Chapter 41

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In the distance I can see that Daniel is slowly making his way back to me at the end of the ceremony. Several people I recognise from movies and TV stop to congratulate him. I take the opportunity to watch him from afar. A smile fills his handsome face as he politely thanks those who are gathered around him. I cannot help but chuckle to myself when the crowd separates a little and I am able to see how tightly he is clutching the BAFTA.

All the other guests around me begin to depart the auditorium in their designer clothes. Before I allow myself the chance to panic, I look down at my beautiful dress and take a deep breath. They are no better than you, I say to myself... keep the mask on!

I decide to wait where I am for Daniel as I have no idea where to go next. I glance to my right and notice that Rhys is watching Daniel intently. I know that Ben must also be nearby, so I glide my eyes across the back of the auditorium until I can see him. Ben nods discreetly to me, and I nod and smile in return.

"Hey, you." I hear behind me, making me spin round. Charlie stands before me, hands wedged deep in his pockets. He looks me square in the eyes, but his expression is so sad. "I didn't want you to find out like that." He offers as explanation.

"Charlie, it's your life. You don't owe me any explanation..." I wonder whether I should continue. I try to bite my tongue, but I can't do it! ".... but, I always believed that when you did settle down, it would be with someone as lovely as you are. Not someone..." who is a bitch, who is a home wrecker, who tried to ruin my life, who will do anything to get what she wants. "... like her." I curb my thoughts and choose to be diplomatic, this is Charlie's future wife after all! God, I need to tell Caroline and Sarah.

"I know it's fast." He says which makes me snort with surprised laughter.

"Now, that is an understatement! But you know what? As long as you're happy, that's all that matters." I glance over Charlie's head to see Daniel having his photograph taken with the rest of the cast of Aftermath. He looks up in my direction, mimes two minutes and hold up two of his fingers on his hand. I grin at him in response.

"I am happy." Charlie says abruptly, turning swiftly from Daniel back to me.

"Then, I'm happy for you." I smile at him, but his face remains sombre.

"Charlie!" Kimberly squawks from the end of the aisle. She then beckons Charlie with the snap of her bony fingers. She looks furious when her eyes meet mine.

Her actions make me forget where I am. The expression on my face is one of total shock and disgust at the way she thinks she can treat Charlie. But, just as I am about to comment on the bitch, I notice a photographer lift his camera to take a picture of us. I slide the mask back onto my face and smile politely towards Charlie. "You better go." I say softly before returning my full attention to Daniel.

Charlie must walk away from me while my eyes are fixed on Daniel. He bounds up the aisle towards me like an excitable puppy. Daniel waves the BAFTA in front of him while beaming at me. I giggle when he reaches me, and immediately engulfs me in an embrace. He spins me round so fast, my feet leave the floor.

"Congratulations." I laugh as he places me back down on he floor. I take the BAFTA from him and hold it up so I can see it properly. It's a lot heavier than I expected it to be.

"Thank you, baby. I meant what I said up there. This is for you!" Daniel lowers his head to kiss me. Still holding the BAFTA I wrap my arms around the back of his neck. "I love you so much." He whispers against my lips.

"I love you too. I'm so proud of you." I lean back so he can see my sincere expression. "So, what happens now?" I say, realising that I never thought to ask what happens after the ceremony.

Letting in Light ✔️ [Completed] [Book two]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα