Trust (Part 3)

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You had no idea how long you had been lying here. After Tristan had wrapped you in a blanket and carried you to his car, the ride to his apartment had been some kind of blur. Lucien had been the one to carry you inside, first to a bathroom that was larger than your entire flat, where both of the men had bothered cleaning you and towelling you off, before they led you to a beautiful bedroom, a big four poster bed in the middle of the room, and they had invited you to sit down on it.
Which... you were happy to do, if it wouldn't have been for the plug you were still wearing. You liked it, even when you hadn't wanted to admit that much, but it was still a bit uneasy, to say the least.
Lucien had just chuckled.
"Already regretting coming here, love? It was your own decision, remember?"
You nodded, nerves setting in again. You hadn't forgotten Tristan's remark about Aurora, and you didn't know yet what to think of that. You had never been with a woman before.
Tristan had disappeared in the mean time, rummaging through a drawer, and you weren't quite sure if you wanted to know what he was storing there, especially when he came back with a few handcuffs, and cuffs that were made for something bigger than your wrists.
"Let's make this a bit more comfortable than with your crude ropework, Lucien.", he smirked, while the latter was faking a look of insult.
"I've never had complaints about it before, Tristan... I couldn't very well bring a completely equipped bondage bed to her apartment."
Tristan in the meantime had taken your wrist, pressing a kiss on the sensitive skin on the inside, while Lucien was doing the same on the other wrist. They put on the soft leather cuffs, that did indeed feel a lot more comfortable than the ropes had felt.
"You still know your safeword, do you, my love?", Tristan asked before pressing a quick kiss on your mouth. "Just lie down and let us take care of everything."
You did as you were told, even when you were trembling slightly again. You weren't naked, not yet, but with just the towel you were wearing you could just as well be, and you had the feeling it wouldn't be long before you would be.
Both men took one of the cuffs and attached a chain to it, attaching the chain to the bed posts, leaving you lying there completely helpless. They moved to the bottom of the bed, running their hands over your legs, pressing a kiss to your ankles before attaching the other cuffs there and giving them the same treatment as those on your wrists. You were lying spread eagle on the bed, unable to move, unable to leave, left over to the mercy of these old vampires.
Lucien appeared in your sight again, a familiar piece of cloth in his hand.
"I do believe you're ready for it, darling..." Without asking you, he slid the blindfold over your eyes, and even though you were scared of what would happen without you seeing it, you gave him the opportunity to easily fasten it behind your head.
It was dark. It was very dark... not a bit of light came through it, and it made you panic slightly, until you felt a hand on your head, another on your shoulder. "Easy, darling... we're still here. Open your mouth, please?" You thought you knew what Lucien was holding now, and what he wanted, and one moment you contemplated just not doing it.
The hand on your head stroked your hair.
"If it is too much, you just need to say the word, you know... We know this is the first time for you, we will not use it long. I can promise you that." Tristan said what you knew. They would listen to you, at least, that is what you hoped.
This was submission... trusting in them to give you what you wanted, and besides scaring you, it did arouse you immensely. You made up your mind and opened your mouth, feeling the smooth ball inserted in it, and you lifted your head slightly again to allow Lucien to fasten this toy as well. You felt a tug on your towel, and then the loss of the last thing covering you. The heat was up in the room, so you weren't cold, but you felt very exposed, without anything you could do about it.
Lucien kissed your forehead.
"You're doing magnificent, love... if you'll excuse us, there is something we need to do, but we will be right back. Don't worry... it won't last long.
And that is where they left you. Seeing nothing. Not being able to speak, your mouth getting wetter and wetter with every second, every minute, every hour that they were gone. You had lost all sense of time. You didn't know if you were waiting her for a mere five minutes, or for an hour already. You did start to hear everything... a tick in the radiator, the wind blowing outside, a siren somewhere far away. Footsteps, leading to the door. The door opening, and someone coming into the room. Several someones, but they were so quiet, you had no idea how many. You moaned slightly, trying to find out who they were, and someone put a hand on your forehead. A familiar hand. Tristan, or so you thought. You relaxed a bit, until you felt someone sitting on the bed next to you, and a third person between your legs. Someone else was there, someone who... you would have screamed if you could, now all you could bring out was some kind of wanton moan, at the feeling of a tongue between your legs, flicking your clit. At the same time, the gag was loosened and taken out of your mouth, only to be replaced by a tongue that could only be Tristans, while you felt a third mouth working on one of your nipples. The thought of safewording out that had appeared to you one moment when you felt someone unfamiliar working between your legs disappeared in some kind of bliss when she started to lick your clit in earnest. She... or so you thought. You could feel long hair on your legs, and you even thought you could hear a female chuckle, but you didn't care, not at all, as long as she would continue doing what she was doing. You tried to buckle up in her mouth, forgetting the strange feeling of the plug in your ass, forgetting how tight the men had tied you to the bed.
"She's awfully eager, Tristan...", you heard her voice for the first time... Aurora, as you had thought, as you had feared.
Tristan let go of your mouth for a moment.
"I told you I had brought home someone you could enjoy, sister... let's give her a taste of what you can do before truly starting to tease her, shall we?"
That... sounded ominous... but you forgot it immediately when you felt Aurora lick a stripe between your folds again. Her breath tickled her clit while she started fucking you with her tongue. Between her between your legs, Lucien at your breasts and Tristan kissing you, you didn't know what to feel and where to feel it.
Aurora lifted herself again, and you whined against Tristan, before you felt how she had replaced her tongue with her fingers, thrusting in two at the same time. Somehow the loss of your sight had enhanced your other senses, and it seemed like everything else disappeared, especially when she started to work on your clit with her mouth again.
Lucien twisted your other nipple, while Tristan decided to stop kissing you, but gave you two of his fingers to suck on, which you did greedily. You started to clench around the plug while Aurora sped up the rhythm, arching her fingers somewhat so they hit your g-spot, and suddenly you couldn't hold back anymore, and you came, clenching around her fingers, around the plug, moaning against Tristan's fingers. You had no idea how long it lasted, because time seemed to stop, but when you came back to your senses, you noticed how Tristan had removed your blindfold, and how Aurora was looking at you from between her legs, like a cat who knew she had gotten her prey.
"Come here, my love...", Tristan outstretched his hand to his sister, pulling her close, and kissed her, to your shock.
"But they're..." You looked at Lucien.
"Brother and sister?", he finished your sentence for you. "Don't act so shocked, darling. Everyone could always see there was more between them than just the bond of siblings. Besides... don't you think it's rather arousing to watch them? And knowing that you'll be the one he tastes when he kisses her?" It was clear Lucien quite enjoyed it. He palmed his erection, rubbing slightly, making himself ready for what was to come, because you were sure this wasn't going to be everything.
Lucien confirmed that by smirking.
"They might be too preoccupied to explain the rest of the rules right now, but I do hope you enjoyed that orgasm she gave you. I know, she's quite skilled with her tongue, so I think you did, but everything else you will get you will have to earn today. Don't come unless I, or one of them tells you so. Is that clear."
You nodded, and at that moment the siblings broke their kiss.
"Good.", Aurora almost chanted. "We're going to have so much fun..." She looked at you and then at the men. "I do think you two are overdressed though." She started to unknot the bathrobe she was wearing, dropping it to the ground, showing her gorgeous body, before stepping towards Tristan and doing the same.
He just smirked, stroking his sister's cheek before he watched her undress Lucien the same way. "My sister's right. As always. Who needs the burden of clothes anyway." He looked over you. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you look? Bound, completely at our mercy, in my bed. Oh... the fun we are going to have with you..."
It felt better, having all of them somehow at the same level as you were, and you watched with curiosity, wanting more, but somehow also shivering in anticipation at what would come, at what they'd do.
"Don't fret, my dear..." Lucien had noticed. Of course he had. He seemed to notice everything, which was comforting and scary at the same time. He sat down next to you on the bed, stroking your cheek, running his finger down your neck, your shoulder, until he stopped at your breast.
"You know what we will do, and you also know you will get out of it better than you could ever expect." He suddenly pinched your nipple, making you catch your breath, before immediately soothing the sting with his mouth, making you shiver again. Not with anticipation this time. "See?", Lucien chuckled. "I told you you'd like it..."
When you looked up, you saw Tristan and Aurora still kissing, and what he was doing with his fingers between her legs was most definitely not something that was generally approved of between a brother and a sister. Somehow it didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was Lucien who as making his way down your stomach, his breath suddenly on your clit, and if the restraints wouldn't have stopped you, you would have bucked up, hoping to get his mouth on you.
He noticed that and grinned. "Oh no, love... you don't get to say what I do. It's the other way around, remember?" But he did seem to take pity on you, because you felt his fingers between your legs, roughly entering you. It didn't matter how rough it was... you were still very wet from Aurora before. Lucien pumped in and out a few times and smiled. "It seems you're ready for me... Remember... I want something good out of you before you can come." He left your pussy, only to feel further back, his hand bumping against the plug that was still nested in your ass. "You're going to be so full, my dear... especially if Tristan wants to join us again..."
"O, but I absolutely do. It wouldn't do well to neglect our guests, would it, my sweet?", he asked Aurora. He nodded at Lucien who was sitting behind your legs, and he was walking to your head, taking a pillow and putting it under your neck, bending your head back. He bent over, taking some kind of strap from next to the bed. "Do you think you can keep your mouth open for me, or do you need some help with that?"
You eyed the thing, that you suddenly recognized as a gag, but with a hole instead of a ball, and you shook your head. "I can do it. I don't need that..." It felt like too much, and you were happy when Tristan put it away. "Next time then..." Another shiver. Every time one of the men said something like that, it made you excited instead of scared.
"Aurora, love... can you assist her, please?", Tristan said, before kneeling on the bed before you and shoving his cock in your mouth. You tried to keep it open, let him do with you as he wanted, as that was clearly his intention. And you could. You knew after Lucien you could do a whole lot more than you thought. You felt how Aurora straddled you, grinding herself on your stomach when Lucien entered you and she started to work on your bundle of nerves at the same time. You moaned, too much feelings at the same time.
Tristan barely gave you time to breathe, once he had actually started to fuck your mouth, and you just closed your eyes, giving yourself over to everything you felt. Lucien pumping in and out of you, Aurora non stop working on your clit in ways you hadn't expected, Tristan who was apparently more worked up by his sister than you had thought, because he was the first who came close to coming. "I'll spill in your pretty mouth, my dear..." You just groaned, wanting exactly that, while you were trying to fuck up to Lucien, make him go faster, so you could come too, even when you weren't allowed to. Who cared about that? You didn't care anymore. You just wanted it... You had no idea what the consequences would be, but at this point, you didn't care. Not coming would be worse than whatever it was they had in store. So when Tristan was ready a few thrusts later, and you frantically swallowed his load, even when some of it spilled, you felt yourself clenching around Lucien as well. You would have screamed, if you wouldn't have had your mouth full of cock, but it was clear enough what had happened.
Lucien pumped through, until he had had his release as well, and when he saw Aurora's disappointed look, he smirked, bending over, and finishing her as well with a few strokes. You could feel her fluids on your body. You kept silent, hoping they would forget about the infraction you had made on their rules, but the moment you saw the look on Lucien's face when he looked at you, you knew that that wouldn't happen.
"What did I say, sweetheart?" He cocked his head, almost looking like a teacher asking an disobedient student a question. Tristan pulled away from you, allowing you to freely breathe, and give an answer on the question.
"I was not allowed to come until you told me..." You said in a small voice, as if you could disappear if you acted like you could. It had been a lot easier to ignore the rules while they were fucking you than now, when you had to face what was coming.
"I did not remember giving you permission... Any of you?" He looked at the siblings, who both denied giving that as well. "That means you need to be punished like then naughty girl you are." He nodded at Tristan who quickly undid the clasps holding your hands in place while he did the same with your feet. "On your knees, love, back to me." He watched you obey him while he hooked a chain at a hook that was already on the bed. He must have been here before, was the thought shooting through your head, but that thought disappeared when he hooked the chain to your cuffs, forcing you to hold your hands over your hands while you were completely at their mercy again. He got another pair of cuffs from Tristan, fastening them near your knees, and he put a spreader bar in between, forcing you to keep your legs open, at a distance he had determined. "Twenty will do it, I guess... And you will count them for us..."
You looked back, seeing him standing there with a flogger, and that did make you nervous. You nodded, trying to swallow. You tried to find you balance when you suddenly felt the first blow. "One." It almost made you fall over, and you gripped the chains, while Tristan helped you find back your original position, and he made Tristan wait until you were back where you started, better prepared this time.
Tristan smirked. "Just keep looking at me love... we wouldn't want the surprise to be gone, wouldn't we?"
"Two" You had almost forgotten to count when you felt the next blow. "Three." Yes, it hurt, slightly. But in a good way. "Four." You felt how you were getting wet, how it actually started to arouse you. "Five." Even when it started to hurt more, you hadn't expected it to feel so good. "Twelve." Your started to feel the cramps in your legs, the blows hurting more and more. "Fif... fifteen." The moment you started to stutter, Tristan stepped up, cupping your chin, stroking your hair, which made it all a lot easier. "Twenty." You breathed with relief... the last five had lasted a long, long time, and you flinched a bit when Lucien stroked the sensitive skin of your back, your ass, which made you pull back from him, and arching to his touch at the same time.
"You did wonderful, love..." He released your arms, while Tristan caught you when you almost feel down. He eased you on the bed, face down, while you felt how Aurora sat on it as well, her cool fingers tracing the lines on your ass, until she bumped against the plug that was still nested between your cheeks, all the more visible with your legs forced open.
"Time to release you from it, my love.", she chirped, before taking hold of it and pulling it partly out. She did fuck you with it for a bit before she took it out completely.
Lucien chuckled. "So nice and open, for one of us..."
"I do think it is my turn now for that, my friend...", Tristan suddenly said while he walked over to Lucien and Aurora. "Beautiful..." He grabbed the lube, putting some on his cock before easing you into his lap. You hissed when your back touched his skin, but he stroked your hair, soothing you down, before he thrusted into you. "So good..." He immediately started fucking you, and kept doing that for a while, making you forget about the stings, almost making you see stars, until Lucien broke off.
"She's not just yours to have, Tristan..."
Tristan smiled, lying down on his back and taking you with him. "Take her, Lucien..."
Lucien smiled and quickly got rid of the spreader bar, kneeling before you again, and thrusting into your pussy. It wasn't the first time they claimed you at the same time, but you felt just as full as the first time, and there was not nice alternated rhythm anymore. They both went for it, and you felt used, in a good way. It didn't matter that you weren't bound anymore. You were at their mercy, and no matter how you had felt about that this morning, you wouldn't want it any other way.
"I think that mouth of yours can be put to good work as well, my love...", Aurora broke your train of thought, before straddling you again, but this time her pussy at your mouth. You started to do as was expected of you, moaning into her folds when her brother and Lucien were still pounding into you. Tristan had found your clit as well, almost sending you in overstimulation while you lapped at Aurora's fold, first working on her clit, and after that, on her command, fucking her with your tongue. Your attempt to help with your hands was quickly stopped by Tristan who was holding them, just as tight as when you were bound. You felt Tristan coming close first, immediately followed by Lucien. They did manage to hold it off though, and surprisingly enough it was Aurora who suddenly came in your mouth, the second one of the siblings. Tristan was next, and when Lucien started to come as well, he gave you permission to do the same, followed by extra stimulation at your clit, and you went over the edge, at the same time Lucien spilled his load into you.
When you could see again, Aurora was lying next to Tristan, who stroked her hair, and was slowly pulling out of you, while Lucien did the same with you. You felt like you could never move again, even when you were dirty, covered with come, and Lucien scooped you into his arms.
"Up you go, darling..." He walked you to a large bathroom where he put you on a chair that was already covered with a towel when he filled the bath. He knelt in front of you, taking of the cuffs from your ankles, knees and wrists, checking your skin for marks. Faster than you thought was possible, the bath was full, and he carefully lifted you in it, shushing you when you hissed when the water touched the marks of the flogging. "We're going to take care of that later, ok?" He carefully washed you, your hair and rinsed off, wrapping you in one of the softest bath towels you had ever felt, before carrying you back to the bed, that had clean sheets on them as well. "There you go, darling..." He put you on the bed on your stomach, and unwrapped you.
Tristan stepped up. "This is only going to sting for a moment, ok?" He had a tube of some kind of ointment, which did sting when applied, but that felt deliciously cool on your skin. "I could offer you my blood instead, but I think this will work almost just as well..."
You were dozing off already, cared for by the hands that had been so rough before. "Hmmm...", you answered, before you felt how they put a blanked over you. Lucien rolled you to your side, spooning in behind you, careful not to touch the marks, while Tristan lied down on the other side, Aurora in his arms before him. "We're here when you need us, darling..." Somehow you felt safe...

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