Chapter 23

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Once I am alone again I feel like I'm drowning in all of this shit. I wrack my brains for anything unusual that happened before the phone call last week.

I can only think of the normal hustle and bustle on the tube at rush hour where all personal space goes out of the window, and the overfamiliarity of some people when you queue for your morning coffee. Luckily armed with both my earphones and a book, I'm able to avoid most human contact before I've had some caffeine.

Could this be someone I know, or is this just a stranger who is obsessed with Daniel?

I turn the page on my notepad roughly, and make yet another list to try and organise my thoughts. This time it's a list of people who could be doing this to me.


Of course he has to be top of the list, even though my gut says it's not him.


I cross his name out as soon as I write it. As far as I know he is in L.A so it couldn't possibly be him.


Again, I cross it out. She's around six months pregnant, so I don't think creeping around after me would be high on her list of priorities.

Jenny Harle

Marcia Crawford

Harrison Banner

I cross Harrison out. He's in Mexico, and I don't think stalking is his style.


Even writing his name makes me shudder like an allergic reaction.

Kimberly Summers

I jab the pen against the page, and then begin to doodle as I continue to think if there is anyone else.

There are always the same handful of faces at airports and familiar places who are there to see Daniel. But, they always seem so genuinely happy to see him.

One final name springs to mind.


I feel guilty even adding him to this list. He's married with kids, I remind myself before crossing out his name.

I rest my elbows on either side of the notepad, and massage my temples to ease the pounding in my skull.

Keep it together! Do not lose your shit!

I pick up my phone, and call my alarm company.

"Hello, Secure Alarms. Fay speaking, how can I help?"

"Hi, my name is Lizzie Cooper. I currently have an alarm fitted in my flat, which is operated by you. I'm looking to upgrade the security, and I was wondering whether you could help?"

"Lizzie, hi. Your address is still Roebuck Court, right?" She asks politely.

"Erm, yes it is. Do I know you?" Suddenly, I feel uneasy.

"I came to your home a few months ago to fit your alarm."

"Of course. How are you?" I lie a little awkwardly. I cannot recall who came out to fit the alarm because it was installed when I moved after Ed attacked me, so my mind was a little preoccupied.

"I'm well thank you." She responds a little abruptly. "So, you said you are looking to upgrade the security in your home?"

"Yes, exactly that."

"OK. How about I come out to see you, and I can talk you through the options that we have available?"

"That would be wonderful." I feel relief flood through my veins that someone is in a position to help.

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