Not An Update: Guy QueStion

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I usually save things like this for my girl talk book, but from the long ass essays y'all writing, I think my babies are more than capable of giving insight.

I was having a convo with friend. And she mentioned this guy at her summer job, said something and she didn't know what it meant.

She said they usually say hi and bye. That's it.

But I guess she was interested in knowing more about him and asked him how long had he had been in the army.

He told her but then he said, "that's the best question you could come up with it?"

She said no she was just curious.

But she has been getting on my damn nerve wondering what he meant by it.

She said he didn't say it jokingly. He said it with a serious face.

I told her it could be nothing or something. What do you guys think?

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