Chapter Fifteen Page One

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{James’ POV}

The launch of the children foundation was a success. Except for the date which I had no choice but to agree on because my schedules full until the end of February, I’d say it was everything I have hoped for.

It also marked Reese’s first public outing. To say he was the star of the event was an understatement. He rarely smiled but all the cameras were still aimed at him. It’s impressive how he wasn’t fazed with the media attention. He was just very observant all throughout the event.

Nadine was a huge help as well but I couldn’t help but be a little spooked by the looks she’s been giving me. And it wasn’t even the first instance. I’ve been catching Nadine looking at me weirdly every now and then ever since Christmas. She’s giving me these looks that seem like I was a puzzle she was trying to solve.

Since we’ve already held the Christmas Eve party with our friends, we’ve agreed that New Year’s Eve will be a simple and intimate dinner with just our family. Just the Reids this time because Nadine’s parents are off to Boracay with her cousins and aunties and uncles from the Lustre side of the family.

Without realizing it, we’re a few days down to Reese’s birthday.

Nadine’s been giving me the silent treatment since the foundation launch. She’s avoiding me as much as she can. She lets me take over the planning of Reese’s second birthday with Lauren. But she did say she doesn’t totally agree with the kind of party I had planned.


You have no idea.

Are you sure about this party though? I’m not sure Reese would appreciate it.

He loves the beach so much. He’s practically one with the water. What’s not to like?

Well, yeah. But he’s 2 years old. I don’t think he’d remember any of it.

I swear you sound exactly like Nadine just now.

Fine. Whatever. It’s your money anyway.

Nadine wasn’t fully on board with the plan but she didn’t say anything. She was quiet the entire flight.

Maldives was exactly what we hoped it would be and more. It was breathtaking. The excitement on Reese’s face was enough to tell me he’s gonna love this birthday getaway.

Nath was waiting for us in the landing. I’m glad she’s very supportive of this plan; she even arranged the villa reservations. We’re hoping none of the social media gets wind of us together but it’s a good thing the entire squad’s here with us; not only as cover up but for Reese as well. He’s become a huge part of our group the past couple of weeks.

How was your flight?

Sublime. Done with your shoot?

Yep. Hey Nadine.

Hi Nath. Just then, Nadine’s phone rang. She handed Reese over to me before turning her back and answering.
Hey, hon. Yep, just got here.

That was the last of what I heard from her phone call because she went over to the balcony.

Papa, down.

He’s bossy. Nath chuckles. Wonder where he got that from. Then she winked and took Reese’s other hand.

Go walk around with him; I’ll just help everyone get settled.

After directing Sam and the other guys to their rooms, I deposited Nadine and Reese’s bags in the room across ours.

While looking at the bed, I couldn’t help but think of our new sleeping arrangement and how Nadine has been acting lately. I was deep in thought that I didn’t notice the footsteps.

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