Chapter 15

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"What's that noise in the background? Are you running right now?" Sarah groans dramatically.

"I've already been out for my run... but now... I'm packing." I quickly throw some jumpers and jeans into my little suitcase.

"What!" She squeals so loudly, I have to pull the phone away from my ear. "So, does that mean you've cancelled the meeting with Mr. Tall, Dark and Take Me Now?"

"You're such a child." I scold her, but have to stifle a giggle. "No, I haven't cancelled the meeting with Mr. Banner."

"When are you going over then? I thought you still hadn't spoken?" The confusion is evident in her tone.

"We haven't. I'm just going to go straight to the airport after the meeting. I know he's filming tomorrow morning, but I figure we should hopefully have a few hours together."

"Does he know you're going?"

"Nope, I'm going to surprise him. Show him that although I have a career too, we can make it work." I'm not sure who I'm really trying to convince.

"You're so fucking romantic I feel sick." She makes a gagging noise, before laughing. "Seriously though, I hope you work it all out. I'm sure he will be putty in your hands as soon as he sees your gorgeous face. Anyway, you threw me with saying you were packing. I was actually calling to see if anything else weird has happened?"

"No, nothing. Honestly Sarah, at that moment... I was sure someone had been in here." I sigh loudly. "I feel like I'm losing my mind."

"Trust your instincts, Lizzie. I'm guessing Daniel doesn't know what happened if you're not talking?"

"No, and I'm not going to tell him. There isn't anything to tell. I know I will sound unhinged because nothing actually happened other than one prank call."

"You're probably right for now. It'll only make him ultra protective, and he can't just come home when he feels like it when he's filming. But, promise me you will tell him if anything else strange happens?" 

"I promise. I'm sorry Hun, but I really got to go. I'm meeting Harrison at one of his hotels at 11am."

"OK. Text me later!"

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you."

I set the knife back in the stand again before I leave. I feel too embarrassed to tell Sarah that I had to go and get it back out of the block the other night. Sleeping with it on my bedside table makes me feel more in control. The sound of the metal sliding back into the holder brings back unwanted memories of me doing the exact same thing everyday after I left Ed.

I take some deep breaths with my hands pressed firmly against the kitchen worktop. My knuckles quickly turn white. When I notice how tense I am, I shake the past from my head, and fetch my case from the bedroom.

I can't help but look round my living room one last time, so I can commit every detail to memory. I know I'm being ridiculous, but deep down I want to make sure I remember everything... just in case anything is moved again.

I press the red button to set the alarm to my flat. The countdown beeps as I close the front door. I check its locked when I hear the high-pitched tone signal that the alarm is set. Then I walk to the tube station with my earphones in like normal, but I listen to complete silence.

Soon, Harrison's exclusive five star hotel towers over me. The architecture of the red brick building is breathtaking. It's a hotel I've admired long before I moved to London; but for some reason, I have never been in.

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