City Gal

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Kenya POV-

I went to Christiana's house. Armed with the knowledge that Brandon gave me.

I brought some friends along aka the media, who were standing outside while I went in.

I told them, Christiana would have important news.

"Ms. Beckham." Christiana opened the door to her apartment.

"Hey Chris. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Sure." She let me in and closed the door.

I went and looked out her window.

"I brought the media along, so you can speak to them." I looked at her.

"I already told them everything." She gave a slight smile. "The rest we would handle in court."

"You left out some details."

"What?" She looked confused.

"That both your mother and father are alive in Puerto Rico."

"What? My Papa has been died, my mother abandoned me I told you."

"Really? Because your immigration papers, which you just updated a few months ago list them as alive. With both addresses and phone numbers." I handed her the paper.

"Now I could be cruel and call Papa and tell him how he sent you to the US to get the best quality education to be a doctor but instead you frauded me out of money by telling lies about him being dead.

But I won't do that because he might actually die from heartbreak. But what you are gonna do before Is clear my husband's name or else you will also be behind bars for fraud. Your choice."

She looked at me, and the paper and rolled her eyes.

"Good girl. I had my publicist prepare a statement for you. I wish you the best of luck in your future and hope instead of scheming you do make your Papa proud." I handed her the statement.

She took it.

I went out the back way. And she went out the front to clear O's name.


Two Months Later

"I don't know how you deal with that Sis." My 18 year old half-sister Deanna was staying with me and O while, I took her to visit colleges in NY and NJ to make her determination about where she wanted to go.

I know you're like sister? 🙄 Long story, which I will get into later. But yes, I am cool with my father and my siblings. My brother Trevante which you met at the wedding.

My sister Deanna and another younger brother Trent. I'll catch you up later with more details.

"That's why I couldn't date like an athlete. Give me a regular smegular guy. I don't have to worry about psychos like her." She said doing my hair.

Livy was in her play pen, playing with her toys.

"So where does dad want you to go?" I asked.

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