If I Loved You (Part 3)

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Opening night.
The make it or break it night for every single person involved with the production.
Klaus had no reason to be nervous. After all, he had performed in many shows before, and although it had been a few years since he last acted in one, his confidence in his abilities had never been shaken.
That is, until tonight, when he would be acting opposite Caroline Forbes.
It had been a couple of months since their first date, and though she had promised him another one, no matter how much he called her or tried to approach her after rehearsals, she always found some excuse, usually citing her busy schedule and trying to keep up with her coursework for her Master's degree.
Klaus had never considered himself a patient man, but his little blonde co-star certainly gave him a frustratingly long exercise in that particular virtue. And as the weeks went by, his patience wore ever thinner.
It frustrated him to no end, the effect she had on him, this charming spitfire who had waltzed into his life on a whim and somehow, despite their little rivalry, gotten under his skin until she was all he could think about.
Of course, his obsession with Miss Forbes was his best-kept secret, as Elijah would never let him live it down if he found out about it—he can just hear his older brother laughing at him for playing out the most cliché romantic situation when he had always been so against any sort of serious relationship. And he was certain Caroline herself would never tell anyone about their outing together, as it would be equally embarrassing for her to admit to going out with a man whom everyone at Originals knew she loathed.
But as he sat in his dressing room backstage, shrugging on his costume and waiting for Rebekah to arrive to do his stage make-up, he knew he would have to completely control his urges when on stage with Caroline. If he allowed himself to feel anything during the more intimate scenes between them, it would only lead to trouble. No matter that they were portraying one of the most iconic romantic couples in the history of musical theatre—he would not allow himself to be caught up in the moment, acting or not.
Rehearsals had never been a problem. Certainly, the two of them had had to practice their stage kiss and all of the moments in between, but there was something to be said about performing in front of a live audience—it was so much easier to let go and be swept away into the story and the music, and that magic of the theatre only came out to play when it was opening night.
Unfortunately, his resolve was doomed from the moment he heard Caroline sing the opening notes of her first number.
Didn't she realize what a treasure she was, how endearing she was to all she met? Did she really have no idea of how much he wanted her?
And later in the first act, as soon as he caught her in his arms, singing softly to her as she lay with her eyes shut on the luxurious bed in the Phantom's lair, he couldn't help but caress her face, recalling how her lips had felt on his all those weeks ago, their sweet warmth tormenting him still.
During intermission, he had recovered, relaxing in his dressing room while drinking some much-needed water. Though he had passed Caroline a few times backstage, he had avoided her gaze, always moving to his next place as quickly as possible to stay as far away from her as possible.
All bets were off though as soon as he caught sight of her in her costume for the last scene, as she waited backstage preparing to go on.
He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. The period costume emphasized her lush curves, and although her lovely blonde curls were hidden beneath the dark brunette wig iconic of Christine Daae, she was still the same charming beauty who teased and taunted him at every turn.
He gritted his teeth. Caroline would not get the best of him. He wouldn't allow it. All he had to do was channel his sexual frustration into the passion of the scene, and he would survive.
Or at least, that was what he hoped.

Caroline fell back against her chair in her dressing room with a sigh. The show had ended a mere twenty minutes ago, to a standing ovation. It had been exhilarating, as it always was; and yet, she would be lying if she said that avoiding Klaus all evening had been just as draining on her. She hated that things had become so awkward between them since their kiss, and she wished they could just go back to the easy rivalry they had had before.
Before she had realized that hate was the furthest of what she felt for him.
Annoyance, frustration, perhaps anger...but not hate.
She didn't want to think of what all that meant, that she couldn't-no, didn't-hate him anymore. Not really.
She was finally out of her costume and in just her bra and boyshorts, but she was too exhausted to put real clothes on just yet. She decided to rest her eyes for a bit and absorb the satisfaction of a good night's work.
A sharp rap on her door shot that plan to hell.
"Who is it?" she called, a bit miffed that she would have to get up to open the door.
But whoever it was had already come in and shut the door.
Her mirror faced opposite the door, so she only had to glance up into the reflecting glass to see who had dared interrupt her peace.
Her cheeks turned red and her heart sped at the face looking right at her. She stayed frozen in her seat.
Klaus stood right behind her, his posture rigid, but his blue eyes piercing in their intensity.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, fighting a tremor in her voice.
He took a measured step forward. "I think you know."
A thrill ran down her spine. "Klaus-"
"The very first time I saw you, do you know what I thought?" His tone had lowered into a soft murmur, and somehow he had managed to come up right behind her without her noticing.
She shook her head.
He leaned down, his breath tickling her neck as he whispered, "I thought, here is a goddess. Strong, beautiful, full of light and talent and life...and I hated you for it. For what you make me feel. Do you know, Caroline? What it is to burn, to ache for something just out of your reach?"
Her body heated in response, and she couldn't help a harsh gasp when his lips met the skin of her neck. She could see them reflected in the mirror, Klaus's hands on her shoulders, his face buried in her neck, the scarlet blush of her cheeks and the rise and fall of her chest.
Her brain screamed at her. This was Klaus. As in, Klaus Mikaelson, asshole extraordinaire and bane of her existence. And she was falling for his charms. Didn't she have a list as to why he was totally wrong for her? And yet all of those reasons were fading as quickly as her heartbeat. Damn the man.
In sheer desperation, she blurted out the first objection that came into her head.
"You're an asshole. I don't sleep with assholes."
He made a sound of amusement, pulling back from her neck to run his fingers through her curls. "I beg to differ. Have you forgotten your stint with Salvatore already?"
"Stefan...had some personal issues he needed to work out."
Klaus snorted. "He was a bloody prick who put his own wishes before yours because of his pathetic arse of a brother. Rebekah told me all about it."
Caroline groaned. "I'm going to kill your sister. After I kill you."
"Now, now, love. Let's not get carried away. I hardly think you want to be rid of me; in fact, I believe you rather like me." He grinned at her reflection.
"Yeah right," she scoffed, crossing her arms and staring stubbornly back at him. "I don't feel anything for you, let alone like you."
Liar, her mind whispered. She ignored it.
"Hmmm, perhaps we should test that theory," Klaus said thoughtfully, his eyes turning wicked. "Let's see-if you really are indifferent to me, you won't mind if I just..."
She squeaked as he pulled her firmly out of her chair and into his arms, and before she could utter a word his lips had found hers.
It was completely unlike the first time outside her apartment, or after their karaoke date; those had been all sweetness and innocence.
No, this kiss-this was pure passion, a sensual claiming. Her arms twined around him without her permission, and she moaned when his tongue met hers in an intimate caress.
They stood like that, completely immersed in each other, hands sliding against bodies, breaths labored. Suddenly, Klaus slid his hand up her back and unhooked her bra. Caroline bit back a cry of pleasure when his hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing so gently across her nipples.
"Look at you. More beautiful than I imagined," he said softly. Bending low, he kissed between her breasts before sucking on first one nipple, then the other, her skin flushing at the sensual attention. Caroline's fingers dug into his back.
"Someone's gonna hear," she whispered urgently when he kissed back up to her neck. Still, she made no move to escape.
Klaus kissed her jaw, and she could feel his smirk against her skin. "Is that a challenge?"
"Klaus, no! That's not what I meant-"
But he was already kneeling before her, fingers hooked around her lacy boyshorts and pulling them swiftly down her legs. He glanced back up at her, and a bolt of lust tore through her at the sight of him on his knees, blue eyes blazing with pure desire.
"I suggest you try to be quiet, Caroline, if you'd rather not be caught," he murmured, caressing her ass with slow strokes. "But don't hold back on my account. I've been looking forward to making you scream for a long time."
At the first touch of his tongue on her clit, Caroline threw back her head with a sharp gasp, her hands scrabbling for purchase before settling on his shoulders. Damn, but the man was talented. He licked her slowly, urging her toward the heights of pleasure, the heat of his mouth making her skin grow damp with perspiration. She shivered and bucked her hips when he eased a finger inside her.
"Faster," she breathed, her legs shaking at the sensations. He obliged, adding a second finger and thrusting them with rough strokes. Her little cries and soft moans only encouraged him, and when she felt she could take no more, he kissed her clit and sucked it, firmly swirling his tongue around it. She came on a high-pitched whine, her hips circling to meet his fingers as he brought her down from her orgasm. Satisfied and spent, she sank to her knees in front of him, collapsing into his soothing embrace, and wondering absently why on earth he was still clothed. He ran his fingers through her curls as he held her.
She roused from the blissful haze first, craning her head to look at him. "So."
"So?" He lifted an eyebrow.
Caroline rolled her eyes. "So what now?"
Looking quite pleased with himself, Klaus smoothed back one errant curl from her forehead. "Now, I take you out to a nice after-show drink, where after flirting outrageously for a while, I ask you to go out with me again. And again. And again"
She blinked. "Klaus Mikaelson, is this your roundabout way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"
He shifted slightly, but held her gaze with a seriousness she seldom saw in him. "Yes, I suppose I am. If it's what you want, Caroline."
Caroline stared him down for a tense moment, before she broke out in a wicked smile. "I can't wait to tell Elijah and Rebekah. They're going to have a field day."
Klaus groaned, pulling her into his arms and kissing the top of her head. "Of course you would find the quickest way to torture me. You are a cruel one, sweetheart."
Grinning, Caroline kissed him on the nose. "Well, that's show-biz."
Klaus shook his head, but his eyes were twinkling. "Indeed."

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