Chapter 12

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The best part of Christmas Day is sitting in front of the T.V straight after finishing the biggest meal I will probably eat all year. I'm forced to slouch down on the sofa because it literally hurts to sit up straight, I'm that full up.

I'm snuggled against Daniel's chest. I glance up at him when I feel the pattern of his breathing change, and see from his heavily laden eyes that he is about to slip into a food coma.

My Dad passes Mom and me a Baileys coffee before he takes his seat in his usual chair. He chuckles and nods towards Daniel, who now has his mouth gaping open, and is snoring softly.

"You excelled yourself this year, darling. I don't think the boy knows what hit him." My parents grin at each other.

"He's been on a no carb diet because of this movie he's about to start, so he may not wake up for a week." I laugh, and sit up to drink my coffee.

We watch It's a Wonderful Life, and I sob at the end. "Every time." I mumble, and wipe away the torrent of tears when the town pull together to raise the money for George Bailey.

I look round once the movie is over, and see that everyone else is fast asleep. I make my way into the kitchen, and am immediately struck by the mountain of washing up. I roll up my sleeves, take a deep breath and head into battle to clean up the mess from dinner. I load the dishwasher, and then hand wash the rest.

I jump out of my skin when I feel arms around my waist.

"Hey, beautiful." He whispers softly, and then trails gentle kisses against my neck.

"Hey. Good sleep?" I relax into his arms.

"The best. Your Mom's cooking is amazing. Shall I dry?" He gestures towards the tea towel, and I nod. We then continue to clean and dry everything that is left.

Once it is all done, Daniel spins the tea towel like a tornado. He then whips it against my backside.

I let out a surprised squeal. I immediately reach, and grab a mountain of bubbles out of the sink. Then I turn to face him.

"No, Lizzie. Let's not get carried away." He holds his hands up in front of him, ready to  try to stop me.

"What's the matter, Hollywood? Scared of a few bubbles?" I tease before racing after him.

He moves around the kitchen table, but I quickly dart the other way. I'm able to reach up and rub my soaking wet hands all over his face, leaving a mass of white bubbles behind. We both howl with laughter. I watch the bubbles drip off the end of his nose, and his chin onto the floor.

"Give me a kiss." He looks at me devilishly, and grabs me by the waist. I try to wriggle out of his grip. But he is able to hold me still with ease. He kisses me, but then rubs his face all over mine until I'm as wet as him.

I look up into his eyes, and watch as the azure blue darkens with lust. I know that the time for games is over. I grip the back of his head so that I can pull his lips to mine.

His tongue parts my lips slowly, and I feel a surge of electricity pulse through my body. As usual, all of my senses respond to him, and I meet his passion with equal fever. Daniel pushes me back against the kitchen worktop. He lets out a moan as my hand wanders up beneath his jumper. My fingertips trace each muscle, and I feel his body retract and quiver in response.

The moment is shattered when I hear my Mom clear her throat as she enters the kitchen. I feel the blush rise on my cheeks like I am a horny teenager who has been caught in the act. We step away from each other quickly, but there is a smirk on his face.

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