I've Got What I Wanted. Part 21

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Hey :) Sorry, it's been too long. And this chapter isn't that long. But I've got exams and family stuff going on so I've not had the time to write. My first exam is in about two weeks so uploads won't be very often. But I finish around the 20th of June so after that they'll be more frequent :) Also I haven't proof read so I'll do that tomorrow. It's just mainly a filler chapter to give you guys something.But enojy anyway 
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“So I can go home tomorrow?” I asked the doctor as he wrote in my chart. I’ve already been here for nearly a week, and I cannot wait until I get out of here. I just want to go to my own house and sleep in my own bed.

“If everything continues to go the way it goes then hopefully you should be discharged in the afternoon. Everything has been going well, you’ve made great progress. Your lung is healing nicely, as are your rib and arm. It would be better is you could finish your recovery in your own home, in an environment you are comfortable with.” He looked up at me and smiled. “I’m confident that you’ll be able to go home tomorrow. But obviously you’re going to have to take it easy for a while. But I’ll tell you all that tomorrow.” I smiled as he put the clipboard back on the end of the bed.

“I’m still glad to here I though,” he put his pen into his pocket, walking over to the door.

“I thought you might,” he said with a laugh. “I’ll come back later to see how you’re going.” I said goodbye before he left the room.

“That’s good news,” Caleb said from beside me.

“Yeah I know it is. I just want to get home. I really do hate this place. I can’t believe you stayed here for a week.” He laughed and shrugged.

“I wanted to; I couldn’t go home and leave you here.” I smiled as he folded his arms on the bed. 

"You could have, you just didn't want to." He smirked and nodded at me. 

"Maybe but I really didn't want to leave you. I did hate sleeping in this chair though." I laughed, running the back of my fingers over his jaw. 

"It looks like you haven't shaved since I've been here." He laughed and shook his head at me. 

"Out of all the things we could talk about, you talk about my facial hair." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "I haven't really had the time or energy to shave. When we get home I'll tidy it up a bit. Does that sound okay?” I looked up at him and nodded.

“Sure why not,” he stood up and sat on the edge of my bed. “Why don’t you go home tonight?” I tried convincing him again. “You look tired and you can’t be comfortable sleeping in that chair. I get why you stayed her when I still hadn’t woken up, but funny enough I have now. You’ve probably got stuff to do anyway.” He smiled and shook his head.

“No school has finished which means I have. I just have a few meetings and staff days to go in for, but those aren’t until a few weeks.”

“Are teacher’s not meant to play ahead for next year or something?” He shrugged, placing his hand on my thigh.

“I usually wait a few weeks before starting it. I’d rather have some time at the start to relax. And to be honest, I just go with whatever anyway. And it seems to pay off. I’ve never had anyone that has failed. I think that just shows how much of an amazing teacher I am.” I laughed as he winked at me.

"I don't know about that. I think Springer may have the edge over you." He smiled slightly and looked down at his hands. But I could see that he wasn't too happy with what I said. "What's wrong?" I reached out and rubbed his arm. 

"Nothing, I'm fine." Because he didn't look up I know he wasn't happy about something. 

"It doesn't look like it. I know when you're fine and when you're not. And I know that you're not fine." He looked up at me and smiled.

“Seriously, I’m fine. I’m just tired really. The past couple of weeks have really taken it out of me. It’s just all of the worry, the lack of sleep, the guilt. It’s just a lot of things really. I just want to get home and get back to normal.” He said sliding his fingers through mine.

“What do you mean ‘guilt’?” I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to what he meant. “What do you have to feel guilty about?” He sighed and squeezed my hand gently.

“Riley,” he said looking down at his lap. “This is my fault. I was meant to give you a lift to Uni. If I gave you a lift like I was meant to, you wouldn’t be lying here. We would be sitting at home or out enjoying summer, planning where to go for our holidays. But because I didn’t drop you off we’re here.” Did he really just blame himself for this?

"None of this is your fault. I understand why you were angry at me. If I didn't stay with Martin instead of you then you would have dropped me off. It's my fault. Not yours," he smiled slight and shook his head. 

"It's not Ri. I shouldn't have had a go at you over something so stupid. I was wrong to have a go at you. If I gave you a lift you wouldn't be driving. And then you wouldn’t have been hit by another car.” I sighed and gently hit him in the side of the head.

"See if you blame yourself one more time, I will kick you in the balls." He laughed while rubbing the side of his head. 

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