Chapter 56

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The heat from my cup of tea warms my hands as I hold it with both hands. I blow across the steam, sending softs flurries of white dancing away from me until they fade to nothing. The early morning sunlight washes into the huge kitchen signalling the start of a new day. As I sit, I cannot shake the devilish grin from my lips as I wait patiently for either Sarah or Ben to enter the kitchen.

Toast pops up noisily from the toaster. Daniel stands up and begins to spread butter on each slice before popping in more bread. He grabs the jam and places the toast down in the centre of the table. Both Caroline and Jeremy reach for a piece.

"Thanks," they both say in unison.

I filled them both in on the gossip the second they stepped into the kitchen this morning as I couldn't hold it in any longer. I've spent most of the night wide awake as Daniel tried to come up with the best strategy with Chris over in L.A to approach Charlie's shitstorm. However, my thoughts weren't consumed by Charlie's betrayal, but of Sarah's new found happiness. Their blossoming relationship is a very welcome distraction this morning.

"I knew there was something going on." Jeremy comments confidently with a mouthful of toast.

"You liar!" Caroline chuckles. "You thought she was sleeping with that bartender from Daley's!"

"I thought there was a lot of flirting, but had no idea it was physical." Daniel smiles for the first time this morning.

I choke on my tea and let out a snort. "Oh, it's physical alright! I have the bruise to prove it." I roll up the sleeve of my t.shirt again to show the deep bruise on my shoulder where I walked straight into the doorframe trying to make my sharp escape. "I could not get out of there fast enough."

The kitchen door slowly opens with a squeak, making all of our heads spin in the direction to see who is entering the room. Sarah appears with a huge smile on her face which spreads from ear to ear.

"Good morning." Sarah says cheerfully and practically skips over to the table we are all sitting around. She pours herself a cup of tea from the pot before she realises we are all staring at her. Realisation dawns on her face and she playfully shoves my arm. "Lizzie, you cannot hold your own water!" She scolds me but keeps the smile on her face as she sits down.

"Sorry, but I needed to tell someone after the shock I had!" I place my hand across my heart for dramatic effect.

Sarah spits out some tea before bellowing with laughter. "You did get an eyeful didn't you?"

"An eyeful? I feel like I need to bleach my iris's." I chastise her.

"You well interrupted our flow. Took me ages to convince him to go again!" Sarah cackles.

"Aarrgghh! Too much information!" Jeremy says before sticking his fingers in his ears.

This only makes Sarah worse as she leans over towards Jeremy, pulling his finger from his ear. "He likes it rough." She says and watches Jeremy pretend to gag.

We all burst out laughing as the door opens again. Then silence immediately falls across the kitchen. Ben takes a deep breath and enters the room.

"Morning, Ben. Sleep well?" Daniel asks innocently while he pours Ben a cup of tea.

Ben's cheeks redden, and I feel a little sorry for him with everyone's eyes fully on him. "Erm, yes thank you."

"Best sleep of your life, wasn't it Ben?" Sarah says childishly as she wiggles her eyebrows.

Ben literally looks dumbfounded, and with a soft giggle I know he doesn't deserve the ridicule he is facing. "Don't answer that!" I say to Ben before I nudge Sarah. "Stop it!"

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