Mother Nation

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Chapter 39

"You are not her exact reincarnation but most likely her heir of some sort,"Oliver announced.

"What the hell are you talking about!!?,"Jin said puzzled.

"What has she inherited?,"Jake asked.

"The reason as to why she survived the first ...death us because she is has some form of virtue....hum...purity or innocence if you prefer in her,"Vince tried to be clear.

"We don't speak latin so go straight to the point,"Remy barked.

"She's pregnant,"Vince said abruptly.

I looked at him shocked.

"Of at least half a dozen babies,"Oliver continued.

"I already told you not to mess with me, didn't i,"i resorted.

"That's the truth and watch your tone young lady, i'm still your older brother,"Oliver scolded.

I rolled my eyes.

"One i would have known if i was pregnant with that much babies by now
Two how do you even know
Three what does great grandma has to do with it
Four if i was pregnant, the babies would certainly not have survived after me being tortured as i was told and
Five why me?!,"i remarked crossing my arms over my shoulders.

"One you didn't even know when you were pregnant of the triplets
Two it's the only possible solution
Three she had 18 babies at the same time and our father is the eldest of all 18 siblings, of our aunts and uncles
Four the babies can survive, they are of our bloodline honey so they also will die and revive every now and then
Finally Five you are the first and only born daughter of the first born boy of grandma's children,"Vince said exasperated.

"How can you explain that you survive your so called first death,"Sebastian remarked.
"Unless you gave birth, who knows,"He added annoyed.

"We are males and stronger, we could survive on our own sherlock,"Vince rolled his eyes.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit that girls are frail and boys are the dominant sex,"i snapped.

"Well let me tell you that things are such that we are STRONGER and you are .....well INFERIOR,"Vince growled.

"YOU! Prick remove what you just say or i'll punch you so hard even jesus christ himself will fill that,"i ordered as i stood up ready to pounce.

He got up also daring me.

"ENOUGH!,"Oliver scolded.

"But he..."i putted.

"Vince apologies for what you said cause it's not true,"Oliver ordered.

Vince curse under his breath.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean too,"he said pleadingly.

"I want you to give me your car as apology,"i demanded.

"Wha... okay,"Vince tossed me his keys and i sign in victory.

"After this i'm so going to take pills or use other birth control or else in a decades i'll be able to populate an island all by myself,"i got up and went into the kitchen.

Got a bowl of cucumber slices with lots of vinegar and salt and went back into the living room.

I was about to sit went i saw both Jake and my brothers looking at me with death glares.

"What are you eating Brook?,"Oliver demanded.

"Cucumber,"i said softly with an innocent look on my face.

"BROOK i can smell the vinegar from here,"Vince scolded.

"Put that in the sink immediately,"Jake ordered.

Not again.

"Come on,"i pouted.

"Wait about the half a dozen babies, how do you know i'll have more than one,"i asked trying to change the subject.

"Because you already have five so i don't think you'll have 18 at a time now like grandma, And do as you are told throw that away,"he menaced me with his index.

I rolled my eyes and went in the kitchen but before i place the snack in the sink, i stuffed my mouth with some of the pickles.

I swallowed hard when i heard them coming.

I god damn it, i am a grown up i can do what ever i want. I'm not a child.

"Like what i said she has always liked stuff like that as long as i can remember, salty pickles, sugary beverages, she even liked to put sugar in some water and drank it all the time until i stopped her,"Oliver told him about some of my bad habits.

"She also liked to put salt on her fruits before eating them,"Vince added.
They continued to talk as if i was not present.

"Can you stop talking about me, as if you we angels,"i rolled my eyes for the 100th time today.

"So we are leaving, if you die again i'm sure you'll understand that we didn't have much time to come to your funeral,"Vince teased.

"Bye Brook,"Oliver said before following after Vince and left.

Well today was quite a fruitful one.

Firstly i was told that i can die on regular basis
Secondly that i am pregnant with a LOT of babies
Thirdly, i have got a new car, a sublime bugatti chiron

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