28. The Video

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I have decided to carry on with this story but it would just be awesome if I just had more support! I really do enjoy reading all your comments, as they keep me motivated!

Please do comment and vote, you guys don't understand how much it means to me when you guys are engaging with the characters!

Anyways enjoy the chapter xx

  I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I know I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go  

~James Arthur 

Chapter twenty eight.  The Video 

Days like these, I craved proper caffeine as if I was a drug addict who hadn't had a dose of cocaine in over three months. 

I missed the taste of bitter tasting coffee that was packed with caffeine or even a simple British cup of tea that was loaded with caffeine. I was literally on the brink of surviving without caffeine. There was only less than four months until the end of my pregnancy and I was literally counting down the days to meet my precious baby and drink a rich mug of coffee. 

I slowly stirred the hot chocolate powder into my mug of hot milk, and thought about the taste of coffee. It was beginning to look obvious that I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms from not having any caffeine and that seemed to make Leo laugh because he would piss me off by drinking caffeinated coffee in front of me, and I had to just accept the fact that Leo could be a d*ck at times. 

Once my hot chocolate was ready, I wondered into the lounge and plopped myself down on the Italian leather white couch and switched on the TV. 

It was really early in the morning, I could barely sleep anymore because the baby was wide awake so I just decided to come downstairs and chill. I had left Leo sleeping, since he could sleep for bloody England and would not wake up at all. It was probably best if he got all the sleep now because when the baby came, it was kind of obvious that he would want to get up at night to get him or her.  

For some reason, Leo did seem more stressed than usual, I wasn't sure if it was because of his parents or maybe because of me. It appeared that Leo was distancing himself from e and I didn't know what the reason was. A part of me thought that he was worrying about being a father, however, I wouldn't know that until he would open up to me. 


Leo wondered into the living room, today was one of those days where he didn't want to go to work. In fact he hadn't been to work since before Gianna's birthday party and that was four days ago.

I watched as he walked over to me, sweat was streaming down his face and he seemed like he had just been working out, considering by the way he was dressed; shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants along with his Nike trainers.

Leo never worked out at home, in fact I didn't even know we had any exercise equipment such as weights or even weight lifting machines, that Leo had said he used at work. 

Leo locked his green eyes with mine and stared at me intensely. I mirrored his stare but at the same time I was trying to work out why he was staring at me as if I was someone who worked for him. 

"What do you need?"

"I need you," he answered simply, not taking his eyes off me. 

"What have you been doing?" I asked, staring at his tight and toned abs.

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