Chapter 5

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Bang, bang, bang.

I reluctantly open one eye in response to the sound, but hope I'm still dreaming. It is just too hard to open the other eye, so I roll over and pull the covers back over me.

Bang, bang, bang.

I let out a frustrated groan and sit up. For a couple of seconds, I am completely disorientated.

Where the hell am I? Who the hell am I?

I scratch my head and look over to see a sleeping Daniel next to me. Yesterday's events come flooding back to me and I smile at the sight of him. The stubble on his face creates a dark shadow across his razor sharp jaw. I reach across to gently stroke his face, almost as if I need to make sure that he is real.

Bang, bang, bang.

"Something better be on bloody fire." I mutter as I dramatically throw the covers off me. Typically, Daniel does not even stir. I wrap one of the thick white dressing gowns around me and make my way to the front door of the cabin. The coolness of the wooden floor makes me shiver involuntarily.

When I open the door I see a very bubbly Maria, carrying a tray of covered plates.

"Good morning Lizzie. Did you sleep well?" She sounds far too energetic for this time of the morning.

"Morning Maria. What time is it?" I move out of the way so that she can bring our breakfast into the dining area.

"It is eight o'clock. Is Mr Weston, I mean Daniel, awake yet? He requested that breakfast be promptly served at eight as your first activity is booked for nine." She places the covered dishes down on the table. I pull out a chair and sit down, while she remains standing. I use the back of my hand to stifle a yawn.

"No, but I will go and wake him in a minute..." I pause, realising that Maria must think that I know what the day has in store for me. Ha, I think to myself. I excitedly bang the table in front of me and Maria jumps at the noise. "Remind me please, which activity are we doing first?"

"First, you are going on a Husky safari."

I try not to looked shocked and nod. "Of course, I remember now."

"Like I have already said to Daniel, please make sure you are in place for 2pm. Do not be late. You do not want to miss the magic of Kaamos."

"What is Kaamos?" I ask with confusion. Maria excitedly takes the seat opposite me at the huge table.

"Kaamos is an enchanting time of day. It is also called the Polar Night. Everything will turn blue, from the sky to the snow." She grins at me and I am transfixed while I watch her reach upwards and arch her arms downwards intensely. "For a few minutes, there is no difference between the land and the sky. This is the only place on Earth you can experience it and it is truly a time for miraculous things to happen." She winks at me, before standing to leave. "Have a lovely day; your guide will be here at nine."

"Thank you, goodbye."

I hear the door close and I get up to boil the kettle. I feel a little overwhelmed that he has gone to so much effort for me within days of us getting back together. The realisation makes me feel as though my heart could expand through my chest.

Without thinking, I turn and run into the bedroom, where Daniel is still asleep. I launch myself onto the bed, right on top of him. "Wakey, wakey, rise and shine." I shout energetically. He groans in response and attempts to bat me away.

Daniel tries to turn over and it makes me lose my balance for a second. I sit back upright and then reach across the bed to pick up my pillow. I gently hit him over the head with it. He doesn't react at all, so I do it again. Finally, he opens his eyes and stares at me. His eyes are still heavy from sleep and he rubs at them roughly before focusing on me again. I can honestly say that despite the custom made suits and designer clothes; he has never looked more handsome to me than right now. I lean down and kiss him gently.

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