Chapter 14

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Dialing Daniel's number, I feel my stomach sink further with each ring tone that I hear.

"Come on, baby." I whisper into the phone, willing him to answer. The guilt I already feel in anticipation of telling him about Saturday sits heavy on my heart because I know I'm the one to break our promise.

Typically, he doesn't answer. So I decide to send him a text to save me the stress of keep trying to call him.

Hey. Sorry I missed your call, I had an unexpected meeting. Have tried calling, but I guess you're filming now. FaceTime me later, whenever you get a break. Doesn't matter what time. Love you. L xxx

My insides are tied up in knots as I sit at my desk trying to analyse how I feel.

Suddenly, my work phone begins to ring, startling me back to reality.

"Hello, Lizzie Cooper." I answer professionally.

There is silence on the other end of the phone. I wait a few seconds in case there is a delay.


I can then hear faint, but erratic breathing. What the hell is going on?

"Hello? Can I help you?" My voice comes out a little higher than I had intended.

I hate that I'm so unnerved just by the sound of someone breathing. The hand that I'm holding the phone with begins to feel clammy against the plastic. I balance the phone between my shoulder and cheek so I can wipe the moisture from my hand.

I listen carefully, and the breathing on the other end becomes slightly more laboured. Abruptly the line is cut off, making me jump, and all I can hear is the steady tone to signal that the call is dead.

Realising that my breathing has also become irregular, I swiftly replace the handset. I continue to stare at the phone like it is a grenade which is about to explode. The same feeling of unease threatens to well up inside me, but I force it back down.

"Chill out, it was just a wrong number." I mutter before I make myself start work again.

Although I convince myself that it was just a wrong number, I divert the rest of my calls to my secretary, Louise.

I have lots to get through, so I return home later than I planned. The tube is full, like always. However, the wrong number has rattled me more than I would like to admit. Usually, I would sit on the tube, and become absorbed in whatever book I was reading. But, although I hold my book in front of me out of habit, I remain on full alert.

My eyes continually dart around to see if anyone seems suspicious. I have no idea what I'm looking for, but I have an overwhelming sensation that someone is watching me.

After probably the fiftieth time of glancing around the carriage, I see a blonde woman of about my age looking back at me. She smiles slightly, but carries a concerned look on her face when we make eye contact. I'm then suddenly aware that the way I'm behaving must make me look like a paranoid lunatic. I return her smile, and then force myself to read my book.

Once I'm home, I push my front door shut before putting the deadbolt across it. I turn off my flat's alarm, and then make my way into the kitchen. I kick off my shoes as I go.

Exhaustion threatens to overwhelm me, so before it does, I quickly make myself a sandwich. Then I poor myself a well deserved glass of wine.

When I sit in front of the TV I notice that some of the cushions on the sofa are not how I remembered leaving them this morning.

"You really are losing your mind." I scold myself before putting them back the way I remembered them being placed.

I must fall asleep in front of the TV because I'm woken by the ringtone of my phone. I glance at the time, and see that it is well after midnight.

Letting in Light ✔️ [Completed] [Book two]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora