Untitled #8

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Another year since you had been changed, another to add to the 800 and something years, you were starting to loose count. You're human birthday was irrelevant these days, but you still counted but using Halloween. It had always been a favourite topic to study and even after all these years how times and the stories changed were incredibly fascinating. And of all the places in the world, nowhere celebrated the crossover of the harvest season as New Orleans itself. You had been travelling here for the week of celebrations for nearly 200 years. It was always open season as long as we didn't break Marcel, Elijah or Niklaus' rules, which was understandable. They ran the town and had to keep things in line or the locals would realise that we aren't just stories, and we being vampires, werewolves, hybrids, witches are just at the top of the list. I am a rare form of hybrid, half witch, half vampire. I need blood to survive but my heart beats enough for me to connect to the earth for power.
It was coming up to the famous All Hallows eve and so I decided on my way into town I drop by and see how my two favourite original brothers and their friend were doing now that the war was over. As I reached the compound, I could hear Elijah and Nik arguing as usual.
"Come now boys, it's Halloween, can't we just enjoy a week of partying without you two assholes arguing about some petty drama?" I grinned as I walked into the main room of the compound.
"Well, well, well! Miss Ruby Lovecraft herself!", grinned Marcel.
"Hey gorgeous!" I replied. "What are these two arguing over now? Another girl? Niklaus' behaviour?"
"For your information Booboo, I have been quite well behaved!" whined Nik.
"Actually they are arguing over me, Darling" came a strong cheeky british accent from behind me.
"You have got to be kidding me?" I giggled. "Let me guess the infamous lady killer himself Kol Mikaelson, back from the non-existent Other Side?"
"Ruby, Kol. Kol, Ruby. Touch her and I hate to think what would happen, Brother", Elijah smiled.
"Oh dear, another woman for you to lose, Elijah" he mocked.
"Actually Kol, I'm the one you should be scared of", I smiled tauntingly at him.
"Oh? And why would that be? Witches don't scare me, no matter how old they are", he smiled taking a step toward me.
"Hahaha aren't you just adorable!", I giggled. "I not just a witch, Darling" I bared my fangs at him and all of a sudden the smiles and jokes vanished.
"wait, she isn't the girl that you guys always talked about? The crazy one-of-a-kind hybrid with a taste for blood?", he took a step to the side, looking at me curiously.
"Aww is that how you boys describe me these days? Gosh I remember when it was that crazy witch bitch with a bloodlust that rivalled Nik!" I mocked horror at Elijah, Nik and Marcel.
"Come now Baby Boo!" Marcel purred at me as he came up behind me
"Marcel, please don't forget I am only about 200 years give or take younger than Nik and Elijah", I growled as I swung around pinning him to the ground underneath me.
"Careful there love, Kol has a thing for women with power who say no", Nik winked.
"Oh but Niklaus", I smiled, "I love a challenge!"
"Well save it for tonight Boo?" Elijah smiled.
"Party at the Mikaelson Manor!?" I grinned.
"As always, dear. And as usual, you are more than welcome to stay seeing as you made us your first stop this year on your way into town", Elijah smiles.
"Well, why not? Seems like you need a buffer for all this testosterone, plus I am a few days later than usual so everything will more than likely be booked out and I get bored with compelling people."
"Well, sweet-art. Shall I show you to your quarters?" Nik grinned, pretending to be regal.
"Boo!" Elijah called out. "Party starts at 8:00pm"
"Okay sweet!" I grinned back.
After giving up on ideas of what to wear tonight I decided to roam the manor, getting reacquainted with the modern feel of the compound. As I walked along the hallways, I heard someone come up behind me in a flash. I felt hands at my waist and I pinned the assailant to the wall, stake in hand ready.
"Wow, Darling. They said you were strong but that's crazy" Kol grinned with a wink.
"Kol! You scared the shit out of me. I could have staked you!" You groaned.
"Ahhh but you didn't, plus do you really think you can kill me?" he grinned like a naughty child.
"Actually I'm pretty sure I am the only one who can kill you" I winked.
All of a sudden we realised how close in proximity we were and I noticed his breathing had shallowed at the same rate as mine. I took a step back and let him go off the wall.
"My apologies, Kol. 800 years has made me mighty paranoid about people who sneak up from behind"
"Darling, do not apologise. You did what I expected you to do, and more" he said as he took a step towards me.
I had to admit, Kol Mikaelson was drop dead gorgeous. His deep mischievious eyes, his pink lips that looked so soft. All of a sudden he took another step towards me and his lips crashed into mine. I don't know what took hold of me, but I wanted to taste his lips and I fought back pushing him up against the wall. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me up against his body. I wasn't going to fight until I felt someone watching me. I stopped and took a step back.
"Oh don't let me interupt you two. It's probably the first willing girl Kol has had in the last 500 years" Klaus grinned.
"Brother, you underestimate my ability to charm women" he grinned as he looked at me.
"I should go and get ready!" I squealed. "Wouldn't want to be late. Knowing what Elijah is like when we don't run on his time."
I rushed back to my room and decided a quick shower was in order. It was nearly 8:00pm and I might be the quickest female when it comes to getting ready, but I loved a long steamy shower. I couldn't stop thinking about Kol, and how it felt with his body pressed up against me.
I hopped out of the shower realising I had nothing to wear, until I reached my bed. I found 3 suit bags a note in a beautful script.
I figured you were stuck for what to wear and I couldn't decide what I would rather see you in, so here are some options. I hope these are to your liking. They should fit, I got a good enough read today.
I opened the 3 bags and found 3 separate costumes, all short dresses with different accessories. I decided to play with my love of costuming and create a new one out of the 3 options. I had decided on mixing the short tight purple dress with black feathered wings and the small wreathed headband with purple, white and black flowers. I grinned seeing my reflection as I stepped into my 6 inch shiny black pumps, and slipped out the door knowing I had a little surprise for Kol, if he dared.
I reached the party as it was getting into full swing as it ticked over to 8:00pm. Looking around I saw Elijah and Nik at the bar and started to walk towards them. As I reached the bar Marcel snuck up behind me and handed me a drink.
"Be careful Marcellus!" Nik grinned. "She took down Kol a little earlier when he came up behind her"
"Oh really, Brother?" came a smug British voice from behind me. "I quite recall she enjoyed it"
"Okay, then" I grimaced. "I going to need another drink or maybe a bottle of something"
After a little while of chatting with the boys and drinking everybody parted off into the party except Kol and I.
"Care to dance Darling?" he smiled.
"Sure, Darling" I grinned, mocking him.
"Be careful what you start with me. You might not be able to finish it, and then where would I get my fun from?" he winked.
As the music picked up we started to dance his hands touching my waist and sliding down to my hips and all of a sudden he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Kol!?" you started to panic. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Darling, except that you caught me by surprise. Here I was thinking you were a proper lady" he smirked.
"Oh" I sighed, relieved. "well looks can be deceiving, especially when I have had 800 years to learn all of the tricks" I winked.
"Hmm..." he smiled mischievously.
Before I could ask what he was thinking, he had me pressed up against him dancing again, and without any warning his lips crashed into me as him hand slide down my leg and then suddenly back up underneath the tight purple material to check his first assumption was right, brushing his hand over my jewel, making me gasp at the touch.
"I wonder.." he started to say as he kissed down my neck.
"Not in public" I whispered. And with that he grabbed me and pulled me out of the room, into a side hallway. Before I could speak he pushed me up against the wall with one hand pushing my skirt up and the other on the small of my back pulling my body up against him. It was then I could feel him through his black jeans.
"Somebody a little excited?" I winked.
"Darling, you have no idea!" he growled.
"Show me" I moaned as his fangs extended and brushed across the soft skin of my neck.
With that he picked me up and sped to my room, smashing to door open and throwing me up against the wall. Now that we were partially in private his hands moved up my legs and pushed the skirt up, to which he paused for a moment.
"Well here I was thinking you had some kind of cover on and I find you being a naughty girl, Ruby" he growled into my ear as he leant up against me.
"Well, I figured I needed a night off from pretending to be good. And you seem to be the perfect one to help me with that, Kol" I whispered brushing his ear with my lips.
Within seconds I heard the fabric of my dress being torn apart, to which Koll found the beautiful silk and lace bra that held my breasts perfectly. While he paused to admire the contrast of black and red silk and lace against my soft white skin, I grabbed his jacket and ripped it from his body. He realised what I wanted and grabbed his shirt at the back of his neck and pulled it off, revealing the perfectly sculpted body of what could only be described as a god among men and mortals. In my moment of admiration, his hands grabbed my waist and threw me down onto the bed, climbing onto of me as he kissed from my stomach to my neck, his hands roaming the soft white curves of my body, stopping at my breasts.
"Darling, how can one creature be so goddamned beautiful?" he almost begged.
"I have no idea" I smiled "I was quite wondering the same thing about the god amongst men that is pressed up against me."
"A god amongst men?" he smirked "I was thinking more the reincarnation of evil" he winked.
"well, Lucifer was the most beautiful of all god's angels, which is what makes him so dangerous" I said as I looked up into his powerful hunger stare.
"Well then, I guess I shouldn't disappoint as the good gone bad then?" He smirked as the black veins spread down his face.
I couldn't help but admire the terrifying beauty of him in his most powerful form, he was dangerous, but then again so was I. Without warning I let my fangs push through to their full extension as I felt the veins run down my face. His lips crashed back into mine and slowly his tongue pressed at my lips, begging to be let it. As I started to open my lips, his tongue snaked in and brushed over my fangs, realising I still had them out he pulled back for a moment, a hint of an idea in his eyes. I took his moment of pause to take advantage of him and kissed from the base of his neck all the way back up to just below his earlobe.
"Oh god" he moaned as I let my fangs brush over his throat.
"I think you might have me confused with somebody, Master Kol" I grin into his throat.
"Oh my little avenging angel, careful how far you push me. I wouldn't want to lose control just yet and break you before I was finished playing with you."
"Avenging angel..?" I grinned.
"Well that little costume creation you concocted, it's all I could think. And right now I will claim you as mine" he smirked.
Before I could react, he leant back quickly extending his fangs to full length and sunk them into the base of my neck, causing an explosion of pleasure. Once he was finished marking me, his tongue and lips caressed the would as it healed before his eyes as he watched.
When he was finished watching me heal, his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me up against his body, his face nearly touching mine. I placed one hand on his bare chest and the other wrapped around his neck. As he pulled me in and kissed me again, his hands moved to hold my waist and without warning he moved us so I was on top of his hips, pressed with my bare body against his pressured jeans. He sat up to run his hands up along the contours of my body, until he reached my back and unclipped that last piece of clothing he hadn't destroyed. His hands cupped at my breasts as his lips brushed over them, causing my body to shiver in pleasure. It had been decades since I had felt like this, had felt so alive.
But I couldn't show him that. While lost in that thought starring into his eyes, without warning he flipped us over so that he was back on top. His body hovering over mine, just taunting me. I placed both hands at the top of his chest, dug my fingernails in and ripped to the waistband of his jeans. His animal like growl was enough to tell me he wasn't going to stop me. I flicked open the button on his jeans and as I undid the zip, I stuck my free hand in to touch him.
"Oh my god" I practically moaned as I grasped his member. "I knew you big, but oh god.." I trailed off as he smirked.
All of a sudden his hands moved, one pinned my hip down and the other brushing my opening, practically setting me alight with pleasure. Slowly his touch pushed deeper and deeper while I whined and squirmed at his painfully slow pace.
Then suddenly without warning, he pushed two fingers straight in as deep as they could go and curled around, and without stopping he started to pump them in and out. My back arching so much that my body was pressed up against his. His lips kissed my neck, brushing his fangs against them letting me know what was coming next, telling me that he knew I wasn't going to stop him. As he pushed a third finger in I felt his fangs sink into my throat, I was so very close and then all of a sudden everything stopped.
"Excuse me" I stammered, breathlessly.
"What, darling?" He purred.
"I wasn't.."
And before I could finish my statement he had pushed himself into me, right up to the hilt. And without stopping, he pushed himself in over and over again. Each time getting deeper, and thrusting harder bringing him and me closer to the edge.
I started to moan trying to hold on for as long as possible, but I felt him start to twitch as he whispered into my ear.
"Let go, Darling. For me."
And with the final thrust, I sunk my fangs into his shoulder as he pulled me up against him, his uncontrollable moan a sign I had made him feel as amazing as he made me feel.
Once we both finished he rolled off me a lay there with his eyes shut. I stood up heading for the bathroom.
"Oh.." He said sitting up, looking disappointed.
"What, Kol? I don't cuddle." I remarked.
"I didn't think that you did. But I didn't think you would just get up and leave.." He trailed off.
"I'm only going to the bathroom to wash off. I'll be back in a minute" I winked.
"Good, because I don't think I actually punished you for surprising me by wearing no underwear last night" he grinned pinning me up against the door.
"Yes,sir" I whispered back. This was going to be one hell of a Halloween night...

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