Chapter 30

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The clock on the bedside table reads 03.57 as I sit in the enormous bed with my phone in my hand. Daniel's gentle snoring makes me feel like I want to reach over and kiss his perfect lips, but then another part of me wants to smother him for being able to sleep so soundly at a time like this.

"£17 for same day delivery." I mutter quietly in disgust as I order myself some new clothes. "Daylight robbery."

I'm sure I can hear my credit card weeping at the amount of money I've spent in the last hour. Give yourself a break, I remind myself as an image of my mutilated wardrobe bursts into my mind. 

I see Daniel's phone light up on the table for the third time in the last fifteen minutes. I reach out to wake him, but then sharply pull my hand back. Whoever it is can wait, he needs to get some rest.

Daniel lets out a quiet sigh before turning onto his side. He looks completely at peace for the first time in weeks. The usual worry lines he wears across his forehead and at the sides of his eyes are now smooth. A small voice whispers in the depths of my mind. Is this worth it? Before the question has even finished being asked it is obliterated. He is worth any price that I have to pay to be with him.

I replay the footage of my stalker entering my flat while I slept. It feels so alien to think that I have a god damn stalker, but yet here I am!

A fresh wave of nausea rises up in my throat just thinking about what they have done in my flat without me knowing.

How many times have they been into my flat or followed me home? I'm sure Rhys will have the answers all too soon.

They knew my code... they knew my code even though I changed it regularly! Do I know them? Would I recognise them in the street?

I can't shake the feeling that the mystery figure is a woman... cutting my clothes seems like a female thing to do. But, then it could be a man trying to make me second guess him.

I try to straighten my jumbled thoughts and concentrate my mind's eye on the figure from the footage. But the more I try to focus, the more blurred they become. My head is a complete mess. Shit, I can't deal with this for much longer! I feel a lone tear cascade down my cheek. I wipe it away, disgusted with myself that I'm not stronger.

My trail of thought abruptly ends when I see Daniel's phone light up again and hear the vibration against the wood. I quietly remove the covers from my legs, and tip toe over to the table.

Daniel has two missed calls from Adam with voicemails, and a new text message from him.

Where the fuck are you?

Oh shit, is he meant to be back in Ireland now?

"Daniel... Daniel." I repeat as I walk back over to the bed. He shoots up with pure terror in his eyes. "It's OK. Everything is OK." I say sitting down next to him as he grips his chest while letting out a huge breath in relief.

"What's happened?" He asks, his voice still groggy with sleep.

"You're getting calls and messages from Adam." I say diplomatically, and pass his phone over.

"What time is it?" He asks with a huge yawn which then makes me yawn in response. 


Daniel rubs his eyes before he focuses on the screen.

"Fuck." He mumbles.

"Are you meant to be back in Ireland?"

He ignores me completely, choosing instead to listen to his voicemails.

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