Chapter 9

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The party is already in full swing by the time I arrive. Most people are huddled around the bar, ordering duplicates of their chosen drinks. The joys of a free bar, I think with a smirk, as I watch my colleagues indulge themselves.

I remain stood in the doorway of the room. I take the opportunity to study the opulent surroundings while no one has noticed my arrival. Helen's team has excelled themselves. The room is decorated in cream and gold, and it appears that no detail has been overlooked. Typical Helen. Elegant sashes hang from a huge chandelier in the middle of the dancefloor to meet the edges of the ceiling. Each one is dotted with golden fairy lights, making the dancefloor glow. The tables have colour coordinated Christmas decorations and Christmas gifts wrapped in golden wrapping paper with cream bows.

Every single person from the company seems to be here, along with some of our main clients. I immediately notice Harrison Banner, and I'm catapulted back to the meeting where we landed his campaign. I smile as I remember it was the day before I flew to L.A with Daniel. So far I've been able to avoid going out for drinks with him. But now some more serious decisions will need to be made about his company's advertising and marketing, which means we're going to be working much more closely together.

I pull my eyes away from him and feel as though someone is staring at me. I turn towards the bar and see Ashley, the Finance Director, smiling at me. I wave, and smile back. He gestures towards a glass of champagne, and I nod in return.

When I reach him, he hands the glass to me. He kisses my cheek, but stays against my cheek a little too long. I quickly pull away, and disguise my unease by taking a sip of champagne. I watch as his hazel eyes look me up and down, without any degree of subtlety.

"Wow Lizzie, you look stunning." He takes my hand and makes me spin around awkwardly.

My floor length red gown skims the floor as I turn. I'm suddenly grateful that it has a high neck, but I have to fight a shudder when he lets out a whistle as he realises it is backless.

"Thank you Ashley." I say with a tight smile, looking up at his smug face. His hair is, as usual, cut military style, and his tall but slight frame towers over me.

Thankfully, my secretary, Louise, and the receptionist, Becky, notice I'm feeling uncomfortable and come over to save me by dragging me onto the dancefloor.

The next couple of hours are spent either mingling with colleagues or dancing to the cheesy pop songs the DJ is playing.

I head back to the bar, and order a gin and tonic.

"Hello stranger." I hear close to my ear in the most manly, smooth voice you could ever imagine. It is the type of voice that makes some women spontaneously combust.

"Harrison Banner." I respond with a smirk. I turn to look at the man behind the sultry voice. His chocolate eyes glint with humour. The tuxedo he is wearing fits his toned body like a well-tailored second skin, and his deeply tanned face appears to be fresh from shaving. "Did you get all of the marketing ideas I sent through this afternoon?"

"Ha, yes thank you! I received them just as I was switching off my computer." He raises his eyebrows at me.

"You did say it was vital that you received everything before I broke up today." I try to keep the sarcasm out of my voice because Harrison's hotel chain is going to be our biggest client. But I've busted my arse all week to make sure the proposals were sent to him in the timescale he requested.

"I did and thank you. I'm alone on Christmas Day this year, so that will make some light reading for me." I hear his teasing tone, but I immediately feel sorry for him that he will be alone on Christmas Day, reading advertising proposals.

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