Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

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'Okay, so there's food in the fridge for dinner, but knowing you, you'll end up calling the pizza guy so there's money on the table for that. Urmm...If you need anything or something bad happens, you've got my number. And-'
'If vampires come knocking, don't invite them in.' I watched as my dad narrowed his eyes into a glare yet there was a trace of humour on his lips.
'And what's our other rule?'
'The 'no talking to boys ever' rule or the 'don't get nail polish on the bed covers' rule?' I gave dad a sweet smile, watching him walk from his place outside my bedroom to beside my bed. He bent his head, placing a kiss on my forehead before lightly slapping the back of my head.
'The 'don't be a smartass' rule,' he said with an amused smile on his lips as he walked towards my bedroom door.
'Damn, I always forget that.'
'Seriously, though, what's the last rule?' he shouted from his place at the top of the stairs.
'No boys in the house,' I said in a bored tone.
'You got it!' he shouted as he walked down the stairs.
'Don't forget your curfew!'
'You too!'
'I'm not the one with the date!'
Suddenly, footsteps were on the stairs. Dad suddenly poked his head round the door as he pointed an accusing finger at me. 'Better keep it that way!'
I laughed, falling back onto the bed as I listened to my dad open and close the front door. I waited for dad to pull the car out of the drive, counted 30 seconds before getting myself up from the bed; my book, nail polish and phone being left in their places.
I finger combed my tangled hair before placing it in a high ponytail. Slipping on some shorts, I skipped down the stairs and towards the kitchen in search of food. Dad had a date with some girl named Meredith Fell. I didn't know anything about her, which was the way my dad wanted it to be. I only knew what I got told by Elena and Jeremy, my kind of step siblings. According to Elena, she was nice. Jeremy on the other hand didn't like her, but that's because he didn't like anyone.
We'd moved into the Gilbert House when their aunt Jenna had died. I'll be honest, I knew about the whole supernatural town full of vampires crap but the death of Jenna was something I didn't know nor did I want to know. I didn't really know her and she wasn't my family therefore it was none of my business. Apparently, dad seemed to have applied that rule to every girl he dated, though there weren't many.
Opening the fridge, my eyes searched the shelves for edible food. Jeremy only ever ate junk food, not that I complained, Elena was on some healthy diet due to her training and dad only ever drank. That meant that dinner would consist of half eaten pizza and salad with smoothies.
Groaning, I picked up the phone, ordered fresh pizza with garlic bread before hoisting myself up onto the counter.
As I didn't know much about the supernatural, despite my dad's previous job and the town we lived in, I was kept out of the little MysticFalls friendship group, much to dads delight. That was the reason for my being home alone whilst Elena dealt with some vampire issue with the Salvatore's and Jeremy was off getting into trouble.
I didn't mind being alone. It was something everyone needed. Some time to themselves, a good book or TV show and some take out.
Of course, having time to myself wasn't the best idea, especially with my recent state of mind. Everyone has that one guy, or girl, who is constantly on their mind, who you over think everything for. The person who texts you and you sit there for hours, wondering what's the best reply.
For me, that person was a guy. He was older, a lot older, charming, flirtatious, dangerous, and a vampire. Though we didn't text, simply because I never got his number, I always over thought everything I ever said to him, which would usually lead me to standing in front of him; that stupid smirk on his face, whilst my cheeks reddened, trying to sound impressive or, in the end, normal. And, of course, like everyone, once he walked away, I would scold myself for the crap I said, thinking up a better scenario in my head.
I could usually figure people out. Stefan loved Elena but he was torn with doing the noble thing and the thing he wanted to do. Damon had no morals but would strangely be more conscious when his brother was involved. Caroline was self-centred but could be caring when concerning her friends. Matt was always overlooked and even he started to realise it. Bonnie was loyal but hated it as she was always the one to fall for her friends. Kol Mikaelson on the other hand? I didn't get.
He always seemed interested. But, then again, that's what charmers are like. They know how to play the field. They can read people well. They knew what to say and what to do in order to get what they wanted, who they wanted and he had done exactly that.
There were a few stolen kisses here and there but after seeing him at the Mikaelson Ball with a brunette wrapped tightly around him, I told myself enough was enough. Of course, we always say things like that, and mean them at the time, but if that person came up to us and showed us the slightest bit of attention, we would fall back down the rabbit hole. I had a bad habit of being Alice.
Thankfully, my mind didn't have enough time to wonder as a knock on the front door stirred me from my thoughts. Hopping off the counter and taking the money from the table, I walked through the hallway, not worried about my pj shorts and baggy top that hung off one shoulder.
I wasn't prepared for what was behind the door. Or rather, who. There he was, standing with that usual smirk on his face, holding the box of pizza. 'Surprised, love?'
'More like confused...' I breathed; feeling my eyebrows pull together as I drank in the sight. His hair was spiked; a long, green t-shirt hugged his body as he stood there, smirking but his eyes held something other than humour.
'Can't a man provide a door to door service for a beautiful girl?'
'A man can, you can't,' I said; a feeling of bitterness flowing through me. The last time I had seen the Mikaelson was at the ball, and it was unlikely to be something that I forgot quickly.
Kol frowned; his smirk still in place. 'Has your time away from me given you more of a fire?' he asked; his eyes lingering as they wandered over my body.
'Bite me,' I scoffed as I brought my arms across my chest in a feeble attempt to cover myself.
Kol simply stared. 'Oh I intend to. If you let me.'
I was sure that all the colour had drained from my cheeks as my mouth popped open slightly. People in books seemed to describe the feeling as being fed on by a vampire as something sexual, but the concept seemed truly painful. Yet, I'd be lying if I hadn't thought about Kol doing the same thing to me. Though, usually, it wasn't in a scenario where he was feeing on me for hunger.
Kol seemed to realise where my mind was going for his smirk turned less amused and more...predatory though not in the usual 'hunt and kill' way. 'Have I piqued your curiosity?'
My eyes widened. Half of me wanted to just grab the pizza, shut the door and pretend the conversation had never happened. The other half of me wanted to open the door fully, let him inside and see where the evening went. Typically, that little thing about falling down the rabbit hole seemed to be something I wanted to do for a little while longer.
'I'm actually just really hungry,' I laughed awkwardly. 'So can you just give me the pizza?'
Kol took a step back from the threshold; his eyes challenging; teasing. 'Fine.' His lips tugged into a smile.
'Are you going to make me get it?'
'Either I go in, or you come outside.' Somehow, I felt that there was a double meaning to his words.
I bit my lip as I fought with myself. I had a choice. I could either get caught doing something with Kol outside on the porch with risk that everyone saw, including my dad if his date was bad, or go hungry. At least there were weapons in the house.
Reluctantly, I pulled the door wide open, leaning against the wood as my eyes fell to the floor. 'You have to say the words, darling,' he purred.
I looked up to see that Kol was watching me from his place on the porch; his eyes glinting with tease. I rolled my own; scratching my neck as I questioned for the millionth time if what I was doing was a good idea. So naturally, I did it. 'Come in.'
Kol's chest was in front of me in a heartbeat. 'Wasn't so bad, was it?' he purred
Not looking into his eyes, I snatched the pizza from his grip, before turning to walk down the hall towards the kitchen. 'This is a nice place you have here,' he said as I placed the box on the table.
'Well, it's not technically mine so...' I let the words hang in the air as I snuck a glance at Kol. Something I immediately regretted. He was staring straight at me; his arms braced against the table as his eyes dragged slowly over my legs.
Feeling embarrassed, I walked round the island towards the cupboards full of plates. Typically, they were on the highest shelf; a little joke Jeremy liked to play. He knew he was the tallest in the house so thought it would be funny if the shortest in the house, i.e. Elena and me, couldn't reach the necessities of the kitchen. I usually slapped him on the arm before moving them back but, because of the company, I was going to more than slap him when he came home.
I tried jumping, though that would never work. 'Need a little help, love?'
'No,' I spat over my shoulder; not turning round to look at him for I knew that he was leaning against the island, enjoying watching my torture.
Not wanting to risk reaching and then have him brush against me, I hopped onto the counter; my knees braced against the top as I reached up easily and brought down a plate. Feeling smug, I shuffled so that I was sitting on my backside; legs hanging over the edge of the counter before sliding off, though typically, there was an obstacle.
'Get out of my way.'
Kol, who was somehow situated between my legs, bore his eyes into mine; a smirk tugging at his lips as his eyes jumped with lust and amusement. 'Why?'
'Because I'm getting vertigo,' I sneered; a smirk tugging at the corner of my own lips.
Kol tilted his head to the side; moving his hands which were by his side so that they were just beside my bare thighs. 'You're not enjoying this?' he breathed; his face, though it was a little bit above mine, just inches away.
'Does it look like I am?' As I spoke, I lifted my head so that I was staring into his eyes; challenging him.
'Well,' he purred; his thumbs lifting slightly so that they brushed against my skin. 'The heart rate is certainly a telling thing...' He moved his face so that his lips were next to my ear as he purred 'darling'.
I swallowed as I felt Kol slowly slide his hands against the counter; his thumbs still stroking my thighs, 'til they met my shorts. Kol slowly ducked his head so that his lips trailed over my jaw before meeting with my neck.
'Would you like me to do what you asked, love?' I felt myself frown but I knew what he meant, especially as his fangs were cautiously dragged over my skin, not in a painful way but enough to let me know they were there.
I felt my breath hitch in my throat as Kol's warm lips placed a kiss at the base of my throat.
'Hardly fair,' I managed to breathe out. 'You get a meal and I get pain.'
Kol laughed against my skin before lazily dragging his face to be level with mine. 'I can assure you, darling, you will receive nothing but pleasure from any experience you have tonight.'
'There will be more than one?' I breathed; not being able to stop the words before they fell from my lips.
The vampire laughed before placing a kiss on the corner of my lips. He moved them so that they hovered just above my own; testing and teasing as his warm breath mixed with mine. 'There will be hundreds.'
I gasped; my eyes searching his for any sign of a joke, yet all I saw was lust. Kol laughed quietly as he cupped my face with his hands. 'You look nervous.'
'Just...' I wetted my lips, drawing attention to them immediately. 'Never done anything in the kitchen.'
Kol dragged his thumb across my bottom lip; removing his other hand before placing it on my lower back. 'Then let's change that,' he breathed before pushing me hard against his body; every nerve tingling with the feeling of him against as he dragged his thumb in a downwards motion. My bottom lip was pulled down slightly before springing back to position.
Suddenly, Kol's lips were on mine; passionate and lust filled; one hand dragging through my hair as the other pushed me against him. His teeth pulled at my bottom lip, causing me to gasp, therefore leaving my mouth slightly open for Kol.
Though his kisses were full of hunger, they weren't rough. His teeth kept catching on my lips as his tongue stroked mine. A hand wrapped themselves around my waist whilst the other moved to my thigh, lifting it so that it was wrapped around his waist; his hand keeping its position just below my shorts.
Kol moved his lips; dragging at a tantalisingly slow speed across my jaw, down my neck and to the skin just above the line of my top. I bit my lip; ceasing the groans as Kol's fingers dug into the skin at my thigh whilst continuing to push my body into his.
Suddenly, I was swept off the counter only to be laid on top of the island; the cold marble biting into my skin as Kol continued his assault on the swell of my breast just above the shirt. I could feel his fingers slowly sweep up the inside of my thigh; the tops of the digits just a breath away from diving under my shorts.
Kol's head sprang away from my skin; a look of annoyance, horror and amusement crossing over his eyes. 'Looks like our time is up.'
'What?' I asked; slightly pissed off that, after finally having a passionate moment with Kol, something had to ruin it.
'Sounds like your father is here.'
'Fuck!' I breathed, sitting up straight away. On noticing that Kol's eyes were focused on my chest, I looked down to see my shirt was slightly askew so that my breast was almost popping out. Shifting it so that I was decent, I jumped off the counter, trying to come up with an idea to keep this night going.
'I'll be upstairs,' Kol breathed against my neck; placing a lingering kiss on the skin before speeding upstairs leaving me completely flushed and slightly frustrated.
'Hey,' dad sounded as he shut the door before walking down the hall to the kitchen. 'Decided on take out then?'
I could only muster a sound of agreement as I tried to force lose strands of hair back into the ponytail. 'Date not go well?'
'Supernatural interferences. As usual.' He sounded bitter. Obviously he really liked the girl.
'Anything you need help with?'
'Nah. Just going to head over to Damon's. Brainstorm some plans. I'll probably be back in a couple of hours.' He moved to place a kiss on my forehead, grabbing a piece of pizza before leaving the kitchen. 'So nothing interesting happened whilst I was out?'
'Nothing you want to know...' I muttered before walking after my dad. I watched as he filled a duffle bag full of weapons before giving me an innocent smile. 'I thought you said you and Damon were only brainstorming?'
'We are! We're just...Using weapons to do it.' I rolled my eyes. Thankfully I didn't get my lying abilities from my father otherwise Kol would have been smoked out of the house like vermin.
'Be safe, dad!' I shouted as I walked in to get the pizza, before moving to the stairs, giving my dad a quick smile.
'You too!' he shouted back before moving towards the front door. I almost slipped on a step as his words fell out of his mouth, wondering if he had figured it out. Yet, I listened to the sound of dad's footsteps reaching the porch before the slam of the front door blocked them.
Sighing with relief, I climbed the rest of the stairs before reaching my room. I kicked the door shut with my foot, placing the pizza on the desk before turning to the bed where Kol sat; his ever present smirk on his face.
'Hi,' I said with a smile.
Kol's eyes simply kept mine making my smile fall. Had I done something wrong in those five minutes?
Letting me worry for all of a few seconds, Kol's eyes suddenly turned lustful. With a smirk, he reached towards me; slipping a finger beneath the waistbands of my shorts before pulling me foreword so that I fell onto his lap; straddling him.
'How about we finish up where we left off?' he asked before smashing his lips to mine. I moaned into the kiss as Kol lifted us up; turning us round before placing me onto the bed.
Feeling something cold underneath my back, I swept everything to the ground, completely forgetting about the open bottle of black nail polish. I didn't really care. It wasn't on me and I would just change the bed sheets before dad got back.
My shorts and top were off in a second. As one of Kol's hand fingered one of my breasts, his mouth sucking at the other, his other hand was placed under my underwear clad backside; kneading the skin through the fabric.
I felt his fangs scrape at the skin of my breast; my breath stopping as I felt the two pricks pierce into the skin; the blood falling onto his lips. Through his drinking and his hands, my nerves were going mad. I could barely think. I squeezed my eyes shut as my breathing quickened; Kol's pelvis grinding against mine being the last straw before I felt the release.
'And I so enjoyed those,' Kol breathed against my breast, lifting his head to give me a smirk before sitting up. He slowly stripped himself of his shirt, then his shoes, socks and trousers leaving us both in our underwear.
Kol dropped to the floor; his eyes hunger as his brushed my ankles. In a sudden motion, he pulled them so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed. With a flick of his wrist, Kol ripped my pants from my body, leaving me completely naked.
His eyes darkened for a moment as he kissed his way up one of my thighs. My body fell onto the bed, already losing myself in the moment. I felt his fangs sink into the skin just below my core. I winced in pain, trying to focus on his hands which were inching their way up my thighs.
Once they reached my core, he dragged a thumb slowly through my folds making me gasp at the pressure. Slowly, he circled my clit; my breath shuddering. Suddenly, a finger was inside, curling and rubbing in all the right places. As Kol licked up the trail of blood, he added another finger, making me release almost instantly.
Kol looked up at me. 'Very responsive, darling.' He lifted himself to give me a brief kiss; the taste of metallic on his blood, before he dragged his lips across my body. His lips found my core soon enough, not bothering to be gentle. His hands gripped the tops of my thighs as his tongue stroked; his thumb staying in the same place.
My breathing became rushed before I, once again, found my release.
It didn't take long for Kol to pull me back up onto the bed; his figure hovering above underneath the covers. He filled me up in one swift motion. I almost bit Kol's shoulder to hold back the sounds I wanted to make. Instead, Kol placed his lips on mine; his tongue seeming to work in time with his pelvis.
Despite feeling almost completely weak at my previous pleasures, the coil started to tighten once again; me finding my release just a few seconds before Kol found his own.
He still hovered over me once he was done, staring into my eyes. 'Remind me that jealousy makes you confident,' he said with a smirk.
'That's my girl,' he smirked placing a long, heated kiss on my lips.
Obviously Kol was too in the moment; his member rising again was proof of that, for he didn't hear the sound of boots on the staircase.
'Sweetheart, I think Damon and I are going to – Oh my god!'
Kol was off me in a second, falling to my side with his smirk on his lips though, this time, there was little humour in his eyes. This time it was fear.
'Dad!' I screeched as I pulled the covers over my chest. 'You said you would be a couple of hours!'
'You said you wouldn't bring boys into the house! And that you wouldn't let vampires into the house! He's both!' he exclaimed. I didn't dare turn to Kol, for I knew he would just be lying there enjoying the show.
'Well, if it helps, dad, I didn't talk to him before all this happened.'
'Don't be a smartass,' he warned, lifting an accusing finger at me. 'Now you, get changed and meet me downstairs. And you,' he said, pointing his finger in Kol's direction. 'Get out. Before I stake you myself.'
As he turned to leave, I saw the huge mark of red on the covers. Might as well make it the big quintet. 'Hey, dad?'
'What?' he exclaimed, turning round to face me; his eyes almost full of desperation.
'There's nail polish on the bed.'

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