Chapter 11

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I reach across the bed, and I'm immediately aware that it is ice cold. I sit up, and am disorientated for a couple of seconds. How could I forget... It's Christmas!

My eyes glance round the newly decorated room, but memories of the past threaten to slice through the delicate wallpaper. The last time I slept in the guest bedroom was when I was married to Ed.

My body involuntarily shudders. A flashback of him standing over me, squeezing the sides of my jaw in his iron grip to make sure I was listening to him, as I sat on this bed starts to overwhelm me. The copper taste of blood fills my mouth, but when I swallow it disappears along with the sharpness of the memory.

"Fuck you, Ed." I mutter to myself while I forcefully push him to the back of my mind.

I notice there are Christmas pyjamas draped over the edge of the bed. I love my Mom's tradition of new pyjamas for Christmas morning.

I wonder if Mom has bought Daniel a pair.

Will he wear them if she has?

I recall Ed's horrified reaction, and his dramatic refusal to wear any tacky Christmas pyjamas. The whole day was awful, and it was the one and only Christmas we spent with my family in the six years we were married.

The heal of my hand connects with my forehead as I repeatedly thump myself, expelling him from my thoughts.

I get out of bed, and quickly put on the red reindeer pyjamas. A huge grin spreads across my face as I glance at myself in the mirror.

It is still early, but when I leave the bedroom, I see that my parents' bedroom door is wide open. The room is empty.

The murmur of conversation from the kitchen reaches me as I begin to walk down the first couple of steps. I sit down on the stairs so I can hear what is being said when I hear my Mom's melodic laughter.

"... oh, Daniel. How embarrassing." She says through her giggles. The sound makes me smile too.

"Exactly, so please don't ever think the life of an actor is glamorous!" I can hear the humour in his voice.

"These pancakes are fantastic." Dad says, clearly with his mouth full.

"It's the least I could do with you both welcoming me into your home. Shall I go wake her?"

"Let her sleep. She never used to sleep very well. I'm sure you know that. Lizzie used to have this awful dream over and over.... about him-" Mom abruptly stops talking.

"She's doesn't have it anymore, Julie. She assured me that she would tell me if she had it again. I promise you both, I'll take care of her." I can hear the sincerity in his voice.

"I know you will, son. Since meeting you, she's changed so much." Dad comments happily.

"For the better, I hope." Daniel chuckles, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh yes, of course. She's so much more confident in her own skin now." Mom quickly interjects.

"Before she wakes up, I just wanted to apologise for what happened a few months ago. I'll never hurt her again... I was just going through something... and I didn't deal with it very well." Daniel's voice sounds strained. Part of me wants to rush in to comfort him, but the rest of me knows he feels the need to explain himself to them.

"Enough said about that. Lizzie has told us what happened, and we saw you on that T.V show a couple of weeks ago. I know you love her, and you've already reassured me that she's your priority. I trust you with her heart, son." I hear some gentle slapping noises, which knowing my Dad is him patting Daniel's shoulder.

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