Chapter 19

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The throbbing in my hand is almost too much to handle when I slowly open my eyes. Memories of the night before come crashing through my mind as I feel the roughness of the cast beneath my fingers.

"You idiot." I mumble when I sit up. My head begins to pound too, like it has its own personal brass band in there.

"Daniel?" I call out, but the room remains completely silent.

I pull the covers off me with my good hand, and swing my legs out of the bed, feeling the coolness of the wooden floor beneath me. "Daniel?" I shout again, but I quickly realise he's not here.

When I stand to make my way to the bathroom I see my phone placed upright on the bedside table. The hotel notepad is directly below with a note written in Daniel's rough scrawl.

Watch the video on your phone please. Love D x

I reach over, pick up my phone, and press play.

Daniel's face comes straight into focus, making me smile. From the slight echo of his voice, it's clear he's recorded the message in the bathroom.

"Good morning beautiful, or it could well be afternoon by now. I did keep you awake!" He lets out a low laugh, and I bite my lip at the memory of him.

I quickly look at the time on my phone. Surprisingly, it's already lunch time.

"I had to leave for filming, but I didn't want to wake you. I filled the kettle for you, so you don't have to lift it, and I've put a tea bag in the cup. Your painkillers are next to the kettle too. I have a feeling you're going to need them!" He shakes his head, and gives the camera a sad smile.

"I'm likely to be away all day, either in make up or filming. It's a battle scene today, so I don't think I'm going to get to see you before your flight..." He nibbles the inside of his gum, like he is unsure whether to say what's on his mind.

"If there is any chance you will stay another night, just text me and I'll make sure I'm back straight from filming. But, I know you, Ms. Cooper! You will be at work tomorrow." Daniel laughs humourlessly.

"There is a spa downstairs, please go and have some treatments, even if you decide to get your flight. I've already told reception to put anything you need on my room. I love you, baby. Hope the pain isn't too bad." I hear the door to our room knock quietly on the video.

"Coming." He opens the door and nods to someone on the other side of the door. "Oh, before I go... listen to sleeping beauty." He grins devilishly.

Daniel walks over to me, and I witness myself snoring rather loudly with my mouth attractively hanging open. The sight of myself makes me burst out laughing.

"I'm one lucky, lucky man." He chuckles sarcastically. But then I watch as he plants a gentle kiss on my temple. "Love you." Then the video ends.

I take my medication with a cup of tea, and sit in turmoil about what to do. I should go straight home, I'm too busy with work at the minute. But, then I look over at my laptop.

You could work from here?

"Fuck it." I say with a grin, and pick my phone up.

Hey, Hollywood. Your little video has convinced me, I'm going to stay tonight. I'll head back tomorrow. Cannot wait to see you later! Love, L xxx

I place my phone down, but then pick it up again. I type quickly.

Oh, and yes... you are a lucky, lucky man! Xxx

The painkillers start to work as I slob in front of the TV. The throbbing is muted a little as I wonder what Daniel is doing right now. This is all still so alien to me, I'm just a normal girl from a little village.

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