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Chapter 32

"Who was the lady at the door,"Nate asked.

"A friend,"i lied.

Jake looked at me suspiciously lifting an eyebrow.

I purse my lips.

Remy immediately took Kyle and i was dragged into the corridor by Roman.

"What is it?,"he asked.

"Nothing,"i told him.

"Brook don't lie to me,"he growl lowly.

"I'm not li....,"suddenly i was pinned to the wall with my wrists on both sides of my head.

Looking in his eyes he dared me to lie.

"It.... it was.. M...Moly,"i shuttered.

"WHAT!,"Roman growled furious.

"Roman she is ....different,"i told him.

"I'm going to kill her!,"he claimed.

"Did you hear what i said, she change,"i rebuke.

"How so,"he asked sarcastically.

"She is.... her mate died, she is going to die soon, she just wanted to say sorry,"i informed him.

"How do you know she was telling the truth, you are too naive Brook,"he stated.

"Well i don't think that she will be crazy enough to put her life on the line to see me knowing that you are eager to ripe her head off without already being on the way to hell!,"i barked.

"Brook, she lied to you,"Roman protested.

"No she didn't,"i defended her.

"Brook..."i cut him off nonchalantly.

"No sh...."this time it was him who cut me off in mid sentence.

"Brook! Her mate already died long ego, even before we met her,"Roman shaked my shoulders.

"What?!,"i whisper yell.

"She lied to you babe,"he said and hugged me in a tight embrace.

"But she looked very vulnerable,"i told him confused.

Time passed by and Emilia, Lena Dalilah, Kyle and Abigail were taking naps.

"Where is Remy?,"i asked the rest of my mates.

"He went to buy some groceries,"Nate stated.

"Who?, Remy!, no way,"i exclaimed.

"Actually he went to test his new car so he proposed to go do the groceries meanwhile,"Ian informed.

I nodded. I felt a little bit awkward and non of the twins were crying still now...weird.

I went up in the playroom only to find it empty.
A sticky note was on the window.

The address of a remote warehouse and a warning about coming alone.

My heart ache, my breath uneven.
Who did this?!
My kids.

I started to scream and cry throwing everything that came into my hands in random places.

"I will kill that bitch,"I screamed.

MOLY!!! you are dead meat.

My mates rushed to me and realised what's happening.

"How?!, when?,"Sebastian exclaimed shocked.

"We didn't not hear or smell anything, witches were involved in this,"Jake concluded.

"It was her, i know it is her,"i sobbed enable to control my uneven rate of breathing.

"Moly!,"Roman growled ferociously.

"What?, what does she have to do with this?,"Wayn asked confused.

"She came by the house, she is 'the lady' the triplets were talking about earlier,"Roman explained to them.

"Oh and you did not find it important enough to inform us!,"Greg resort angry.

"Lets just focus on bringing them back okay,"Ian suggested letting out a deep breath.

"He is not replying,"Tylar said suddenly.

"Who?,"Jin asked him.

"Remy,"Tylar told him.

"Maybe he left his phone in the car,"Nate assumed.

I stood up, grabbed my car keys and went outside.

"Where are you going?,"Roman asked.

"In the warehouse downtown, it's where they are, it's written on this note,"i showed them the yellow squared piece of paper before throwing it to the ground.

"You can go alone,"Jake refused to let me go.

"That note said if i was accompanied by anyone, they'll kill our kid!,"i roared.

"If you want just follow me from afar but be careful,"i said and hopped in the car before driving off at full speed.

I arrived at destination. It was old and dusty, please don't tell me that my poor children are in here.

I got in but all the light were dim. The ceiling was making cracking sounds every now an then.

"Hello! Is anybody here....i'm alone just like you told me to, where are my kids,"i said and my voice echoed through the abandoned building.

"Moly where are my chil......"i started to go impatient when i felt a sharp pain in the back of the head.

Someone hit me!

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