Now, kiss!

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Dean constantly asked Sam for advice, it was driving Sam crazy. Every time Dean asked for advice he did the exact opposite from what Sam suggested.

He always came to him about Cas. Every conversation they had now a days was about Cas. Cas Cas Cas. It's like Dean's brain was programmed to repeat this one word: Cas. It drove Sam completely insane.

Every time Sam told Dean to just tell Cas his feelings, Dean did the exact opposite and just stared at him all the time. It's like his brain suddenly went blank whenever he was around.

Sam had enough. He looked around the bunker trying to find a solution to his problem when he got an idea. Maybe it was a bit too far but Sam was too desperate to get Dean to shut up instead of thinking about how weird it was.

Sam called Dean to the living room, he had a piece of fabric in his hands.

"Dean I have a surprise for you. But I need to put a blindfold on you. Don't worry it's fine I just want to show you something cool." Sam smiled.

"Um okay? But try anything and I have a knife in my pocket." Dean chuckled and let Sam tie the blind fold to cover his eyes.

Sam lead Dean across various corridors and finally arrived at their destination. He lead Dean into the dungeon and shut it. Suddenly realisation dawned over Dean as he ripped off the blindfold and looked around the locked room.

"Sam what the fuck? What is this?" Dean banged on the door.

"Don't worry Dean, I'll be back in a minute." Sam said and walked out of the room.

Dean listened closely to any noise but heard nothing. He decided it's pointless to try and get out so he sat down in a corner of the room, thinking about what furniture he could make out of Sam's bones.

After what felt like hours, he heard the door open and two voices. Sam and Cas. What was this? He stayed silent and tried to catch what they were saying.

"I need you to help me with it.. It's just in there." Sam said and opened the shelf-doors to the dungeon. Before Dean could stand up Sam pushed Cas in and locked the doors.

"Okay! Now you two will express your undying, unconditional love to each other." Sam shouted out.

"Sam I will kill you when I get out." I shout back, blushing.

Cas noticed Dean's blush and walked over to him. "Dean, what is happening?"

"Sam is an asshat, that's what." Dean said and pushed pass Cas, "okay Sammy funny joke. Now let us out."

"Not until you tell him. You too Cas. Now get to it, I don't have all day." Sam said back, he sat down leaning on the shelves, listening to the movement in the locked dungeon.

"Sammy, you're a dead man." Dean shouted back before he punched the shelf-doors and walked back to where he was sitting.

"Dean, I think we are supposed to tell each other something to get out. I'm not sure what though." Cas said, sitting beside me.

"I know what. But I can't so I guess we have to make ourselves comfortable. You too Sammy. Don't expect to be leaving soon if you want to hear me say it, 'cause I'm not going to."

"Oh well. I don't have to hear it. I'll go now and leave you two alone." Dean could hear Sam stand up and leave the door, closing the door behind him. Little did Dean know, Sam left him phone and started recording everything. There was a small gap between the shelf and the floor, which he put his phone in to capture what they were doing.

"Son of a bitch, he left us here. Well Cas, I guess we're roommates now, seeing as I'm not telling you jack." Dean chuckled to himself. He was fine to be completely honest. Being stuck in a room with Cas wasn't really a punishment.

"Well, Dean I have to tell you something. I'm not sure if this is what Sam wants to hear but it's worth a try. I've been coming to Sam for advice for ages now, advice about you. I'm not used to human emotions so I was confused at first, but now I'm sure. Dean, I think I have feelings for you. But I don't know what to do about it. It's all confusing and--" Cas wasn't able to finish before dean pressed their lips together. It was gentle at first, it started getting heated when Cas practically got on top of Dean and explored Dean's mouth with his tongue.

Dean pulled Cas onto himself by his hips and Cas started at Dean's neck.

"Cas.. You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this," Dean moaned from under Cas.

•1 hour later•

"Okay guys, it's been an hour. You've either confessed or just sat in silence. Either way I'm lonely by myself so I'm going to let you out." Sam said, walking into the dungeon.

"Finally. You're plan didn't work at all Sammy. I just sat here for an hour bored out of my mind. But at least I don't wanna punch you in the throat anymore." Dean said, walking out, Cas behind him.

"Yeah, yeah. You win. Don't rub it in my face too hard." Sam said and picked up his phone from the floor. He was going to watch the recording later.

•2 hours later•

Sam was staring at the black screen of his phone. He was still processing what he just watched. What he just filmed. Did he really just film a 30 minute long Destiel Sex scene? Sam shuddered and pushed his phone in his pocket.

"Hey Dean. I wanna show you something. Um no blindfold this time. Watch this." Sam handed Dean his phone and pressed play. Dean watched for a while until realising what was about to happen. Sam saw Dean go bright red and snatched the phone from him.

"Delete that right now." Dean shouted, still bright red.

"Make me." Sam said and ran away from him. Sam ran into a corridor to find be faced by Cas walking out of a room straight in front of him.

"Cas! Take his phone away. He recorded.. Um the thing that happened." Dean shouted.

"You mean when we had sex?" Cas said obliviously.

"Fucking hell Cas, yes! He recorded that. Now take his phone." Cas was about to grab it but Sam reached his hand up and used his height as an advantage. He had a smirk on his face as the pair tried jumping up to reach the phone without success.

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