Chapter 18

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"Are the drugs kicking in yet?" Daniel asks me with raised eyebrows as he helps me into the car.

I sit heavily, feeling like I'm underwater as I allow him to put the seatbelt around me. I nod. When I concentrate, I realise the throbbing pain has gone which makes me grin. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" I reach out with my good hand, and repeatedly stroke his face.

Daniel kisses my head, and lets out a soft laugh. "Sure looks like they've given you the good stuff." He then closes my door while I nuzzle into the seat. 

"Yep!" I pop the 'p'. "I feel... pretty good considering I've broken two metap... metac... hmmm... you know what I mean." I slur with a smile. "Whatever they've given me makes me feel goooood." I laugh.

"You've broken two metacarpal bones in your hand, and had twelve stitches. It's not funny, Lizzie." His face is stern, but because I can see two of him staring back at me, it makes me giggle even more.

"Oh come on, Hollywood... lighten up. You're so serious since you've gone back to work!" I hear my own voice, and know I sound like I'm drunk.

"Lighten up? About what exactly? The fact that someone is fucking with my girlfriend's head? The fact that we're having to live separate lives, so I'm not there to protect you? Or, the fact that you're so fucking scared that you have bashed your hand off a bed post so hard you have broken two bones!" He sighs loudly. "I could go on, but I just haven't got the energy. So, you tell me... which one do I need to lighten up about first?"

I try to answer him, but my mouth isn't connected to my brain. As we begin to travel in the darkness, I'm pulled into unconsciousness. I want to tell him I'm sorry, and that everything will be OK. But, my body betrays me and I slip away. Damn drugs!

"Lizzie? Lizzie? We're back, baby." He shakes me gently.

I open my eyes slowly, and see that my door is already open.

"I would have carried you, but I didn't want to hurt you." He gestures towards the cast which covers from my fingers to halfway up my forearm, and the sling around my neck.

Luckily, everything is still numb, but I feel more with it. "Did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, but you obviously needed the rest. Can you walk?" He crouches down next to the car before running his hands through his messy hair.

"Yeah, I think so." I turn, and slowly get out of the car with Daniel's help.

He puts his arms around me, and holds onto my waist to support me. I do the same around his hip, but rest my head against his chest.

Once we are in Daniel's room, I head into the bathroom straight away. I uncoordinatedly wash my face, and brush my teeth with one hand. I quickly realise by the mess I've made that it's a lot more difficult than it looks.

When I return to the bedroom, Daniel is sitting back in the chair he was sat in nearly four hours ago.

"How are you feeling?" He looks so desperately sad as he speaks, it makes my heart ache.

"Never better, everything is completely numb." I smile genuinely, knowing that this is probably the best I'm going to feel for the next few days.

I walk over and without a word, I slide onto his lap. He pulls me fully onto him, so that I'm curled up against him. I can hear his steady, dependable heartbeat which soothes me. We hold onto each other as we sit in silence for a few minutes.

"What time do you start filming?" I ask, not really wanting to know the answer.

Daniel looks at his watch. "In about two hours." He pinches the bridge of his nose, and squeezes his eyes closed for a few seconds.

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