Dirty Games

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Damon always insisted on playing a good game of truth or dare when you visited his house. The dares and truths would be harmless. But this time was different, normally it was just you, Damon, Stefan and Enzo. Damon invited Elijah, Klaus, Matt, Jeremy, and Kai to play and hang out with you. You had hung out with this group before, but only with other females. You were the only female in a room full of hormonal men.
It would be strange, but it could be fun. There were snacks set up on the coffee table and Damon had spent the whole morning moving the furniture around in the den to get the multiple sofas facing each other. "Y/N! You made it!" Damon cheered and put his hands on his hips. You looked around the den where Klaus and Kai were smirking at you and Enzo licked his lips. "Stef is in the kitchen grabbing the drinks. How about a friendly game of Truth or Dare?" He asked the guests. Matt and Jeremy nudged each other and you sighed. "Great, I'll grab the snacks."
You laughed as Damon trotted by you and you watched Kai pat the seat next to him that was between he and Klaus. "Come on Best friend." Kai grinned and you laughed, sitting carefully between he and the hybrid. "I feel like Damon is doing that happy sarcastic thing he does."
"I love how Damon invited all of his ex enemies to come and play games? Like why are we really here?" You asked and Matt shrugged.
"All Damon said was that he realized he's been a dick and he wants to make up and everyone should get along." Matt explained with Elijah's nod. "He even called Klaus and Elijah all the way from New Orleans to try and make amends."
You smiled at Klaus and then across the room at Elijah. "Sorry guys, I feel like that's because of me." Kai pointed to himself. "He said he needed my help to get rid of a little huntress problem." He laughed and shook his head. "Which is funny, because I swore he said he never ever needed my help. Guess it pays off to be smarter than the elders."
"Well as long as we can all get along for the night, I'm sure we can all figure something out." You nodded at Jeremy and Stefan interrupted you by setting a bowl of chips and dip in front of you, Damon carried the drinks. They must have switched jobs. "You guys bought that cheese dip I told you about?"
Damon grinned and looked at you through his eyelashes. "Of course. Anything for our sweet little Y/N." You rolled your eyes. "I even got chocolate cheese cake. Coke-" He cut himself off and set the soda boxes down on the table. "Dr. Pepper, beer, water for the lame ones who don't like sugar-" Damon glanced at Jeremy and Jeremy laughed. "That's it. Okay, Truth or Dare." He sat down next to Stefan on the sofa across from yours.
"I think Y/N should go first. Perhaps all of you gents have forgotten what 'ladies first' means." Elijah fixed his sleeves and wiped his hands off on his knee. Everybody's eyes fell on you and your cheeks turned red. "Well go on, sweetheart." He smiled and Kai and Klaus glanced at each other with a hint of a smirk.
You took a deep breath and nodded, looking around the room. Your eyes landed on Stefan. "Stefan, truth or dare?" Stefan laughed and thought, rubbing his chin with his index finger.
"Truth." He answered rather quickly and Damon groaned. You had to think of a question and had a good one in your head.
"Okay, have you ever gotten a random boner in class on presentation day?" You laughed and Stefan laughed with you.
He sighed and thought, shaking his head. "No, I've compelled my way out of all presentations. But the awkward boner in class is true for all guys." Elijah huffed and Matt shook his head. "Okay, looks like its my turn." He rubbed his hands together and looked directly at Klaus. "My old friend, truth or dare?"
Klaus chuckled, his dimples showing and you couldn't help but smile with him. "Well Stefan, I'd like to go with a dare. After all, somebody has got to break the ice." Elijah rolled his eyes and Jeremy ate a handful of chips.
"I dare you..." Stefan looked around and his eyes landed on you. "Simple, kiss Y/N's cheek." Your cheeks turned red and Klaus laughed, pressing his pink lips to your cheek and you tried hiding your face from everybody's view after you were sure you were as red as a tomato. "Then you're up next." Stefan gestured to Klaus.
Klaus glanced at Kai and then started laughing. "Damon, truth or dare?" Damon rolled his eyes and pressed his mouth in a line to make a decision. Klaus raised his brows and waited patiently.
"Dare." Damon answered simply, the challenging tone in his voice was enough to make you a little nervous. Klaus muttered 'very well' before coming up with a dare for Damon.
"Well I dare you to come over here and kiss Y/N." You gasped and shook your head but Damon was already headed your way. He smirked before looking over at Kai with disgust and pushing your shoulders into the sofa, pressing his lips to yours roughly. Your hands found their way into his hair and he grunted, he bit your bottom lip and tugged on it. You moaned and the room went silent. "Well that's enough, surely that's been too long." Damon pulled away, his hair was slightly messed up and your lips were swollen.
Kai pointed at Damon. "I'll have what he's having." Damon huffed and rubbed his hands together, holding his eye contact with Kai. You were trying to calm your rapid heart rate and you were biting your bottom lip in anticipation.
"Well Kai I assume you want dare?" Damon asked and Kai nodded with an 'of course.' "Then I dare you to take off your shirt." He grinned devilishly. Kai knew what was going on. So the Heretic stood up and lifted his shirt up and over his head. You couldn't tear your eyes away from his body. "Look at that, Y/N can't stop staring already."
Kai grinned down at you and sat next to you with his shirt in his lap. You focused on your lap and bit your lip. "Jeremy, truth or dare?" Jeremy hummed and wiped the crumbs from his chips off of his hands.
"Truth." He said lazily. Klaus and Damon rolled their eyes.
"Have you ever fantasized about Y/N?" Kai laughed and Jeremy's cheeks turned red and so did yours. You wanted to tell him that he didn't have to answer the question, but that was the game, he now had to answer the embarassing question. Jeremy was a lot more casual than you thought he would be when he answered.
He licked his lips and smiled up at Kai. "No, no I haven't." Kai's smile fell and he slouched in his seat. He was for sure he could feed off of somebody's embarrassment for the night. "Okay uh, Elijah? Truth or dare?" He asked the elder and Elijah cleared his throat.
"Why dare of course." He grinned over at his brother. This seemed to take Damon and Klaus both by surprise. "What is it, Niklaus? You think your big brother couldn't join in on your fun?" Elijah teased, making you snicker at Klaus who was tense next to you.
Jeremy wipe his mouth. "I dare you to give Y/N a hickey." Elijah was blank and Klaus laughed, but you were warm and uncomfortable. "Love bite? What do you call it?" The Gilbert teased and Elijah stood, motioning for you to come closer to him. You nervously stood and made your way over to the original who was waiting for you. Elijah brushed your ponytail out of the way and slowly pressed his soft lips to your warm neck.
You sucked in a harsh breath and Elijah cupped your hand, placing it on his shoulder, indicating to you it was okay for you to hold onto him. Little by little Elijah's kisses became harsher, scattering the sloppy marks all over your neck and picking his spot on the base of your neck for everybody to see. You bit your bottom lip and dug your fingers into his jacket. Elijah gave a harder suck, he was completely suckling your flesh into his mouth and you moaned, surprising everybody in the room.
Kai laughed and muttered, "This was the best idea." Your eyes closed and Elijah's other hand supported the other side of your neck, keeping you pressed into his mouth. You shuddered when he pulled away and nipped lightly at your bruised flesh with his teeth, then caressing the mark with his tongue to soothe the sore spot. Elijah left you weak in the knees and in a haze when he sat back down and he called on Matt.
You swallowed when Matt smiled and chose dare, he was soon heading toward you before you could process what was happening and he drowned you with a heavy kiss, lifting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. You ran your fingers through his blond hair and he moaned with you. You made little noises of your own, your eyes shot open when his hands grazed your backside. "That's enough, well its my turn." Enzo waited with a cocky smile. "And you know how I want the dare." He said deeply and Damon licked his lips, Kai rubbed his hands together.
Matt set you down and gave you one last sweet kiss. You bit your bottom lip and looked around, Enzo's eyes were blazing. "Give me the nastiest." His accent was thick, laced with lust and desire. Matt mumbled something but you weren't quite sure what he said. All you could do was focus on the men in the room who were turned on because of you, they wanted this, they wanted to see you weak and they wanted to please you. This was how Damon figured he could make amends with his past enemies. "That sure is interesting." Enzo grinned and spun you around, pressing your back to his chest and his hands skimming over your breasts.
You moaned, resting your head back on his chest. Your nipples hardened under the thin material of your bra. Enzo growled in your ear, something that made you feel rather submissive. You were facing Kai and Klaus, partly Damon and Stefan. Enzo bit your earlobe and tugged, making you moan and he nipped at the side of your neck, his hands dipped to your stomach and teasing the waistband of your pants. He placed his mouth next to your ear, his dirty talk surprised you, the other vampires listened in with smiles on their faces. "It must be...exhilerating to be trapped in a room with vampires, isn't it, Love? To feel helpless? Mmm I'll say, there's no way to escape either." His hot breath trickled into your ear and onto your neck. "The goal is to get you under as many of us tonight as we can. We want nothing more than to hear your cries, how good we make you feel."
You shifted and whimpered as he pressed his lips to your neck, next to the bruise Elijah gave you. Kai leaned in and all of the men seemed anxious for you. It was almost like you were surrounded by a pack of hungry dogs. "Now I have to ask you, truth or dare, Gorgeous?" He said aloud and you swallowed after he pushed you away. You stumbled slightly and mumbled 'dare' you might as well just follow along with everyone else. "Excellent choice, now I dare you to strip for us." Your eyes widened and your cheeks were red again. "Don't be so shy. Come on Love."
You nodded and found the courage to pull your shirt up and over your head, tossing it to the floor next to the coffee table. All of the men seemed to just stop breathing and stare at your chest. You just continued, playing with your breasts and pulling at the straps on your bra, then reaching around and unclasping it, letting it fall to the floor. Your back was turned to Klaus, but a large hand played with your left breast, squeezing it and rolling your nipple between its thumb and index finger. Another hand found your right breast and did the same, but the skin tones were different. You looked up and over your shoulders, Kai was on your right and Klaus was on your left. The vampires and humans in front of you watched in awe, their eyes never left your chest. You moaned when Klaus sucked at your jawline and Kai licked a stripe up the side of your neck. The side that was left unmarked of course.
You seemed to have lost all control of yourself. You pushed Klaus away from you, he stumbled into the sofa and Kai did the same when you pushed him. You bit your lip and unbuttoned your jeans, kicking them down your legs. Klaus licked his lips and Kai's eyes were wide. You shoved Kai by the shoulders into the sofa and straddled his waist. Your fingers scratched at his scruff as you kissed him quickly. Kai groaned and Klaus reached over and fondled your chest. "Well save some for the rest of us." Enzo chimed in.
"We don't want her too tired by the time you're both done with her." Damon commented and Elijah wiped his forehead. "Okay guys." He growled when he watched you lean over and kiss Klaus. You scratched at Kai's bare shoulders and held onto his biceps as he aided your hips in moving against his own. "That's enough." He yelled and you jumped, the jealousy on the other side of the room was just hot. "Forget the dares, we're all taking turns."
Enzo nodded and stalked forward, Elijah and Jeremy even tagged along. Kai stood and pushed you into the sofa, forcing you to lay on your back. Klaus pushed your legs open while Kai distracted you with a kiss, burying his tongue in your mouth. You barely even noticed your panties being stripped down your legs. You gasped into Kai's mouth when hot breath fanned over your core and a hot, wet mouth was placed over your left nipple. You moaned and Kai swallowed it, playing with your hair. You right hand found the head between your legs, playing with your folds and your left hand found the head that was buried into your chest.
When Kai broke your kiss, Jeremy was playing with your chest and Damon was between your legs. Kai radiated jealousy but you palmed at the front of his jeans. He ignored that, watching two different men please you. They were getting something that he wanted badly. Especially with being trapped in a prison world for so long. Klaus stood off to the side with Stefan and Kai took his place at your right nipple, swirling his tongue around it and making it harden in his mouth. Jeremy moaned around your sensitive bud and you scratched his scalp. Damon flicked your clit with his tongue and delved right in, completely suckling you and burying his tongue into your entrance.
Your mouth hung open and Matt stood awkwardly with Klaus, Stefan and Elijah. They were simply waiting their turn. Damon's mouth felt too good to ignore, your hands held Kai and Jeremy into your chest and you flexed your hips up into Damon's mouth. "I think whoever can get her to cum first is the winner of our dirty game." Klaus said darkly and Elijah nodded in agreement. "Just wait until I get my turn, Love." He grinned down at you.
Your throat was dry and you could barely make any noises. Not until Klaus pushed Kai off of your chest, Klaus had to take his oppurtunity when he could. The closer he was to you core, the better. Kai growled and backed away, putting his shirt back on. Damon moaned into you and closed his eyes to blink but then looking right back up at you through his dark lashes and his electric blue eyes. Klaus' growl seemed to frighten everybody in the room, they knew what we was capable of. And to prevent getting hurt, Damon scurried away from between your legs. Klaus replaced him, holding your hips and licking a bold stripe up your core.
Stefan made his way over to trade places with Jeremy and Matt found that your right nipple was free to take until somebody chased him off. Your eyes opened and closed, little whimpers falling from your mouth as you scratched their scalps again. Your hips jolted into Klaus' mouth. Enzo found a spot to kiss at the soft skin on your stomach and jumping right to your lips. You kissed him with satisfied hums you poured into his mouth. You moaned rather loudly when Klaus sucked harshly at your clit. Klaus was rough. You liked that.
"Oh fuck." You whispered when Enzo pulled away from your kiss. Kai was shooting daggers at Klaus and cursed under his breath. Matt and Stefan both worked at your chest, moaning in satisfaction with their work. There was no way you would last with Klaus doing what he was doing to you. He buried his tongue into your entrance, making your hips jolt forward and Stefan held you down to keep you from moving away from he and Matt. "Klaus." You panted and Kai kissed you after he pushed Enzo out of the way. Your cries were muffled as you felt your body tense up and waves of pleasure building up to make you feel like you were on cloud nine.
Your stomach tensed and boiled, your body was covered in a thin layer of sweat. With a few more swipes from his tongue, Klaus had pushed you over the edge and you were clawing at Stefan and Matt's heads, thrusting your hips into Klaus' mouth and crying into Kai's mouth. He held you close to his face, as if he never wanted to let go. "Shit." You cursed when the waves rolled over your body and you moaned with your head thrown back.
Kai's pants tightened just a little bit and he looked down at Klaus with jealousy. Everyone else sighed in frustration. "You couldn't let anybody else have a turn?" Matt asked when Klaus pulled away from your core. Klaus chuckled darkly.
"Oh but a king always wins. I will never let anybody but myself win." He patted Matt on the shoulder and left you for the kitchen. Damon groaned in frustration.
"Well break time." He rolled his eyes. You sat up when Stefan and Matt left you there naked and you bent over to pick up your clothing but Kai stopped you.
"Since I didn't get much action, I'm bringing you upstairs before they can have anymore rounds with you." He smirked and you sucked in a breath. "Maybe I'll let Stefan or Jeremy come, they can keep secrets well." He chuckled. "Get dressed, meet me up there when you're done." He winked and pecked your lips, whisking away around the corner into the kitchen to propose the new idea to Stefan or Jeremy.

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