Chapter 3

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Once the plane has come to a stop, I can see that Daniel is bubbling with excitement. I watch with amusement as he fidgets in his seat. We make eye contact and he beams at me, like he cannot quite hide how pleased he is with himself. Even though I have absolutely no idea where we are because the blinds are still down, his enthusiasm is infectious. I shake my head, and grin back at him.

"Mr Weston. You are now able to depart the aircraft. Are you ready for me to bring out the items now?" Grace says while shamelessly fluttering her eyelashes at Daniel.

"Yes please." Daniel responds and she disappears again.

"Items?" I ask and scowl at him. Daniel is enjoying this way too much and bellows with laughter.

"Patience is a virtue." He says sarcastically through his laughter.

My attention is immediately drawn back to Grace when she re-enters the cabin. She is carrying two pairs of black snow boots and places them on the floor. She then retreats back through the door, and returns with two snow jackets and matching gloves. I look from the clothing up to Daniel, who is trying to gauge my reaction.

"Put them on, it's cold out there." Daniel says simply, and reaches for his midnight blue jacket with a brown fur lined hood. He slides it on, somehow making the simple movement look sexy. Grace is clearly enjoying the show because she watches him intently while biting the corner of her lip.

I know it makes me petty, but as I walk towards my jacket, I stop to stand in front of Daniel. I wrap my arms around his waist, inside his jacket and reach up on my tiptoes to kiss his soft lips. His stubble scratches my chin, but I press myself flat against him as I deepen the kiss. His arms grip my waist as he holds me to him and I can feel him harden against me.

When I pull away I'm ecstatic that he looks a little flushed. I smile up at him innocently, and then reach over to pick up my jacket. Grace is still standing there, but I'm pleased to see that her eyes are now focused on something at the back of the plane.

I slide on my dark grey jacket which has the same hood as Daniel's. I notice that there is a delicate lavender stitching against the zip as I do it up. I immediately feel too hot inside the plane. I cannot wait to get outside and find out where we are. I'm glad I wore my fitted black trousers to work today as I simply slide off my heels and step into the snow boots.

"Ready?" Daniel asks while putting on his snow boats. He stands in front of me and now that I am in the flat boots, I'm reminded of just how much smaller I am than him. He reaches down to cup my chin. He angles my face up towards him and bends down to kiss me.

"Ready." I say back to him as the Captain enters the cabin.

"Thank you for flying with us today. I hope you had a comfortable flight and we will see you on Sunday morning. Just to let you know, local time is 11.36pm." Captain Moore steps forward to shake both of our hands as Grace opens the cabin door.

"Thank you. See you Sunday." I say swiftly, desperate to see what is outside. I hear Daniel chuckle, and then say his goodbyes behind me.

I step out onto the stairs, and my breath instantly forms a cloud in front of my face as thick as fog. The air is bitterly cold and I know that my nose will be turning red as I stand here. The airfield looks deserted around us. There is a little building to the left with the usual air traffic control situated in a tall tower. Except for that, I cannot see anything but snow. The sky is full of thick cloud, which means that my visibility is limited. Damn it, I still have no clue where we are.

Daniel looks up at the sky and is clearly disappointed by something, but he doesn't say a word as he leads me down the steps of the aircraft. There is a waiting car at the bottom of the steps. After greeting the driver, we take our seats in the back. The car is loaded with our bags and I try to wait patiently for Daniel to speak.

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