Memories of Blessie

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Nadia approached the PR Manager of the resort if she can excuse herself from the tour.

"Mam, I'm sorry, but I want to go back to the resort as soon as possible. I'm not feeling well. I'm feeling dizzy maybe because of the hot and humid weather and lack of sleep. If you could please excuse me from the tour. I don't want to be a burden for the group. I can go back to the resort by myself..." Nadia pleaded.

"Okay... uhm... I will just ask one of the staff members to drive you back to the resort."

"No... there's no need. I can take a taxi. I can take good care of myself."

"Are you sure? Okay, if that's what you want."

Nadia bids farewell from the group. Ariel wanted to go go with her, but she insisted she wants to travel back to the resort alone.


Jessica's curiosity about Tommy and Nadia's connection deepened. By the time Nadia rode the taxi, she got close to the guy with the intention of digging more information.

The group is now walking towards the historic Magellan's Cross. Jessica was taking a selfie when Tommy suddenly approached her. 

"Do you want me to take a photo of you? It seems that you're having a hard time getting the right selfie with the cross." Tommy said.

"Yes, please..." Jessica replied.

She kept asking him questions related to the cross and even joked about who killed Lapu-Lapu, which is the corny joke every Filipino knows already.

The group went straight to the Basilica del Sto. Nino Cebu to light candles and to offer a prayer. Tommy noticed that Jessica wouldn't go inside.

"Are you a non-catholic?" Tommy asked.

"In my baptismal certificate, yes. But I am an atheist if I shall be honest." Jessica confessed.

"But why? I mean... you don't believe in any religion?" 

"Why should I believe in any God? Don't get me started with this topic. I have personal reasons though the latest of which I can reveal." she continues "If there's a real God up there, why did he let my best friend kill herself and die?"

Tommy kept quiet for a second. "I'm sorry, Jessica. I don't really know what's your story, but I suggest that you can light a candle over there for your best friend's spirit and may she find eternal peace..."

Jessica was about to cry when she simply walked out and went straight to the outdoor shrine to light candles. Tommy left her alone.


Blessie, please give me the strength to pursue my mission of making Nadia Arnold pay for what she've done to you. I love you and miss you, my friend..


The group went on with their walking tour in Colon Street and visited nearby museums. The whole tour ended at 5PM.

Nadia went straight to her room to sleep again. The truth is she wasn't feeling dizzy, but she's unwell - mentally and emotionally. The truth about Blessie still haunts her up to this day. She truly cared for her and considered her as a sister, but she was not in favor of her ways - like her involvement with a drug and human trafficking syndicate for easy money.

She opens her laptop and browsed for her photos with Blessie during the happy days. She met her when they were introduced in a Thanksgiving Party by a politician. That time, she was invited to spin for the event as a newbie. Blessie was a 'friend' of a politician from a province in Luzon. She was beautiful, friendly and very approachable. It was Blessie who made the first move.

"Nice spin! Can I get your card? I am an events planner and I can give you some high paying gigs." Blessie said.

"Thank you for the compliment mam. Here's my calling card..." Nadia gave her card right away.

"Nadia Arnold... what a nice name! You know what, you shouldn't just be a DJ. You can be a high fashion model!"

Nadia stopped reminiscing when the phone rang. It's from the reception area informing her about a fire drill.

"Great. Just when I'm close to reminiscing my past with Blessie. I should keep her secret."

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