Do You Trust Me? (Part 1)

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You turned around in your bed, not wanting to get up already, but by the light that you could already see through the curtains, you knew you wouldn't have a lot of time anymore. Work awaited, and it wouldn't be long before your alarm would mercilessly remind you of that fact. You peeked through your eyebrows to see how long you still had when you were suddenly wide awake.
"Lucien! What the hell are you doing here?" You shot up into a sitting position, yanking your covers over you while you looked at the ancient vampire in shock. The ancient vampire in question now stood up from the chair where he had made himself comfortable in -when, you didn't know. You didn't even know if you wanted to know how long he had been there- and walked over to the door.
"I can assure you you are very sweet when you are sleeping, Y/N."
He turned the key over in the lock with a loud click, and put it in his pocket. You could only look at him.
"What did you do that for?" He walked over to the bed, sitting down on it.
"Because I want you to myself all day..." You shook your head.
"I have to work, so that's not gonna happen." A smile played over his face, one of those you could never totally understand. You weren't under the impression that you would ever know what he was thinking, what he was planning. This time it however he cleared it up pretty fast, by taking your phone out of his pocket.
"They think you're ill at home, sweetheart. I took the liberty of texting them. A nasty stomach bug, you're bound to be in bed all day long..." Another smirk.
"Which is exactly where I expect you will spend the day. Where you will want to spend the day." You had calmed down a bit from the shock and was leaning against the bed frame now, your covers not covering you as much as they had done the moment you had discovered him.
"You stole my phone?" He chuckled.
"I merely borrowed it. I promise you, you'll get it back after we've done what I have planned." You shook your head.
"Ah ah... why do you think I would want to do those kind of things with someone who has been creepily observing me while I sleep?"
He had come a bit closer to you, taking the covers in his hands. Somehow you had let him do that, take them off you, leaving just you in your -ridiculously decent- pyjamas.
"Because you are going to have a lot of fun with it yourself, darling..." He looked at you. "But you have to get rid of those ridiculous pj's, or there won't be happening anything in that bed of yours." You cocked your head.
"Which will be more your loss than mine, I believe, since you're the one insisting on it." Let him convince you. Or not. You shouldn't do this, and you most definitely shouldn't want this. But still, you weren't quite sure if you needed a lot of convincing once you got over the initial shock. Klaus' first sired had intrigued you ever since he had come into this city, and you couldn't say that his proximity at this very moment wasn't at least in some way intoxicating. Something he knew. He smirked at your commentary.
"Do you honestly think I would be here if I wasn't completely sure you'd want me?" You held back a scowl. Had you been that clear?
"Honestly? Yes. There's not much I don't see you capable of." He shook his head, standing up from your bed.
"I am capable of a lot, darling, and I will not deny it. I've left my idea of being a good boy behind centuries ago. But I'm not exactly the type to go and rape women. I don't need that, Y/N, they'll come to me willingly, just like you will. So just tell me, without lying, because you know I can detect that..." He tapped his ear. "Tell me that you want me to leave. That you're not at all interested in what I have in store for you." That did make you quiet, to be honest. The longer he was lingering there, the more you did start to get curious what he would look like without his clothes on. What he would be able to do with you, to you. And with a heart as treacherous as yours, you couldn't deny it. He was still standing there, arms crossed.
"I don't hear anything." You sighed.
"Fine. You win. Stay. Apparently you're in charge today." A smile appeared back on his face.
"Something you will not regret, love... now... back to where we started. Time to get rid of those pyjamas. I'd like to see you, the whole of you, before finalizing my ideas."
You rolled your eyes, but somehow his eyes had something that made you do it. Not compulsion. You knew he wasn't using that on you now, and besides, you were wearing your vervain bracelet, even in bed, so he wasn't even able to. You sat up straight, lifting your shirt over your head, feeling slightly uncomfortable because he was just standing there, watching you, mouth slightly open, thoughts tumbling through his mind. You had no idea what kind of thoughts, but judged by his look, by his posture, they weren't innocent at all. At first you crossed your arms before your chest, not comfortable yet with showing him your breasts, before realizing how stupid that would be. You were about to have sex with the guy, an entire day long if he got what he wanted, if he was indeed as good as he seemed to think. Arrogant little bastard..., you couldn't help to think. He got you exactly where he wanted you to. You lowered your arms. He'd have seen a lot more of you by then than just your breasts. You took a deep breath, before you stepped next to the bed, pulling down your pants, throwing them somewhere in the corner.
"Am I the only one getting undressed here? You really should level the playing field, Lucien." He didn't move, he just let his eyes glide over your body.
"Maybe I don't feel like leveling the playing field. Yet." He gestured towards your panties. "Take them off... " Somehow you started to like this. It was uncomfortable, it was slightly creepy -ok, maybe more than just slightly...-, but it was also exciting. Arousing even. You did as he told you, standing in front of him, completely naked, while he hadn't even removed his shoes.
It was only then that he stepped forward, running a finger over your shoulder along your arm, causing you to have goosebumps wherever he touched you. When he reached your bracelet, he quickly drew back his hand.
"Vervain?" You nodded.
"I live in New Orleans as a human. I do need some way to protect myself." He thought for one moment.
"You're right in that. But I need it off..." He made you look at him, and only him being that close to you, caused you to shiver.
"Don't be afraid, love. I'm not going to compel you. I promise you that." Somehow you did know he was a man of his word.
"Fine. I'll take it off." You removed it, laying it on your nightstand so you wouldn't forget about it before looking back at Lucien. "Your turn now?" The smile on his face was mysterious, before he shook his head.
"Not yet, darling." He did a step back and rummaged in a bag you hadn't even seen standing there before, taking out a long coil of rope, that made you involuntarily step back.
"Don't be scared. Do you trust me, Y/N?"
"No.", you said, before even thinking about it. Lucien started to laugh.
"Clever girl. I wouldn't trust me either, you know. What I meant was do you trust me on this?" This time you weren't that fast with responding. Did you fully trust him? Maybe not. Most definitely not. But you had taken off your bracelet for him. You were standing here in front of him, stark naked. You were willing to let him fuck you, maybe a bit more than that.
"Yes. But only on this, ok?"
He smiled again and walked towards you.
"Give me your arms, ok? I promise I'll get you free afterwards as well." You stretched out your wrists to him, slightly trembling, despite what he was saying. It was kind of scary. You didn't know how far he could be trusted, and here you were, giving yourself over completely, without even the idea that you could fight back. You watched when he tied together your wrists. He looked up to you when he was done, holding the long end of the rope in his hands.
"Not too tight, Y/N?" You shook your head. It was well done, actually... tight enough to make sure you couldn't get out of it, but not so tight it would hurt. He pulled one last time to control his knots before suddenly sweeping you of your feet and carrying you to the bed.
"Time to start playing, love..." He put you down and walked behind it, pulling your arms up so they he could tie them to the bed. Suddenly you felt him pressing a kiss to your palm, and shivers went through your body. Another kiss, closer to the rope, another touch of his lips, until the soft skin was suddenly replaced by the feeling of a pair of sharp teeth, piercing your skin, exactly at the place where your vervain bracelet would have been, and he knew that.. You hissed, more because you hadn't expected it than because of the pain.
"Shh, my dear.. it'll be ok... don't be scared..." The teeth were replaced by lips again, and the feeling of him drawing blood out of your wrist was actually ridiculously erotic. He didn't take much, only a few sips, before you felt how he kissed the wound again, and this time he was actually tying your hands to the bedposts.
It was done. You were completely at his mercy, and you craned your neck to see where he was until he came into your sight again. He cupped your cheek with his hand.
"You're doing so incredibly well, darling..." You didn't know what it was... the look in his eyes, the way he sounded, but you were sure he meant it.
"I would like if you would take some of those clothes of as well. I feel very much at a disadvantage right now..." He smiled.
"You're absolutely right, Y/N... Even though I do thoroughly enjoy this kind of power play." Of course he did, or he wouldn't be doing this right now. He started to unbutton his shirt, folding it and putting it on the ground. He sat down on the bed to untie his shoes, putting them neatly next to the bag he had brought, until he finally stepped out of his pants and boxers, that got the same treatment as his shirt. Your gaze was drawn to the bag again.
"Do I even want to know what else is in there?" He smirked -again-. He'd drive you crazy with it, one time.
"I don't think so. Maybe later today... we are going to have a lot of fun with it, I can assure you. Although... maybe... He picked it up, rummaged through it, only to take out a blindfold. Your eyes grew big. Not being able to get out, and not being able to see. You shook your head.
"Nope. That's a step too far, Lucien. Me, lying here totally at your mercy, ok, but I want to see. Please?" He nodded, putting the blindfold back in the bag, putting the bag on the ground again.
"Too soon. Maybe later." You breathed out in relief, not even realizing that you had held your breath until he had taken a decision. He had noticed it as well and lied down next to you on the bed, kissing you on the mouth, his finger softly drawing figures on your stomach.
"We're doing this together, Y/N. I'm not forcing myself on you. You have to say yes to every step we're taking. although I do assume you want me to fuck you, or you wouldn't be lying like this..."
You actually started to blush.
"Wasn't that what you were aiming for when you were coming here playing the creepy stalker?" He laughed. It was just impossible to do something to get him unhinged. He knew exactly what he was doing, what he was planning and how this would end. And it drove you mad. In a pretty good way, to be honest. He saw that, and he took the opportunity to kiss you again, making sure you couldn't give an answer. It was however clear in what happened before. Yes, you wanted this. Yes, you wanted him to fuck you. And the more you were thinking about it, the more the idea of staying here all day started to appeal to you. You threw back your head when you suddenly felt his tongue on your breast, slowly kissing it, until he suddenly softly used his teeth on your nipple. Your hips bucked involuntarily, and he smiled, looking at you, while he placed his hand on your stomach to keep you down.
"Patience, darling... we're not in a hurry..." You moaned a bit when he did exactly the same with the other breast.
"I'm not so sure about that...", you managed to get out. He chuckled, and you felt his breath against your sensitive nipple.
"But seeing that you're safely tied up there, you're not the one dictating how fast we're going. That will be me..." You groaned in frustration, which made him smile, a smile you had seen often enough lately. The smile of someone who knew he had everything under control, even when a lot of people were working against him. He slowly laid a trail of kisses down your stomach, until you had the feeling you might come from just the frustration and the waiting. When he disappeared between your legs, you sighed in relief.
That would be it... finally some real action. You groaned in frustration while you heard him chuckle when he pressed a kiss on the inside of your thighs, working his way down to your knee.
"Lucien!" The smirk appeared again.
"We have all day, darling..." You tried to yank your hands free. If he wasn't going to do that... That was the sign for Lucien to stop kissing you and get back up.
"You won't get them loose, Y/N. I tied them myself, and I have years of experience in doing that...." You bit your lip, frustrated, aroused, just wanting him to get on with it.
"I can feel that...", you gritted through your teeth.
"Yes... this has been long enough... we can play again later..." He spread your legs a little wider with his knees before lining up at your entrance. You could feel the head of his cock at your entrance, and you were already tilting your hips to receive him, so desperate were you by now. He noticed, and shutting you up with a kiss, he pushed himself inside of you. You had never noticed how badly you wanted to do something, hug him, hit him, scratch him, anything, but instead of that you were helpless, just left over to what he wanted to do with you.
He started thrusting, skipping the slow introductory part, but immediately started a high pace. You threw back your head, riding along... it was all you could do. It felt so good to have him finally do something real instead of all that teasing. Your thoughts were everything but coherent, you seemed to have lost your ability to speak, but your moans were apparently enough of an encouragement for him, because he brought his hand down as well to massage your clit. You did everything you did not to fall apart immediately, but it was quite hard. His thousand years of experience clearly served him in pleasing a woman as well, and you didn't know how long you were going to last. He was a lot more coherent than you were, even when you could see his fangs extending.
"May I?", he managed to ask between the thrusts, and all you could do was nod, throwing your head back again. You were just riding out what he was giving to you, and the piercing feeling of the fangs in your neck was strange enough something that fitted surprisingly well with the rest that was going on. He changed his position slightly, and suddenly he was hitting that spot that was actually making you scream, beg him to make you come. The blood loss started to make you slightly dizzy, and the moment that he pounded into you even more forcefully, two, three times before you lost everything was heaven. Your walls clenched around him, which made him come as well. You had no idea what you were screaming, but you were pretty sure he was going to tell you exactly what it had been. All you could do was ride this out, enjoy the feeling, and be glad with the fact that you had indeed said yes to him, until everything faded to black.
When you woke up, you saw a smiling -was there ever a time when he wasn't smiling?- Lucien next to you, playing with your hair.
"Welcome back, love... you've been out for quite some time." You looked around, estranged.
"I actually fell asleep?" He nodded
"La petite mort, they once called it." You had actually heard of it, but never experienced it yourself. Until now, that was. He laid down, his head resting on his hands.
"I will take that as a compliment..." You chuckled, tugging your hands again... it started to get uncomfortable.
"I think you can take it as one... and will you get me out of this now?" He raised one eyebrow.
"Get you out of it? I promised you an entire day in bed. We just got started, love..." Your eyes grew big.
"You mean... But... I can't..." He shrugged, standing up.
"O, I'll give you some time to recover... maybe even my blood if you want to, but I've just shown you a small part of what I'm capable of. You're in for quite the day, Y/N. I'd take the rest you can get right now if I were you."

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