Chapter 10

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"Please don't be nervous about meeting my parents. They will both love you, I know it." I reach across and rest my hand on his.

"Who said I'm nervous? I'm not nervous..." He looks over at me, and I can see the apprehension in his forced smile. "Honest, I'm totally chilled." He then immediately begins to nibble the side of his thumb nail. I bite my lip to suppress a smile when I recall all of the times I've been the one to be anxious.

Daniel follows my directions into my parents' street. "If you say so, babe... They live in the house at the end of the cul-de-sac, the one with the huge tree in the front garden." I smile at the familiar sight of my Dad's favourite cherry blossom tree. Although it's completely bare at this time of year, Dad has covered it in reams of twinkling Christmas lights, just like he has done for as long as I can remember.

"Wow, their house looks beautiful." Daniel comments with a whistle as he pulls onto the drive.

I can already see the curtains twitching in each of the houses on my parents' quiet, suburban street.

"Please remember what I said, my Mom can be a little overwhelming and her mouth tends to run ahead a bit-" Daniel stops me talking by pulling me into a gentle kiss.

"I know, you've told me countless times. I just hope they both like me." He takes a deep breath, and opens the car door.

God, I hope they do too, I think to myself. After everything that happened with Ed, I want them to see that I'm finally, truly happy.

Daniel opens my car door for me, and then walks back to open the boot. As I step out the car, I hear my parents' front door open.

"Lizzie, sweetheart." My Mom says a little too loudly. She thinks I haven't noticed, but I watch as she looks discreetly up the street. I see her smile grow a little wider once she's aware that the neighbours are watching behind their half-closed curtains. I roll my eyes, welcome to the Julie Cooper show.

I smile when Mom takes me in her arms. "Hey, Mom. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas. So, where is my future son-in-law then?" She asks innocently, looking round the car.

I choke on the air in my lungs, and soon begin to feel like I could cough up a lung.

"Hello Mrs. Cooper, I'm Daniel." He looks completely composed, despite what Mom has just said, and holds out his hand. I somehow manage to stop coughing, and look at them both through my stinging eyes.

"Please call me Julie. Oh, that's far too formal... welcome to the family son." She ignores his outstretched hand, and pulls him into a firm hug. I have to wonder whether she will ever let go.

Daniel stares at me wide eyed over her shoulder, clearly in complete shock. I mime "sorry" to him, and smirk at Mom's very public display.

She finally releases him, and steps back.

"Thank you inviting me to spend Christmas with you both. It's very kind of you... Julie." He picks up our travel bag to signal that we're ready to get inside out of the cold. However, Mom just stands there, gawping at him.

"Well, Daniel. I wasn't sure whether you would be as handsome in the flesh. You know, with all the airbrushing and what-not that goes on with you celebrities. But, I have to say... I'm pleasantly surprised."

My jaw hits the floor. Thankfully, Daniel just bellows with laughter. "Well, that is good to hear."

"Julie? Have the neighbours seen them arrive? Can they just come in now? It's below freezing out here." Dad steps out of the front door in his slippers with a sarcastic grin on his face.

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