Chapter 8

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"That is it! I'm officially done for Christmas, baby." I declare proudly to my empty office, while doing a little dance in my chair.

I know I'm a little later than I intended and the office is practically deserted, but I wanted everything urgent off my desk. Now I can enjoy the next two weeks without worrying what I've forgotten to do.

I pick up my phone to message the girls.

Hey, sorry I'm late for lunch.  But I'm done now, so order me a hot chicken and cranberry wrap. I'll be there in half an hour. X

My phone vibrates as I put my out of office on, and switch off my pc.

Sarah: hurry the fuck up Lizzie, it's Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X

I grin as I quickly collect my bag and coat. I walk towards Helen's office, and see that she is the only other person left. I'm pleased to see that she is putting her coat on too.

"I'll see you later?" She asks about our Christmas party.

"Definitely. I'm meeting the girls for a late lunch now, I'll get changed and then I will be there."

"Will your hunk of a man be at the party?"

"No, he's meeting with a director. I thought I told you?"

"You did, but I was hoping he would have changed his mind."

"No such luck. He starts filming straight after New Years, so its all systems go." I'm surprised that I sound like I know what I'm talking about. Really, I have no idea why he needs to meet with Daniel the day before Christmas Eve when he will be with him for the next four months!


I walk into the bar and see my best friends huddled together, clearly in the midst of some juicy gossip. I raise my eyebrows at them as I take my seat.

"What's going on?" I ask suspiciously, picking up my glass of wine.

"Hey, Lizzie. We've both had messages from Charlie today wishing us a Merry Christmas. Just debating whether we should respond?"
Caroline asks and they both stare at me, clearly waiting for my answer.

"Of course you guys should respond. He's your friend too. I don't expect you two to fall out with him over what happened." I say with a shrug.

"We're also taking bets on whether he will turn up over Christmas. My money is saying that the shit-for-brains will probably thinks it's a good idea to turn up, Love Actually style, and declare his undying love for you... because that's what you do at Christmas!" Sarah laughs, and nudges me. I roll my eyes dramatically.

"I'm saying no way. His pride has been hurt, so he will be shagging the next model who looks his way, just to boost his enormous ego." Caroline nods to herself as she takes a big gulp of wine.

"He better not show up. Daniel and I are still on cloud nine and I want it to stay that way until he leaves the day after New Year. If he turns up, God knows what will happen." I shudder at the thought of anything ruining our little slice of heaven before everything has to change.

"Can you imagine if he did." Sarah claps her hands excitedly. "Will you ring me straight away if he shows up? I would love a ringside seat for that conversation. I'll even bring some popcorn!"

"Yeah, you could gladly have my seat." I say sarcastically.

"He's not going to show, I know it. Anyway, changing the subject. I've had the confirmation through for our Christmas gifts for each other. Our little break is booked for Daniel's first weekend away. Jeremy is back in South America on a dig, so I'm on my lonesome too."

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