Chapter 8

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Back at my old job the only thing I did, day in and day out, was go through files.

To say my old boss was a dick, was a pretty huge understatement.

From working over hours, to reducing my lunch times, to making me try to do things that were pretty much against the law of not only the government but also of morals and ethics.

There was also that other thing, but my entire being always shied away from that topic, it was an almost reflex action.

An action I am grateful for.

People told me that I had nothing to be embarrassed about, that it was completely my bosses fault.

But the thing is, I couldn't help but feel that it was my fault. Maybe it had been him, my former boss to be exact, that drilled the thought into my head.

Or maybe it was just my way of thinking or something that made me believe I was responsible for the things that happened.

As usual, whenever my brain went in that direction, I snap back to what I am doing.

Refusing to go back to my thoughts.

It is a comfort I am incredibly thankful for and am lucky to have.

Putting my mind back to the present, I continue to stare blankly at a talking Alexander.

I am sitting in one of the many conference rooms that reside in the huge building.

The plain dull coloured walls do nothing to help me stay awake but straining with all the will I have, I mange to keep my eyes open.

All day I've been running around with Mr. Alexander.

From one conference room to the next.

Repeating the same process.

Smiling at everyone politely, handing out identical files in front of every person on the long tables, that usually contain more than ten people, taking a seat right at the back of the room, watching Alexander talk, writing every single word that comes out of his mouth, and then all the questions and statements that leave the other members mouth.

I know for a fact my poor hand will be cramped from writing for so long.

This has to have been the tenth conference or so and I find myself admiring the man that is talking.

The energy that Alexander James seems to posses.

No matter what I may say, or think of the guy, I know one thing that is a fact.

He loves doing what he does, and he sure excels at it.

Even from his serious and no emotion facade, you can tell how strong he feels about his business and everything that revolves around it.

I could tell all of this just by being around him for a whole day.

That's basically what I've been doing for this past hour.

For this specific conference Alexander had told me that I didn't have to write anything down and I am incredibly grateful for that.

So I did what any sane person would do in my position.

I stared at him.

Like a perv.

I mean can you blame me?

That man is like the perfect specimen.

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