Chapter 37

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"I said I'm sorry!" Daniel shouts in frustration. "I didn't think." He continues a little softer. His whole body then seems to deflate as he sinks into the sofa.

I sit quietly next to Daniel, concerned about the scene unfolding before me.

Ben continues to pace the room with Daniel watching his every move. "I understand, Daniel... I really do. But, what happened on that show is probably the equivalent of baiting a bull." Ben straightens his suit jacket for the fifth time in the space of two minutes when the door to the suite knocks loudly. Ben turns on his heels to answer it.

I take the private moment to grip Daniel's hand in mine. I smile as reassuringly as I can muster, hoping he can't feel the slight tremble in my fingers.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers, pressing his forehead against mine.

"Don't ever be sorry for telling me you love me! It's just a car." I whisper back.

"Daniel, Lizzie." Rhys greets us loudly as he enters the suite.

Daniel stands to shake Rhys's hand firmly. "Have you found Lizzie's Mini?" Daniel asks immediately.

Rhys gestures for Daniel to retake his seat next to me, before sitting opposite us. Daniel rests his hand on my knee giving it a gentle squeeze. I then place my hand over the top of his and intertwine our fingers.

Rhys nods slowly with his thin lips set in a firm line. "Yeah, the police found it about an hour ago. Detective Phillips said that forensics are working on it now. He will be here shortly."

My beloved car! I scream internally while trying to keep my face neutral and remind myself that it is just a car... just a thing. But I love that car!

Rhys pulls out his phone and holds it out for me to take. "I'm sorry to show you, but you need to see this."

I reluctantly take the phone and feel like I have to force my eyes to look at the screen. Daniel leans across to see the screen, letting out a loud gasp as his eyes focus.

"What the fuck?" He exclaims before leaning abruptly backwards. His hands run through his wayward hair before he begins to bite his thumbnail.

The photograph on Rhys's phone is of my beautiful Mini. However, it looks as though some sort of hammer has been violently taken to it. The windscreen is brutally shattered with at least seven punctures in the glass where the weapon has penetrated through. My eyes are then drawn to my bonnet. I wince as I read what is written, scratched deep into the paintwork.

Last Chance
Leave Him

I'm completely frozen in place. I just stare at the words which have been viciously carved into my car. My hand grips Rhys's phone so tightly my fingers begin to ache.

The wave of nausea threatens to rise up again as it did in the police station a little over a week ago. But this time, I close my eyes and slowly count to ten until the feeling passes. I'm done with feeling like this!

I'm suddenly aware that a conversation is taking place between Daniel, Rhys and Ben while I sit, trapped in my own head.

"... it's best if we don't attend the BAFTAs. I'll get Chris to make up some filming excuse-" Daniel speaks a little too calmly, so I'm aware by his tone that he is struggling to control his emotions.

"Don't you dare!" I shout making the three men turn to stare at me with their mouths ajar.

"I think it's sensible in the circumstances-" Rhys responds steadily looking from Daniel to me.

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