Chapter 24

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I check into the suite that Daniel has reserved, practically falling down on the sofa from exhaustion. Before I have chance to start to process what has happened, my eyes are drawn to a magnificent display of white roses that are placed in the centre of the sitting area.

The floral scent drifts across the room, filling my senses. I notice there is a card placed on the table, so I force myself to get back up, walk over and open the envelope.

I will be there as soon as I can.
Please just stay put until I'm with you.

A goofy smile spreads across my face while I trace my finger tips over the silky texture of the roses.

My phone suddenly begins to ring in my handbag. I struggle to find it in the depths as it continues to play my ringtone. Finally, after tipping the contents out onto the table, my hand is able to grip it.

"Hello." I say, suddenly pulling it away from my ear so I can see who is calling. I'm relieved to see Caroline's beautiful face staring out at me.

"Lizzie." She says desperately. Straight away I can hear that she is crying. Daniel's words echo through my mind about whoever is taunting me knowing where my friends live.

"You OK? What's happened?" I shriek. My imagination begins to run away with images of her being attacked because of me.

"We've had a huge row." She blurts out between sobs.

A feeling of relief that she's safe courses through my veins before I digest what she is telling me about Jeremy.

"Can I come round? I need to talk to you." She blows her nose, forcing me to hold the phone away from my face until she has finished.

"Of course you can, but I'm not at home. I'm staying in a hotel tonight, you know where St. Johns is, right?" I try to sound calm, as though me staying in a hotel within five miles of my flat is perfectly normal.

"Why are you staying there?" She says with a sniff.

"I will fill you in once you're here. Room 880. See if Sarah wants to come round too, seems like we both have things to talk about."

"Give me an hour and I'll be round. I will message Sarah now too."

My best friends soon descend on me, both clutching bottles of wine.

"What the hell happened to your hand?" Caroline gasps in shock.

"All in good time, I promise." I respond with a sad smile.

I locate some glasses and busy myself with opening a bottle, while they make themselves comfortable.

I pass both of them a glass, before returning to sit down with my own.

"So, what's happened with Jer?" I ask wanting to be distracted from my own problems for a little while.

She smiles tightly at me, letting me know that she is aware that I'm avoiding talking about my news first. Thankfully, she discreetly nods and takes a deep breath.

"We had a huge fight." She sighs like she is defeated. "He said he's not sure if he can come home from the dig this weekend. I completely lost my shit." She buries her head in her hands.

I kneel in front of her and pull her into my embrace. Caroline sobs so violently, I can almost feel the pain radiating from her.

"It's going to be OK." I say as I comfort her.

"No, it's not. He's refusing to even acknowledge that there is a problem. He just keeps saying that nature will take its course. So I told him that he's burying his head in the sand, it's been a fucking year! He said some shit about how it will happen at some point, and that I just need to be patient. We both said some things we didn't mean, but I ended the call by saying that if I'm willing to go for more tests then he should man up and come to the doctors with me."

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