Chapter 61

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While I'm still on my knees next to a barely breathing Ben, the door into the kitchen is catapulted open. Fay stands before me dressed in the lemon summer dress that I wore yesterday. Her hair is cut exactly like mine, even down to the shade of the highlights. She smirks down at me like a cat who has finally caught a mouse. She meets my wild stare with an eerily calm and determined expression. I blink rapidly to try and hide my shock at her appearance.

I prepare myself to lunge at her when I see Ben's gun, which is aimed into the kitchen at who I can only presume is Daniel. I suppress the urge to rip her apart with my bare hands in case she has chance to fire the gun before I get to her. Bringing me back to the present, she finally speaks to Daniel. "Move an inch and I'll shoot your whore in the face." In a fluid motion she swings the direction of the gun from Daniel to me. "Stand up!" Fay demands.

I raise my hands in submission watching the satisfaction of the situation roll over her features. "Ben needs help." I speak evenly. "You can do what you want with me, but just let me help him."

"Lizzie?" Daniel screams. "Get out of here."

"Shut up, Daniel! Do you want me ruin her pretty little face by putting a bullet through it?" She glances towards Daniel with a cruel smirk. The psycho is clearly revelling in this. The hatred I feel threatens to engulf my better judgment, so as I meet her eyes I take a deep breath. I have to think about what is best for Ben and Daniel, rather than my revenge.

I stand up, still with my hands in front of me when I realise that if I want to help Ben and Daniel, I have to do what she wants... for now. "Let's just calm down and talk."

"I'm always calm, Lizzie." She speaks patronisingly. "Now, do as you're told... get in here." She flicks her head towards the kitchen, making the soft waves bounce around her neck.

My stomach rises when I have to step over Ben. I turn briefly to see it was his foot blocking the front door I had to squeeze through. Nudging his body with my sandals as I stretch over him, I want to see if he reacts at all. My heart sinks when his body does not even twitch. I try but fail to miss the puddle of blood as I have nowhere else to step. My sandal enters Ben's blood and I have to cover my mouth when I feel bile begin to burn my throat. Fay chuckles murderously at my sickened expression.

"Welcome to our little party." Fay steps back so I can enter the room. Once I am level with her, she rams the barrel of the gun into my kidney. I grit my teeth and draw in a sharp in take of breath through the burning pain. Despite how much it hurts, I will not give her the satisfaction of crying out in agony. "Move it along." She cackles.

It's then that I see him across the room. I feel as though my heart is crumbling in my chest. Daniel is sat on the sofa directly in front of the kitchen island wearing a light grey t.shirt and black jogging bottoms. His expression is one of total despair. He looks up at me with fear in his ocean blue eyes.

I rush to him, and he jumps up to embrace me. "You hurt?" He asks frantically. I shake my head to ease his concern as I wrap my arms around him tightly. I hold on as though my life depended on it. "I will get you out of here." He whispers with authority into my hair.

"Let go of him." Fay orders almost losing her composure. "Sit down, both of you. Opposite ends of the sofa." She gestures with the gun for us to sit at either end of the sofa so that we cannot touch each other. We do as we are told and sit down slowly, neither of us taking our eyes from Fay.

She stares at Daniel whimsically like I am not in the room, but the gun remains targeted at my chest. In the silence I wonder whether I have time to rush at her and grab the gun from her. But, even though she looks calm and collected, Fay is insane. I realise that I'm not scared of her hurting me, but I'm terrified of her hurting Daniel. She can do what she likes to me, but I have to make sure that Daniel makes it out of here alive.

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