Big Mad

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Kenya POV-

"So we need to set up this press conference to expose Papas little liar." Brandon came in my bedroom, where I resumed working on my own shit. I'm not putting anymore energy in Odell.

"No, we don't need to do anything. Let him and his lawyer figure it out." I said typing up a report I had to give to my board of directors.

"Kenya what are you talking about?"

"I'm not helping him. He got himself into it, he can get himself out. Or maybe one of his tens can help."

"Girl you speaking in code. What are you talking about?"

"Exactly what I said." I didn't look up.

"I take it the convo yesterday didn't go well, thats why you didn't want to talk huh?"

"He's irrelevant to me. My daugter. My business. My legacy is all I care about. He can go to jail and rot if you ask me."

"Oooo chile, yall are so fucking depressing. Will yall ever get it together?"

"No. He never deserved me to begin with. I can't wait until this divorce is finalized."

"Divorce! Bitch yall only been married two seconds."

"Not only did he call me fat, he called me basic. A five with make up. No, you disrespect me like that, its over."

"O didn't say that. I know he didn't." Brandon shook his head.

"He did. Ask Shep."

"Well all that means is we beat his ass, cuss him out, let him sleep on the ass whooping and then yall go make a chocolate prince."

"Brandon, read my lips, I'm down with Odell. My child, my work. The rest of this shit, is for the birds."

"Kenya O is hurting. He feels betrayed and he's angry. On top of that he disabled, You know he don't mean that."

"Wow, youre really making excuses for him."

"No, I'm just telling you the reality of the situation. Does his ass deserved to be slapped yes. But everybody on this planet know Odell would go to the ends of the earth for Kenya. You think he would be with somebody he thought was ugly for 6 years, not counting yall
Friendship?" Brandon paused. "I been with Jussie longer than that so nevermind."

"Brandon I'm not in the mood for jokes. Whether he was playing or whether he was serious. We're finished. I'm down wasting time and tears on his ass."

And just on cue, O walked in. He went in the closet looking more clothes to take over Sterlings. He put a gym
Bag on the end of the bed.

I finished typing my stuff ignoring him.

"just never mind my black ass sitting here." Brandon said.

O ignored Brandon.

"I'm talking to you Odell." Brandon said.

"You ain't my friend, I don't have to respond." O said with an attitude.

"You know what, I feel a soul reading session emerging and I just gave my life to Christ last Sunday, so I'mma just go before I hurt somebody feelings." Brandon left out.

"You can be mad at me. But don't take that shit out on Brandon. He was the only one rooting for your can't do basic kindergarten math ass." I kicked his gym bag off onto the floor.

"You been waiting all night to say that, bravo." He did a slow clap and then went back to looking for clothes.

"We'll see how bad you'll be slow clapping when they lock you up for 20 years."

"Good. That's 20 years less I got to see you." He pulled some clothes off the hanger.

"And nobody wants to see to you. You begged me to marry you and not the other way around."

"You right." He said smartly. "Biggest mistake of my life."

"Same here. The faster we get this over with, the faster I can move on with my life."

"Glad we on the same page." He cut off the closet light and brought his close and put them on the bed.

"And dont kick my shit." He picked the duffle bag off the floor and put it on the bed.

"Just have Shep bring my daughter over here tomorrow."

"I'm not having Shep do shit. I'll bring my daughter over here after I spend time with her. Since I couldn't see her for four days cause her trifling ass mama left me in jail."

"I came for your ass, you weren't there idiot. What was I supposed to do if you weren't there, make your beige ass appear."

"You should've been there as soon as it was a possibility I was getting out. That shows you aint loyal."

"And after yesterday, I'm glad I'm not not. You don't deserve my loyalty, since I'm fat, basic and a five with makeup."

He was silent for a minute folding his clothes and putting them in the gym bag. "I shoulda left your country ass in Fayetteville." He said salty.

"You didn't find me in Fayetville boo. You saw me in Baton Rouge focusing on my goals and dreams. Your dusty ass wasn't even on my radar. You sweated this five, four years straight. You begged this five to marry your ass and have your child. Never once, did I sweat you. So sleep on that." I went back to typing.

"Fuck you." He said big mad.

"Thank you goodbye." I waved.

"This my house. I pay these bills."

"Odell your money is cents to me boo. I could buy you and this house if I wanted to."

"What aint gon be cents is how lonely your ass gon be when I'm gone."

"Goodbye." I waved.

He threw one of his tshirts at me and left out.

"Childish ass." I threw it on the floor.

I couldn't wait to divorce him.

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