Chapter 25

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"I'm telling you..." Sarah cackles. "Andy was stark naked."

I snort with laughter.

"He thought his parents had gone to bed, but they were all playing a board game." She bangs her knee dramatically, while giggling uncontrollably. "He didn't see them until he had fetched the cream out of the fridge."

"Oh God! I bet he wanted the floor to swallow him up." Caroline laughs.

"Let's just say he wasn't standing to attention when he returned." Sarah holds up her forefinger and slowly folds it down into her fist, making Caroline almost spit out her wine.

"And his nan was there too?" I ask through my tears of laughter.

"Yeah. She's a little firecracker. Made some comment about how his grandad used to like involving cream. Andy said he wanted to die when he heard her say that!" Sarah is howling now, and I can hardly make out what she is saying, which makes it even funnier.

Knock, knock, knock.

The door bangs softly.

"He's here." I jump up, forgetting Sarah's story, and rush to the door. I peer quickly through the peephole just to make sure it's Daniel.

I immediately notice that he looks exhausted by the dark circles under his eyes. His hair is messy, and stubble covers his face. His headphones are still draped around his neck, and I cannot help but wonder what he has been listening to on his way back to me.

I pull the door open with a huge smile on my face. Before I have chance to say anything he steps over the threshold, and takes my face in his large hands. He kicks the door closed behind him as his lips slam into mine, while holding me firmly in place.

The force of his kiss forces me back against the wall to the side of me. Daniel's hands continue to grip the sides of my face as his tongue parts my lips. He presses me flat against the wall. I'm immediately absorbed by his passion, happily losing the ability to think about anything other than his touch.

He pulls me away from him briefly to intently study my face. He brushes the strands of hair away that have fallen across my forehead. I'm left trembling, and out of breath by the intensity of his actions. When he accepts that I'm unhurt, he kisses me again, but more gently this time.

We are both brought plummeting back to reality when Sarah loudly clears her throat. The sound makes Daniel jump, and step back.

"Shit! I'm sorry. I didn't realise anyone else was here." He says bashfully.

"Clearly!" Sarah laughs loudly.

I brush my hands through my hair to try and regain some composure. I can feel the blush rise on my cheeks when I look over at my friends.

"Hi Daniel." Caroline says with a smirk. "That was quite a show!"

"I aim to please." Daniel says with a shrug. He then looks back at me, and I can see the promise hidden in his azure blue gaze that the kiss was just the beginning of something special. My body temperature increases in response as though a fire has been lit beneath me.

Sarah pours Daniel a glass of wine, which he takes gratefully. "Cheers." He says before taking a huge gulp.

He then sits down, but pulls me onto his lap so that I'm sitting across him. I lean against his strong chest, and close my eyes for a second.

"So... anything happened in the last few hours? Well, other than you've got through three bottles of wine." He says lightheartedly glancing over at the empty bottles, but his expression darkens when he sees Caroline's concerned reaction to his question. "What's happened?" He sits up a straighter, allowing me to feel his muscles tense in apprehension.

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