The Cold Has Arrived

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How in the hell I got sick I would never know. I always made sure to wash my hands and keep myself healthy and clean but somehow in the middle of fall I ended up sick. I was buried under blankets and had tissues all over the floor.  My phone kept going off; showing the photo Elijah had set up for when he called.  I was ignoring him till this cold either went away or went down.  I couldn't hear myself say 'This is Elianna if you need me, don't;" but I could hear Elijah's incoming message, "Eli, dear, I've tried your cell for the twentieth time in the last three days, I've called your work and they said you've been out for four days. Please answer the phone you're worrying me now. Love you bye." I sighed and rolled over, staring at the damn phone he insisted on getting me since the one I had when we met was a piece of crap.
I didn't like not telling him, but he had never seen me sick and I really wanted it to stay that way; I was very ugly sick person. I heard my phone go off again and saw the photo for Elijah again. I rolled over and curled myself back under my blankets and tried to go back to sleep. I was almost back to sleep till I heard my apartment door open and close. That's also when I remembered that Elijah had the spare key. I realized then I should just give up trying to ignore him. Once I heard him yell my name, I slowly got up and walked out to the living room. "What Elijah?" my voice sounded hoarse from the coughing I did last night and this morning. I could see the look of worry in his eyes. In a flash he was in front of me feeling my forehead. I leaned into his cold hand, "God Eli you burning up." He picked me up bridal style and walked over to the couch. I hadn't realized how hot I was till I found myself burying my face into his cool neck. He laid me down on the couch. I was wearing my college sweats with Longwood fading away and one of the only sweatshirts Elijah wore when being with me. I opened my eyes to see him not there. I slowly dozed to sleep only to have a 'whoosh' of air hit me. I opened my eyes again to see Elijah had changed from his suit to the pair of basketball shorts I got him and the Longwood shirt I also got him. "I always liked when you dressed lazy..." I could hear my voice fading, till then I hadn't realized how tired I real was. Elijah smiled lightly, "Get some rest sweetheart." I nodded my head before falling fast asleep.
I slowly woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked over at the clock to see it was about ten o'clock at night. I barely remember what time I fell asleep. I looked at the table to see a cold glass of water which I picked up and drank away. I didn't realize my throat felt like sand paper till I started drinking. I saw a note I hadn't noticed before. Once I read it I was a little worried:
            If I'm not here by the time you wake up, I am out getting food and medicine for you. Hopefully I won't be gone too much longer after you wake. Please drink lots of water.
There was no time on it, so I had no way of knowing when he left. I got up and walked to the kitchen and refilled my glass with water before drinking it again. I caught my reflection in the microwave door and noticed I was winter pale and my curly hair had dulled. I heard the door open and looked around the corner to see Elijah, dressed as he was when I fell asleep, holding two bags in his hand. "Hey," I said as I walked over to him. "You sound better." He set the bags down and tossed his keys in the bowl that mine sat in. He felt my forehead, "You still fell warm," he picked the bags back up and walked to the kitchen. "Let's eat, give you meds then we both can go soak in the tub, yes?" I sat at the bar and nodded my head. "I guess you're going to take care of me huh?" I said after sniffling. "What type of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" I kind of just shrugged my shoulders.
Elijah had set the bath up so that you could literally see the steam coming off it. He had also thrown in some smelling salts to help clear my sinuses. I climbed in after he had settled in so I could sit in his lap and relax. I laid my head back against his shoulder as he ran his hands along my arms before deciding just to intertwine his fingers with mine. He messed with my college ring, which if not for the year and my name on the sides, it would seem like an engagement ring. He kissed my shoulder and held out hands against my chest. I settled into him as I was finally able to breathe through my nose again. "Feeling better?" I nodded my head and sighed in full content.
"Elijah it's been three days, I feel fine," I said to him as he took the thermometer out of my mouth to see if I still had a fever. "I'm just making sure. You have to go around other people tomorrow." I rolled my eyes. Within the last three days I have taken about 2 lbs worth of cold meds, 20 oz of soup and 10 liters of water. Elijah had been very attentive at making sure I drank enough, ate enough, and had enough rest to get through the day. But the cold had pasted and I felt fine, but Elijah wouldn't listen. "Elijah I'm fine," I said slowly as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "or do you really want to make sure I'm better?" I asked as I kissed along his jaw line. I smirked as a light growl emitted from him and he grabbed my ass pulling me flush against him. "I think a full body test is needed, just to make sure." He smirked and picked me up by my thighs and carried me into my room.

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