Oh Father (part 2)

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It has been about two months since I left home and moved into the compound with my father, uncle, Aunt Freya, and little cousin. To say I fit in better as a Mikealson would be a gross understatement. Like my aunt, I have power that is unpredictable flowing in my veins but having some vampire traits help with control for me. Like my uncle Kol, who apparently I will never meet, I can be crazy, adrenaline junkie, which scares the daylights out of my father. Much like my father, I am quiet, kind, and honest. I am so many other traits but being stubborn is apparently my strongest one.
"Why can't I go on one date, dad?" This argument had started almost an hour ago. "Because I will not allow my daughter to date some mutt." At this I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. My Uncle Nik had told me about him being a hybrid and that my father had fallen for the mother of my cousin, a werewolf. "Hayley." That was all it took for me to make my father mad at me for the first time. "Go to your room now, this discussion is over young lady." I groaned and stomped the whole way up to my room. I slammed my door but before I could think, I felt a sharp prick and then black spots started clouding my vision till everything went black.
Elijah's POV
Emily was just as stubborn as the rest of this family, if not more so. I did not want her to feel like a prisoner here but her dating a wolf is just, it holds too much risk. To say I was glad Dahlia did not find her would be understated, the vampire traits Emily holds would have made it much easier for Dahlia to have taken Hope.
I walked up to Emily's room and knocked on the door. "Emily, I know you're angry with me, but please do try to understand." I listened closely but heard no movement and no heartbeat. "Emily?" I opened her door to see an empty room and an open window. I quickly looked around the room but the worse possible things are usually those that happen to the ones we love. I needed Freya's help.
Emily's POV
I slowly woke up to my arms hanging above my head. I started pulling at the chains having no luck in loosening them. "Good luck with that beautiful, they were spelled by a witch to keep even the great Klaus Mikealson from getting away." I blew my hair out of my face and looked at the man in front of me. "Who are you?" I felt dizzy and sick. What the hell was in that needle. "I wouldn't worry about that Emily Mikealson." I looked at him with wide eyes and started pulling on the chains again. The man chuckled and only then did I notice the knife in his hand. "Now let's see what abilities your daddy gave you." He walked over and ran the knife over my stomach. I screamed out in pain and squeezed my eyes shut to hold back the tears. "Well look at that a little healer, slower than a vampire but still."
"Go to hell." He chuckled again and scrapped the tip of his knife over my cheek. I could feel the blood flow down my cheek. "Huh, not healing. Guess you only heal with big things." I tried to kick him but he moved away quickly. "Well this is going to be fun." He said smirking at me.
No one's POV
Elijah spent three days looking for Emily. Freya had no way of helping her niece, since she was clocked from magic. Elijah searched and searched till he caught wing of a witch by the name of Kassidy. He found the witch who, within seconds told Elijah where Emily was. He walked around where Emily should be.
Emily's POV
After three days they took the chains off thinking I was too weak, but they were wrong. I quickly used every self-defense trick I knew before stumbling to the door and outside. I had to cover my eyes from the sun's brightness. I started walking before I heard my name. "Emily!" I quickly recognize my father's voice before I started running. "Dad, Dad!" I kept running till I saw my dad. "DAD!" I quickly ran into his arms wrapping my arms tight around his neck. "Emily, thank god." I could feel him shaking lightly or maybe it was me but I could care less at this point.
My dad quickly got us back to the compound. All my family rushed over to me and checked over me to make sure I was alright. My aunt Freya helped clean me up while my dad made me food since the last time I ate was three days ago.
After washing up and eating, my father sat against the headboard of my bed with me curled up in his lap. "They wanted to know what abilities you passed on to me." Dad held me tight against him and kissed my head. I knew my uncle had gone and taken care of those men, so they would never hurt me again. "You won't have to worry about those men again Emily." I nodded my head and let my father rock and hummed to me till I slowly fell asleep, safe at home in my father's arms.

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