues sending tremors down her back. His face went from being wholly amused at her anger to complete seriousness, the genuine expression making her pulse race.
He was cute. And perhaps he did owe her dinner for deceiving her, even if her anger was seemingly directed to how her body seemed to react to him more than actually being annoyed with him in general.
"Fine," she managed to get out. "Pick me up here tomorrow at 6pm sharp."
His face broke out into a grin, and her heart flipped over.
"And don't you dare so much as think as getting me a present or flowers to buy my affections," she warned.
He just nodded, pressing his lips together to conceal his glee. Caroline sighed, shaking her head a little as she bit back a smile. She whirled around, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin as Klaus called after her, the promise of things to come in his voice.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Caroline."
She was seriously screwed.

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