Instagram Makeups

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Kenya POV-

I was in the kitchen cooking me some breakfast when I heard the door open and the sound of things dropping.

I peeked my head out to see Shep dropping all O's things by the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"His ass got to go." He left out and got more stuff to bring in.

"Don't throw my shit Shep." Odell walked in with Livy in his arms and said as Shep got his last things and sat them by the door.

Odell had Livy's diaper bag on his shoulder.

"Yall work this out." Shep closed the door.

Livy lit up when she saw me and reached for me.

"Hey my Stinka." I smiled and got her from O. She giggled as I kissed her chubby chocolate cheeks.

O sat on his stuff and pulled out his phone, dialed a number and held it to his hear.

"You want some breakfast? I just finished up." I asked him.

"I'm too slow to eat your food remember? Yes, I want to reserve a room." He said into the phone

I rolled my eyes.

"Starting today. Yeah, just one guest." His phone started to ring, which let me know he was talking to absolutely nobody.

"Really Odell?"

"We got disconnected." He looked at his phone.

"This is so stupid. I miss you and you miss me."

"I don't miss anything." He said scrolling through his phone.

"Okay, you don't miss me fine. But I miss you and Im sick of these childish fights. I am sorry for not being there when you needed me. But I'm here now."

"I don't need you." He stood up.

"Whatever Odell. The truth is you do. Because I have information to end all of this. And regardless of how angry and hurt I am, at some of the things you said about me, I'm going to help you out. If you still want to divorce me fine, but I'm not gonna put Livy through mess. And I would hope, that as her father you wouldn't do that either." I took Livy upstairs to change her diaper.

Of course I didn't want a divorce, but he was in his feelings. I was just going to do, what I needed to do to confront Christiana and make this all go away. So O could get back to his life, clear his name and get back to playing since the season was approaching.

This other stuff, we would handle later. I just want to make sure Livy is okay and I do that by making sure her dad is.

I finished up changing her diaper. Washed my hands, then went back down to the kitchen. Guess who I caught sneaking food.

He tried to play it off by looking in the fridge, but I saw him chewing on some bacon then hurriedly swallow.

"Odell this is your house you can eat. You don't have to sneak."

He pulled out the orange juice and ignored me and got a glass.

I put Livy in her high chair, then got her baby food down, today was apples, so she could eat.

Odell still tried to act like he wasn't hungry.

I fixed him a plate and sat it in front of him. Then went on to feed Livy.

He was about to go upstairs.

"My grandfather molested me O. Nobody believed me, but my mother. Not even my grandmother. And my grandmother told me never to say anything to her until I stopped telling lies. And I remembered how alone, how broken and confused I felt as a little girl and I just didnt want another girl to feel that way. But like Brandon said, you aren't my grandfather. Just like I have to constantly remind myself you aren't my dad. Maybe its enough for you, maybe its not, either way I'm willing to live with what you decide."

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