Chapter 40

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Sleep was the best thing in the world.

No matter what happened to me, I knew at the end of the day I would be able to climb into my soft comfortable bed, curl up into a warm cozy ball and fall into blissful oblivion.

So you could see how pissed I'd be when a certain someone bangs on my door at five in the FREAKING morning.

Did I have 'disturb my sleep' planted on my forehead?

Groaning and grumbling all the way to the door, I don't even care if it was a mass murderer because at this point I was the most likely to kill whoever was on the other side of the door.

Swinging the door open, I groan at the sight of Alexander leaning opposite me on the other wall.

Combed and groomed to perfection, with his hair styled in a quiff and body clad in a fitted suit.

Not even greeting me, the insolent man strides right past me and into my apartment.

Just then do I notice the calm composure he always seems to be wrapped in like an aura around him was nowhere to be seen as of right now he looked like a nervous mess.

Shocked and concerned, I quickly go up to him.

"Alexander are you okay? What's wrong? What happened?"

He doesn't reply as he scoops me up into a tight hug, almost cutting off my circulation as he nuzzles his face into my neck.


My worry started to increase and all thoughts of sleep had evaporated from my mind.

"Nora you won't believe what's happened."

"What happened?" I press him for answers.

The groan of despair leaving his mouth makes me pull away to look at him clearly but all too soon he pulls me back into him.

"My father's coming today."

My face goes completely blank as I push him away and smack him upside the head.

"You woke me up at five in the freaking morning to tell me something I already knew." I say in exasperation.

"Well yeah, I mean you were there remember."

"Screw this shit, I'm off to bed." I mumble as I push past him and down the hall back into my bedroom.

"Nora!" I hear him whine behind me but I slam the door in his face as I delve back into my warm comfortable bed.

Letting out a sigh of relief once more I try not to let the fact that I had to wake back up in an hour and a half, dissuade me from the the joys of some sleep.

Not even a second later does the door open, I can hear Alexander rummaging or removing something but I was too tired to care.

All too soon Alexander was climbing in bed next to me, trying to pull me closer to him.

"No." I mumble angrily.

"Nora." He whines again.

Sighing I scoot closer to him and let him cuddle me.

Only now do I notice him bare chested, the plains of his smooth and hard chest on full display to me.

I let my hands trail down his chest to his abs and let my hand stay there, getting my full groping mode on.

I feel him tense up under my palms while I smile in content.

"You need to be at the office in an hour and so do I." I mumble out.

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