Chapter 4

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We lie there, perfectly still. Our fingers remain intertwined as we enjoy the sound of complete silence. I feel as though I could stay here, like this, forever.

Daniel rolls onto his side to face me, bringing me back to the present.

"So..." He says as he looks a little nervous. "Was this worth the wait?"

I contemplate teasing him by saying that I hate the cold, but I know my face will give away the truth of how I feel. "This is the most wonderful thing you could have done for me. The Northern Lights were on my bucket list, so I'm one happy girl right now. Thank you." I roll onto my side to mirror him.

"You're very welcome. I have to confess, this was on my bucket list too. I just thought it was something completely different for both of us to experience together." He beams at me, fully exposing his dimples and my insides melt a little. "I can't believe we are back together, that you're here with me. I really thought that no matter what I said, it was all going to be too late. But, you continue to surprise me. I'm so in love with you."

"I'm so in love with you too, Daniel. I need to say that what she did to you was worse than I had feared. She is just... awful... a wretched person. When I read your letter and then watched you tell the world how you had messed up, it made me realise that we are so similar. We both shut each other out when really we needed each other more than we could have ever imagined." I shake my head in disbelief at just how similar we are. "We can make this work. But, we just both need to be completely open with each other going forward."

"I agree. There will be no more secrets between us, ever again." He looks up at me, his piercing blue eyes boring into my soul.

"Do you want to talk about everything that happened?"

"Not yet. Please don't think I'm shutting you out or whatever, but I just want this weekend to be about us and our future. Not about Lucy, or Ed, or Charlie. No talk of when we were apart and no mention of the past. I know we will have to talk about it all properly, so we can move on, but just not now. I want this weekend to be about just us... me and you... here... now. " He leans over and gently strokes the side of my cheek with his thumb.

"I can live with that." I lean into his gentle touch.

I suddenly sit up, feeling panic rise in my chest.

"What's up?" He asks alarmed, and sits up too.

"Where is my suitcase? I need to see what is in there. What were you thinking letting Sarah pack for me?" I jump off the bed and stride back into the cabin. I see our suitcases have been placed just outside our bedroom door. I drop to my knees in front of it, type in the code for the lock and undo the zip. I can hear Daniel chuckling as he follows me to the cases.

"It was either I did it or Sarah did it for you. I would have asked Caroline, but she wasn't available. Don't panic..." Daniel stops talking and his eyes practically pop out of his head when I pull out a see-through red lace nightie that doesn't look like it would leave anything at all to the imagination. Following that, I pull out an array of different types of negligee, like a magician producing handkerchiefs from his wand. I cannot help but giggle. She must have spent a small fortune on all of this.

I see a handwritten note pinned to a black lace bra.

You can both thank me later

Love, Sarah x

I pass it over to Daniel who bursts out laughing. "I need to send that girl some flowers." He says in awe as he picks up the barely there matching thong. I snatch it back from him, but he grins devilishly at me.

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