Chapter 45

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My entire body froze as those words left his lips.

Sure it was fine when we were both playing along and had to get ourselves out of a sticky situation but this,

This was something else entirely.

I couldn't get married right now.

I wasn't in the right frame of mind to sort this out.

"Alexander." I whisper out.

"Nora I know. Trust me, I don't want to marry you either."


It actually really hurt when he put it like that.

Seeing me flick back, he quickly steps up.

"Nora you know I didn't mean it like that."

"You sure?." My voice comes out slightly angry.

"Yes baby, I would totally marry you. Well not now I mean somewhere down the years like in a few years only if you want to I mean, I'm not pushing you into anything oh crap I am." Giggling slightly at his words, warmth courses through me as Alexander's old quirky self comes through.

"I'm sorry for being a jackass baby." He mumbles as he hugs me to his chest, kissing my head.

"Why did you then?" I say slowly.

"Because I was worried, worried you'd never want to see me again. All I've caused is bring you more and more trouble, especially with this whole marriage thing." He sighs out.

"Oh is that it? Pfft." I say jokingly, watching as Alexander's eyes narrow in challenge before turning completely serious.

"Well there is one more thing." He says, his voice edging into a whisper.

"What's that?" I question matching his tone.

Alexander leans down, placing his forehead against mine and breathing in slow and steady, his minty breath caressing my face.

"I was afraid, I guess."

Seeing the questioning look in my eyes, he kisses me on the lips before exhaling a shaky sigh.

"When that asshole Sam mentioned you like that, I felt so wrong and disturbed and the reason why I snapped st you was because, well because i have feelings for you Nora Davis. Feelings I've never felt for anyone before, I think I may be falling head over heels in love with you."

My stomach lurches up into my throat as my heart starts to hammer in my chest, pounding against my rib cage.

How in the world?

Happiness, joy, shock and fear all these plethora of emotions roam through my entire body, leaving me breathless.

His eyes search mine expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"Oh, um thank you."

My eyes widen at the same times as Alexander, both of us in shock at what words had just slipped from my mouth.

Abruptly letting me go, he takes a good few steps away from me.

Looking at me in disbelief.

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