Chapter 34

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I'm lost in thought about what Detective Phillips could possibly want to show me. I glance round our table after the most beautifully presented meal, but which I hardly tasted. I see that my friends are animatedly gossiping. I watch them, but can't hear what they are saying as though I am under water or separated from them by a pane of glass.

I should have just gone to the police station earlier, and dealt with whatever shitstorm I need to face next. Waiting to find out what is going on was a bad idea. But as I see my friends laughing at whatever story they're telling like they don't have a care in the world, I'm glad I'm able to give them just one night of no drama. Just like old times.

"Lizzie?" Sarah says as she nudges my arm gently.

"Sorry, I was in a world of my own." I explain with a false smile.

"We were just saying that Daniel is amazing for sorting this for us all. The waiter just said that the waiting list for a table on a Saturday evening is months apparently."  Caroline grins before sipping her champagne. I can see that her cheeks are rosey, which I know from experience means that she is more than a little merry.

"He sure is." I beam at them. "He's made today perfect." I mean every word. He has no idea about what Robin told me or that the police want to see me. Daniel just thinks that he has organised for me to have a lovely day with my friends, and I intend to keep it that way... until tomorrow at least.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again... you are one lucky sod!" Sarah slurs her words slightly before raising her glass in a mock toast to Daniel. She then turns to her left, and squints her eyes searching the room. "Benny boy!" She shouts and waves her free hand in the air, gesturing for him to come over.

Ben immediately approaches our table, but his steps show that he does so tentatively. I tried to insist that he should eat with us, but he politely refused. I'm not sure whether it was for professional reasons or to avoid sitting with three loud and intoxicated women. Probably the latter, I think.

"Sit with us!" Sarah declares while tapping the seat next to her.

"We've finished eating now, Ben. So please join us." I plead with him, feeling a little frustrated that he is always so formal.

He nods reluctantly and sits down, straightening his suit jacket.

Luckily the conversation flows freely, and Ben soon has us in hysterics about some of his more difficult clients... all anonymous of course!

The bill has already been settled by Daniel, and for once I choose not to argue.

When Caroline and Sarah pop to the toilet just before we leave, I can tell that Ben has something to say.

"Just spit it out, Ben." I comment, raising my eyebrows.

Ben looks a little apprehensive, but slowly nods his head. "You put me in a difficult position earlier when Detective Phillips called."

"I know I did." I answer honestly.

"I'm supposed to report everything to Dan, Lizzie... everything." He emphasises each word.

"I know you are. You can report it all to him tomorrow, I promise. Look, Daniel has made such an effort for me today. He wants to make sure I'm happy and comfortable with going to the awards with him, and so it's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I don't want to spoil it for him. He has planned the whole day for me. His messages have been so positive and upbeat for a change, instead of worrying about me. I don't want to ruin his day. But, tomorrow we can both bring him back to reality... OK?"

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